11 – U1.2.2 The Standing Side Sway INSTRUCTION Lawrence Gold
This is not a complicated thing; it is a simple thing.
I've not said this before, this explicitly -- but here goes.
Whenever we experience some feature of existence dissolve, as happens from The Gold Key Release, Thor's Hammer, or The Middle Way Memory Matrix -- in fact, as with all TetraSeed Transformation procedures, we also feel a stress pattern in ourselves lose its hold. Something lets go and we posturally shift. We reshape, usually, with a sigh.
Let's look at each meaning of that paragraph.
"experience some feature of existence"
A feature of existence is anything attention can locate. An emotion is a feature of existence and so is an attitude, a thought, just as are these words in print, or a shoe, or your sense of self or your sense of me. Anything.
Those are examples of features of our existence.
When we say, dissolve, we mean lose its density, lose its location, lose track of its sense of existence.
That's the meaning of that first sentence. I knew it could be a mindful, so I unpacked it.
"The Gold Key Release"
"Thor's Hammer"
"The Middle Way Memory Matrix"
as with all TetraSeed Transformation procedures...
These are all names given to various arrangements, inventions, mental procedures made of the Four Fundamental "muscles" of Intelligence -- which are
the working parts of each TetraSeed Transformation procedure.
The "losing their hold on us" of stress patterns is the dissolving of any one or more of those Competencies of Intelligence in the moment -- not the "stopping" (which leaves it in place), but the dissolving -- the loss of density, location and hold. A stress pattern loses its grip -- we cease to create it compulsorily, lose the tendency, really.
How that happens is a matter of practicing those procedures and experiencing. All an explanation would leave you with would be concepts -- and we're talking about the dissolution of the influence of concepts. That's all the answer I can give to the uninitiated. I'm talking about an experience. See below, to get it.
To continue, as a stress pattern dissolves, there occurs a kind of relaxation someplace in the body (a somatic sensation) where we don't ordinarily relax -- and we're not ordinarily aware that we are ordinarily tense, that way. We become aware that we're holding tense, and in a breath, start the process of coming out of contraction, relaxing the tension, which causes us to shift shape in a certain way.
When the dissolution of a stress pattern occurs, we (as someone once described me, to myself) squirm. It's not just just a back-and-forth squirming; that would be a wriggle. It's more of a "progressively into a new shape" squirming, as if wriggling into tight jeans, only it's we wriggling out of a shape into a new shape, generally one to which we feel better fitted. It occurs spontaneously.
TetraSeed Transformation procedures: We reshape.
Then, if we go into some stress pattern, again, as with deeply entrenched, encrusted habit patterns, we bring more intelligence to it and more freedom of choice -- and it's much easier to dissolve than the first time.
I said it was simple -- and the experience is simple. Look at what words do.
A grievanceoccurs when we close off imagination (possibility) and fall back upon memory. A kind of memory cyst forms that traps some of our attention in a self-reinforcement loop; self-reinforcement is what is necessary to prevent the influence of new possibility (entering through imagination) to cause absorption of a memory cyst -- IF ya catch my drift. Probably not, without experience of what I've just described.
The trapped attention also traps some of our power of intention, so all four competencies (of all possible intelligences) are impaired -- those competencies being:
That set of four competencies is partially ensnared by every memory cyst. Memory cysts exact a cost upon human beings, making us less intelligent.
That's why grievances are not best swept under the rug, for long: they don't go away; they lurk under the effortfull veneer of social civility or shared cause and they sometimes make us do stupid things. Again and again.
The easiest way to "repent" without humiliation is to open memory cysts by recovering the open channel of imagination, of what may be possible. How to do that is a technical question best answered by practical instruction. 16 U2A1 Walking into the Floor INSTRUCTION 2017 8 18 02 Lawrence Gold 1 – Who is This Program For Lawrence Gold
A T T E N T I O N: P S Y C H O A C T I V E ______________________
-- horse training -- -- You're the horse. | You're the trainer. -- Finding Ourselves Out
You may have wondered at the TetraSeed MultiMatrix, shown at the top of the Facebook, Gold Key Release, group.
In this entry, I explain and show by example how to use the TetraSeed Multi-Matrix, turning it upon Eros, to transformative effect.
In doing the TetraSeed Integration Set-Up Procedure ( The Lenses and the Laser ), we prepare an Item-in-Lifefor Power Contemplation ( an Item-in-Life is anything that bothers us : it's an "item"). By means of The Lenses and the Laser, we prepare to put-and-take it through one or another TetraSeed Procedure, a number of which exist . . . . . from the TetraSeed Multi-Matrix you may select any one "element" from each vertical column. Look above, now. As examples:
ATTENDING, in column 1, left.
AGENCY, in column 2
CHANGING, in column 3
REMEMBERING, in column 4
Those are one possible set of four you may have chosen to use in the TetraSeed Set-up (The Lenses and the Lasers) procedure. You fit one element into each of the "faces" (or phases) and "points" (or focuses) of the Procedure, given at the end of this entry.
The Lenses and the Lasers
The "Lenses" are the two TetraSeeds -- one for subjectivity and the other for objectivity. "Lenses" gather things to a single point of focus.
The "Lasers" are the linking of those TetraSeeds at their corresponding places (signified by colors); that linking produces self-reinforcing, intense coherence. (A laser is highly coherent light.) They are linked, as shown, above ( by color ), and also by combination of each point with it's corresponding, complementary opposite face.
For example, in one case, we link Attending with Location ( same color ); and in the other case, we link Attending with the counterpart of Intending ( its special complement ): Existing (or any other element in the same column as Existing -- column 2). You may do the linking by means of the structured, Lenses and Lasers procedure, which follows.
Focussed and coherent.
Your "Item-in-Life", Whatever it Is
Your Item-in-Life may be anything that has caught your attention (you're caught about it) and can't move on without it, or even at all. It's all your "emotional-reaction buttons", and also your very sense of self -- and not just what you mean by, "I", but essentially the one who says and feels, "I", which commonly remains in the shadows, behind the scenes, only vaguely apparent.
You're caught because you don't have awakened balance among the elements in the different columns, and so don't have control. Some elements are latent and unconscious, or subconsciously but witlessly active, possibly at full blast, influencing you "from the dark". You're competence is impaired, or you may appear to others -- or yourself-- to be whack-o, but in any case you feel bound to experience life as being that way.
It may be that your being caught is "nature's" way of getting you to stay, there, until all of The Four are up to speed and integrated with each other -- a kind of "booting up" process within a larger-scope, longer-term boot-up process -- maturation, evolution, entelechy, development.
For the purposes of interest and convenience, we use, "eros", as an example, so you know how to apply The Lenses and the Laser to your Items-in-Life, in general.
We could just as well have substituted anything -- and in practice, you will substitute anything in place of "eros" -- anything that has caught your attention ( you've caught it, the way you "catch cold" and seem bound to experience it ). You can't bring yourself to move on without feeling that you'd be missing something. Eros: Incompletion seeking Completion.
Something very interesting happens when we bring The Four on-line, in life, for any Item-in-Life. I explain, in terms of Eros:
Eros is what keeps "Narcissus" (familiar in this special meaning to Adi Da students), the self-reflecting one involved with his "machine of self" -- the formation -- or process of formation -- of his own "separate" self, or somatically alive, "carried around/carrying on self", and all the subtle movements of mind, the perpetual sensing of life, and being moved by life, moving oneself in life. It is The Trance of Entrancement in Life, the Waking Dream. Absorption in the formation of self.
Eros can easily be recognized as a trap. Ask any man who has had a hurt about a woman -- any woman who has been hung up on a man -- two examples. Eros may even be assigned fault, for the way things turn out. Eros is two-faced, Eros got us into this, eros is to blame. So Eros takes the rap.
Eros, running the show from "out of the dark", keeps Narcissus involved with experience. In that sense, Eros is to blame.
However, Eros is but one element of Narcissus, of which there are four. And the problem with Eros is a problem of The Four.
As with everything in life, Narcissus is a TetraSeed -- and a prevailing one in humans, altogether. Narcissus is the "remembering/imagining of an owner of memories", Narcissus is the movement of attention into the spectrum of imagination|memory, and the concurrent resurrection of willful involvement (intention), in one way or another, with what is remembered/imagined. Narcissus is the state of readiness to respond, the "ego-identity", idling or active, the conditional self made of "point of view", or "ready standpoint" -- called, by Adi Da, "self-possession". Narcissus is a way of operating.
Narcissus is unevenly awake, not-so-well integrated, a version of some TetraSeed Self in a state of distortion and a certain state of development.
The Four: attention, memory, imagination, intention.
Narcissus must have all four going, to function as Narcissus.
If any one of the four loses its "influence", all four collapse and Narcissus loses form; what is "baseline" to all that -- the Self-Existing Field of Unknown, Unknown (Formless Consciousness) becomes our (no longer "our") resting place, or state, or default.
A similar thing happens when all four get balanced and integrated. The whole thing begins to lose form or definition (finiteness) and becomes, at once, undefined (it disappears or becomes, "virtual" -- "virtual" meaning "latently there, but locatable only by deliberate effort, otherwise, imperceptibly influential). This is the TetraSeed Set-Up Procedure -- otherwise known as The Lenses and The Laser.
The difference between the two pathways is that the Your-Life-Item remains available for the play of life -- your life, and because you have balanced and integrated ( "tuned" ) the TetraSeed elements
of Your-Life-Item (whatever it is your working on), by means of The Lenses and The Laser , when it does arise, it arises with all "cylinders firing" and well-tuned. The mind reflects that way of operating, even as the underlying TetraSeed structure undergoes its alchemy.
We apply The Lenses and The Laser to, "eros" -- eros being both "the good guy" and "the bad guy" -- or "the good buy" and "the bad buy".
Here's video instruction in The Set-Up (The Lenses and The Laser) Procedure. How to Stop Groin Pain and Related Symptoms of Psoas Muscle Dysfunction Lawrence Gold
This entry is about false accusation: the structure of false accusation, the feelings of false accusation, and a means to dissolve the sense of being implicated by false accusation.
False accusation consists of two aspects:
the sense of accusation
feelings of fear and bewilderment
It's not necessary for an accusation to have been made against oneself, to feel oneself the target of false accusation. One may feel the feelings without any accusation having been made. One may even rake through ones memories to identify some action deserving of accusation and guilt. There may be none.
The feelings of false accusation are of free-floating guilt -- the counterpart of free-floating anxiety. There is the sense that one may be guilty and worthy of the accusation, even if one has no idea how one might be at fault, just as one may be anxious without any idea of what one is anxious about. That sensation is the feeling of "being implicated". The feeling of "being implicated" without any way to identify how or why is free-floating guilt; it's a sense of vulnerability without recourse,.
In the case of a false accusation having been made, the knowledge that one is innocent of the accusation is insufficient to dispel the feelings that one is guilty or should be ashamed. One feels that one is somehow guilty -- if not of the accusation, then of something else deserving accusation.
In a sense, one is falsely self-accusing -- not in some active, deliberate sense, but automatically.
False accusation leads to or contains the sense of pre-ordained failure, to the sense of "integrity, undermined"; to disempowerment, to "not daring", to being daunted, to self-doubt.
If one is, oneself, a false accuser, perhaps to gain advantage over another, as in American politics, or in punishing political protest, as in a corrupt governmental power structure, the accuser must suppress conscience, perhaps coating it with some rationalized justification (a second layer of suppressed conscience). Thus, the false accuser would be justifiably accused, if accused of false accusation. To accuse a false accuser of false accusation causes the feelings of rationalized justification to surface; diversionary tactics may follow.
To dissolve false accusation, it's necessary to take on and dissolve both the sense of being accused and the feelings of fear and bewilderment.
A "quick and dirty" approach to false accusation is to do a Gold Key Release on the two aspects I have just identified. One does a Gold Key Release on "false accusation" and on "fear and bewilderment". That addresses both the subjective and the objective (representation) aspects of false accusation. One without the other is incomplete and may be ineffectual.
A better-prepared approach is to do a TetraSeed Set-Up procedure on each of the two aspects before doing Gold Key Releases.
One may do a most simple, "Driving in the Pegs" Set-Up, as described in the entry on The TetraSeed Set-Up procedure. That helps to anchor attention better on the two items, to set them up as better targets for Gold Key Releases.
Better than that is to do the "Lenses" steps on each of the two aspects. That helps to reveal the feelings of the underlying structures of each aspect.
Better than that is to do the "Lasers" steps on each of the two aspects. That reveals hidden relationships between the false accusation and the feelings triggered by it. One need not know of any specific accusation; the mere use of the term, "false accusation" in the procedure is sufficient. If one has done the "driving in the pegs", short version of The TetraSeed Set-Up, one may skip the steps of the "Driving in the Pegs" and do only the steps remaining.
Still better than that is to do the Dilemma Buster procedure at each of the "Lasers" steps. The Dilemma Buster can be found by using the term as a key-search term either within this blog or via a search engine. Use quotes: "Dilemma Buster".
Best of all would be to follow with a Middle-Way Memory Matrix ritual incorporating, "false accusation" and "fear and bewilderment".
One may do only the simplest preparations or any number of them, or all of them. Your experience will show you how they work and your natural impulse will determine how much you do.
Having deconstructed this rather influential element of ones sense of self and existence, ones sense of integrity, having been liberated from this toxic condition, has gaps left by the dissolved aspects. There may be many gaps.
So, there exists another step: reforging ones sense of integrity.
The Crystal Crown Procedure is useful, in this step. As an adjunct, to reinforce the integrity of the change, one may do a run-through of the somatic education exercise sequence called, The Five-Pointed Star.
If you have the interest and gumption for it, as I do, you may do the whole thing, by yourself.
If you feel you need support to take you through it, you may have a TetraSeed Transformation coach guide you through.
If you recognize the influential benefit of doing the procedures in a group (the "wind in the sails" provided by the somatic contagion of a group), you may do the procedures at a live-in-person TetraSeed Transformation workshop.
The psyche of Earthworld is full of self-defeating garbage and confusion, even in the most well-meaning of people. People undermine themselves and they undermine others, if only by transmitting their unhandled afflictions in common, daily communication.
Don't tolerate it. Do massive clean-up in yourself and liberate yourself, progressively, from the unhandled, unevolved inheritance of previous generations and the mood-contagion of commerce and the daily news. Empower yourself by dissolving the undermining force of false accusation, in yourself.
This is exercise #2 of a two-exercise set — not part of the program, Free Your Psoas. It works best, as a refresher, with preparation from doing that program.
Efforts to release psoas muscles without integrating control of those muscles with the rest of your movement and balancing actions leads to partial and temporary results.
The reason: Your whole way of moving has been used to the psoas muscles being tight. You’ve got involuntary movement habits. Those movement habits call the newly released psoas muscles back into the movement pattern the fits the rest of your movements.
So, it’s “helpful” to integrate your psoas movements with the rest of your movements. There’s a program for that, called Free Your Psoas: An Integrated Program for Freeing and Coordinating the Central Movers and Stabilizers of the Body.
There’s also an advanced, superior agility version for athletes at…. However, if you have clinical symptoms, you should do the basic program, first.
How to Release Your Psoas Muscles without Stretching, Exercise 2
Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care How to Free the Psoas Muscles without Stretching, part 2 Lawrence Gold
Entelechy is a Fancy Word for being drawn toward and going for the heart of our heart's desire.
Desire may be complicated by memory and imagination, leading to pursuit of desires that may not be all that well in line with our entelechy, our going for the heart of our heart's desire. The operative word, here, is "limitations" -- self-limitations and apparent circumstantial limitations. Another way of seeing it is, "how we define everything" (to ourselves, fundamentally). Limitations and the ways we define everything (to ourselves) modify or make us want to control our desires and what we may do, about them, or want to do about them, or feel we should want to do about them -- or not. They complicate how we go about aiming into our entelechy.
There is a drive, in all of us, to achieve or acquire some sense of an ideal outcome in every circumstance. We may not be particularly clear on the direction of our ideal outcome, complicated as we are by memory and perhaps inadequately informed by imagination -- but we have at least some sense of direction. Because of our complication by memory and anticipatory imagination, we may not be very direct about things, but roundabout, pursuing what we can remember to pursue or what seems available to pursue -- or what we imagine we might pursue (perhaps suggested by some memory). Ring a bell?
And so, in our overcomplication by memory*imagination, we are misguided by memory and imagination.
The problem is not memory, per se, nor imagination, per se, but the involuntary and unwitting, controlling influence they seem to have. Too much of one or too little of the other, or both, lead to poorly-modulated behaviors -- clumsiness, awkwardness, difficulty listening, unintelligent responsiveness, attention going off-point, poor timing, resistance to education or development, behaviors tending toward regression or excess, these are poorly modulated behaviors.
Entelechy operates best when free of all of that.
If we have access to memory
while having room for imagination
If we can intend to place attention somewhere
and intend to have it stay there,
If we can keep our attention in line with our intentions
we are available to locate our Entelechy increasingly directly.
That is the emergence of wisdom.
When attention and intention engage memory and imagination, rather than the "attention:intention" complex being unawakened (or off-line, unconsciously driven), ATTENDING*INTENDING draws upon IMAGINING*REMEMBERING for orienting reference points, memory-reference-points. (To draw upon imagining requires that what was imagined be captured as a memory.)
If IMAGINING*REMEMBERING is not made the subject/object of ATTENDING*INTENDING, ATTENDING*INTENDING remains diffused.
If ATTENDING*INTENDING remains diffused, a kind of unresponsiveness exists.
If INTENDING*ATTENDING activates, too much, on the other hand, another kind of unresponsiveness exists, a kind of fixity of attention in memory, an "internality".
One is the fixation of "diffusion"; the other is a fixation of "internal concentration".
Two kinds of fixation.
Of the two, "internal concentration" is more likely to result in repetitive behaviors. It's a "search" mechanism to get oriented -- orientation depending, of course, on memory. Memory depends upon deliberate and repeated imagination and/or upon sufficient intensity of an experience. The greater the intensity, the less the repetition is needed -- and that may be the booting up of primitive reflexes by developmental stages, the repetition of "learning life-experiences" or deliberate self-repetition by imagining or doing something repeatedly to remember it.
If there's a disconnect between INTENDING*ATTENDING and REMEMBERING*IMAGINING, actions do not properly form into accessible memories and so development or learning gets stuck. In the developmental process of individuation , the "booting up" of the operating system of a human being, INTENDING*ATTENDING and REMEMBERING*IMAGINING must coalesce into a sufficiently integrated unity to arrive at the coherence of a sense of self. When it doesn't, somebody appears looney.
Because awakening and gathering our faculties is an imperative of individual existence, because our Entelechy is the direction of our sense of our own awakening and gathering of our faculties, our imperative to emerge into existence, and because that emergence may be stuck, for a certain person, a process of self-stimulation may go on "auto-repeat" to get a transfer of experience from ATTENDING*INTENDING into IMAGINING*REMEMBERING. In this case, ATTENDING corresponds to SENSORY and INTENDING corresponds to MOVEMENT. Take a moment so feel how they go together:
REMEMBERING corresponds to MOVEMENT MEMORY (readiness for movement or "muscle memory") as IMAGINING corresponds to LEARNING MOVEMENT
Repetitive self-stimulation emerges from a primal depth, the imperative of Entelechy to awaken as an individual, to get integrity of:
That integrity awakens, develops, and so emerges as it comes into relation with the "not self" (the objective aspects of life), which has its own four-part integrity. Now, this is chewy, so I'm going to give you some AUDIO (forthcoming)but for now, imagine saying or thinking each of these these, to yourself (3x). Put yourself on auto-repeat, each unity (e.g., ACTIVITY*EXISTENCE) 3x:
That will have gotten you to the "ballpark". The feeling you get when these come to life in you (or won't quite come to life) is the strange attraction of Entelechy.
We've already written and read about Enchelechy. Now, it's time for Eros.
The experience of Eros is the experience of being strangely attracted in some direction.
Entelechy is the target, the thing we go for by means of the things we go for, subject to self-limitations and the apparent limitations of circumstances.
Entelechy is direction we "swing to hit the "ball" in The Ballpark of Life and the strange attraction we have to swing that way -- swinging as well as our memories and imagination allow us to locate the ball.
Question: Does that mean that when we locate our Entelechy, we have a ball? The Experience of Clinical Somatic Education and Somatic Education Exercises Lawrence Gold
This composite video shows many sets of photos before and after one session and a running soundtrack of a client who had just been through a six-day intensive to clear up long standing problems of pain and restricted movement. Ending the Pain | Before and After Clinical Somatic Education Lawrence Gold
Sacroiliitis (sacro-iliac joint dysfunction) CAN be cleared up without surgery, RFA (nerve ablation), drugs or (yes, get this:) manipulation.
A completely different approach (clinical somatic education, using the L.E.A.R.N. sequence of self-rehabilitation) uses the muscular system, itself, to cause the pelvis to reshape and the sacrum to center, taking pressure or strain off the S-I joints. Learn more at the page linked, above. Why I Enjoy My Work and Like the Program, Comforting Your S-I Joints Lawrence Gold
Don’t stretch your #sacroiliac_joints. Correct the position of your sacrum and extinguish the pain -- by correcting your muscles' movement memory; this goal involves movement training that rapidly becomes second-nature (rather than requiring you to monitor your movement and posture).
It’s an unusual approach — particularly because it works effectively and consistently.
This video explains the program, Comforting Your S-I Joints. Learn the origin, how the exercises work, and their track record.
full article:
Understanding the Sacro-Iliac Joints, Stopping the Pain and Weird Symptoms Self-Correcting and Overcoming S-I Joint Dysfunction | an offering Lawrence Gold