Facebook: Lawrence.Gold.Somatics | 505 819-0858
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Free Your Psoas | all most people need | http://somatics.com/page7-psoas.htm
505 819-0858 | Santa Fe, NM
Integrate the connection between the psoas muscles and the whole length of the body, from head to feet. It’s an addition to the basic program, Free Your Psoas — http://somatics.com/page7-psoas.htm.
For a preview of Free Your Psoas, you may visit http://somatics.com/psoas_muscle_pain_treatment.htm
READ: http://lawrencegoldsomatics.blogspot….
Efforts to release psoas muscles without integrating control of those muscles with the rest of your movement and balancing actions leads to partial and temporary results.
The reason: Your whole way of moving has been used to the psoas muscles being tight. You’ve got involuntary movement habits. Those movement habits call the newly released psoas muscles back into the movement pattern the fits the rest of your movements.
So, it’s “helpful” to integrate your psoas movements with the rest of your movements. There’s a program for that, called Free Your Psoas: An Integrated Program for Freeing and Coordinating the Central Movers and Stabilizers of the Body.
Preview it, here: http://somatics.com/psoas_muscle_pain…. You can get a free tryout of the program.
There’s also an advanced, superior agility version for athletes at http://somatics.com/page7-psoas_elite…. However, if you have clinical symptoms, you should do the basic program, first.
How to Release Your Psoas Muscles without Stretching, Exercise 2
Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care

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