Here, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev speaks of memory.
"Self" is the imagined/remembered "owner" of memory.
"Self" as "owner" IS a memory.
The Gold Key Release supports The Work by awakening, balancing, and integrating the four faculties of intelligence that underlie belief and observation:
(~~ color coding used, below ~~)
The Work works better with faculties awake and balanced.
Now you know where we're heading.
Eckhard Tolle's "Power of Now"
Eckhard Tolle's personal story is very similar to that of Byron Katie's: beset by long-term dread and self-loathing, he awoke one morning to find those self-afflictions gone, birds were chirping, and the world was wonderful. That freedom from his own mind was his realization of, "The Power of Now". He spent the next few years sitting on a park bench. True.
The Power of Now is effectively to be radically present to the content of experience, rather than to be absorbed in ones habitual ruminations, full of mental noise and nuttiness, confusing memory with the present. However, "Now" is not something to be known (in the usual sense of "knowing something"); it is not a mind-based experience or activity, but formless intuition of the formless nature of consciousness or Ground of Being -- consciousness-as-itself.
Memory-based habitual ruminations and the stresses they trigger (see, The Work) constitute what Eckhard calls, "the pain body", our confusion of memory with the present.
The way out is first to extricate attention from rumination (rehearsed memories) and pain -- to attend, simply and directly -- to the conditions prevailing now. But it goes further: dissolution of both the experience and the experiencer-of-experience in the native freedom of, Now. This dissolution cannot be accomplished directly, as an act of will, since such an act would be ego-based; paradoxically, it occurs spontaneously as an experience is recognized intuitively (not mentally or conceptually) in its four aspects.
Likeness with The Gold Key Release
The Gold Key Release implements The Power of Now. It dissolves the pain of resistance and the pain of unfulfilled insistence. It loosens the tortured grip of memory, the torment of crazed imaginings and corrects the misguided intentions that we may have inherited from parents and society, or created in life's woundings. Think, politics, relationships -- and formal education in the mental institutions we call, universities.
Dissolution begins by gathering all the forces of an experience so they may be regarded, together, as a single experience. That gathering occurs in the first half of The Gold Key Release.
The Gold Key Release brings memory and imagination before the gaze of attention. Instead of merely being absorbed, we size things up at the feeling level.
In the second half of The Gold Key Release, we dissolve the grip of memory, and so, at least momentarily, wake up from The World Dream. Upon dissolution of an item on which we're working, we are left with (non-sensory) intuition/apperception of formless, eternal Nowness. We are its very presence -- a fizzy field of no-thing that can now be recognized to underlie everything and to become and to be everything. You know, Brahman, the Ground of Being.
As we feel the grip of experience and of identity dissolve, we dissipate into our natural state of silent, imageless presence, Now, only. We awaken -- momentarily and progressively, cumulatively, so that two kinds of change occur:
- shorter-term state experiences
- a longer-term, progressive maturation of freedom
Adi Da's "Way of Understanding" (Relational Enquiry: "Avoiding Relationship")
Adi Da taught that every movement toward or away from experience -- even spiritual experience -- tends to be a form of seeking-in-dilemma, and that seeking-in-dilemma is a disturbance that prevents the very thing it seeks: consciousness free of disturbance -- even if it gets what it seeks.
He named two ways of looking at seeking in dilemma, two triads of activity:
- identification (chronic limitation)
- differentiation (chronic alternatives)
- desire (chronic activity)
These triads require some familiarity with his teaching and some contemplation to understand. (I said that I would be presenting these teachings in summary form, only.) I will comment more, shortly.
Adi Da taught a procedure for dissolving the binding qualities of these activities, which he named, Relational Enquiry (there's that word, again).
Relational Enquiry involves intentionally placing attention upon any sense of disturbance (or distraction of attention) and inquiring, "Avoiding Relationship?" The enquiry, when effective, brings about recognition and release of habitual and chronic, unremitting seeking-in-dilemma (i.e., stress).
The feeling of seeking-in-dilemma, itself, is mistaken as a sense of identity:
self-contraction as
The Way of Relational Enquiry and The Way of Recog
nition, two of Adi Da's original processes of awakening, are dissolution processes to serve the maturation of Satsang, the intuition of what always, and has always been, the case (free consciousness), but has been buried in the affliction of chronic egotism, mind, and desire ("Narcissus: the self-Involved One" of Greek myth.)
Relational Enquiry has an intended outcome -- "silent, imageless attention" and radical presence to the content of experience -- that sounds rather like The Power of Now, again.
Likeness with The Gold Key Release
The Gold Key Release supports and commonly accomplishes the intention of Relational Enquiry, which is release from the chronic forms of mind that motivate seeking, that are themselves distressed seeking, to enjoy the (formless) "Form of Reality", the natural state "below and behind" everyone and everything. It is an awakening, as if from a dream (even a waking dream) -- an awakening from both seeking and from the attempt to stop seeking. Game over, with regard to the particular form of seeking addressed by that occasion of The Gold Key Release.
The Gold Key Release "lays down a groove" of recognition and release, just as does Relational Enquiry, fostering the impulse of recognition and release as a natural inclination, moment to moment, in the direction of natural (or supernatural) freedom.
As to those two sets of three habitual activities of seeking, one may address them via The Gold Key Release, even without having an intellectual understanding of them.
The Sedona Method
The Sedona Method is another self-release process that pivots around the question, "Are you willing to let it go?" It involves intentionally placing attention on any sense of disturbance, experiencing it as fully as possible [intentional attention], and letting it go [intentional release].
Well, before you can let it go, willing or not, you have to be in touch with holding on to it [attention to intentional remembering and habitual imagining ]. Otherwise, willingness to let it go may become suppression -- not the intention of The Sedona Method.
Likeness with The Gold Key Release
It's easy to be "willing" to let something go when you discover that you're imagining it, to begin with -- but you may not be able to let it go if you just jump to the notion that you're imagining it and try to stop imagining. The Gold Key Release helps to prepare you; then, it's so easy that it happens before you know it -- in minutes or, for "crusty" items, some portion of an hour, generally.
The Avatar Course
The Avatar Course is a belief-management course that features procedures for extricating oneself from (discreating) conditions and for creating preferred conditions.
It's central procedure for extrication is a way of dissolving the grip of experience to make it more possible to create a new experience. It involves placing feeling-attention into a condition and an internal act of intention that prompts its dissolution (discreation).
Creation exercises exist, as do identity deconstruction and wisdom practices, which explicitly involve attention and intention, and implicitly, memory and imagination . I've seen Buddhist monks at an Avatar Course en masse.
Likeness with The Gold Key Release
The Gold Key Release accomplishes the purpose of The Creation Handling Procedure and it has a preparation step analogous in function to certain preparatory exercises for the Creation Handling Procedure.
Both procedures awaken recognition of how we are, in the moment, inadvertently creating, perpetuating, and enforcing the very thing we want to dissolve or change. It's the felt recognition, the discovery, of a state of subconscious effort -- not a mere intellectual proposition, analysis, "knowing about" or "correct official knowledge of what it must be" (diagnosis).
Other TetraSeed Transformation procedures, such as The Middle Way Memory Matrix Ritual and The Lightening Bolt, are "cousins" of various "rundowns" of The Avatar Course and can be adapted to accomplish the same kind of results as different sections of The Avatar Course. That's because they're built on the same substructure: the TetraSeed.
Ramana Maharshi's "Self Enquiry"
The central intention of Self Enquiry is to free "self" (consciousness) from particular conditionings that we commonly mistake to be self -- mind, emotions, thoughts, bodily conditions. "Self" is inherently unconditional, though appearing as a conditional individual living life. The unconditional self, Ramana referred to as, "I - I".
Self Enquiry involves the question, "Who am I?", intentionally applied in any moment of any distraction arising. Attention follows the question into and through the dissolution (of memory and imagination ) of the conditional self-sense into the formless Heart-self.
The conditional self that we are, in this moment, exists as a living and growing complex of memory chronically involved in imagining -- the remembering and imagining of ourself as a center of experiencing, a center to which all experience seems to happen (me). With recognition of the illusory nature of the "I-sense" as memory and the release of that "I-sense", the implications of remembered experience (predicament) fall away and one lands in a natural peace that blends perfectly into ordinary daily experience.
Likeness with The Gold Key Release
From the perspective of The Gold Key Release, "I" is the remembered/imagined owner of memory. The "owner" of memory (self) is imagined and remembered. By dissolving that remembered imagining, The Gold Key Release reveals the unconditional, but still living, existence of self as, "I - I" -- tacit freedom. Who knew?
All the conditionings of self -- memory, imagination, attention and intention -- are subject to dissolution by The Gold Key Release. Even The Gold Key Release can be dissolved by The Gold Key Release, just as the "stick" of will that stirs the "fire" of self-enquiry burns up as enquiry proceeds (Ramana's metaphor). The Gold Key Release can give greater traction to the practice of Self Enquiry and aid in the dissolution of "sticky", persistent or unrecognized patterns of self-identity, such as "the one doing the sadhana".
Werner Erhard's "The Truth Process" (est)
The central intention of The Truth Process is to free one from the grip of limiting beliefs: to develop direct observation of experience (including memory and imagination ) with sufficient clarity that the sense of "barrier" dissolves and freedom from limitation (sense of space) is restored, able to create something new. It's an expanded sense of possibility (to use a term that Werner used).
One saying from the est training is, "If you experience it, it's the truth; the same thing, believed, is a lie." Shades of Byron Katie.
Another saying is, "Experience is empty and meaningless" -- not to be confused with ennui or despair, which fill experience with misery (misery isn't emptiness); emptiness, in this sense, is the open space in which to create something new without anything in the way -- pre-existing beliefs being "something in the way".
In The Truth Process, one senses experience directly, rather than think, analyze, or judge, merely senses (observes) it, even its different facets -- an intentional act that one remembers to maintain until the expected [remembered* imagined *intended] result occurs.
The Truth Process is expected to result in dissolution of limiting experience, recovery of the sense of "space", and resurrection of the ability to create, where before we felt blocked. There is a nickname for process of dissolution in The Truth Process: "disappearing things".
The Truth Process was present in the original est training, but has been dropped from The Forum, the "post-Werner" form of the training. Just so you know.
Likeness with The Gold Key Release
The Gold Key Release may be seen as a cousin of The Truth Process. One may see the similarity in the early steps of The Gold Key Release. The Gold Key Release specifically uses the four powers of intelligence to dissolve what's in the way, and in my experience, the sense of space is "spacier".
Rather than requiring one to make effort in a new direction, The Gold Key Release spontaneously leads to new actions that create new results more in line with our intentions -- and one may also act deliberately to bring things about.
This teaching of ancient Toltec seers, referred to in that lineage as, "The Warrior's Way" describes sorcery as the art of manipulating perception for the sake of freedom, developed through a life of impeccable action in a path with heart. It addresses the awake state, dreaming, and what is beyond those three in this teaching, referred to as the First, Second and Third Attentions.
In this teaching
- Intent plays a key role, as does the link between sensory awareness, movement, and abstract intent.
- Self-importance and self-pity are recognized as debilitating behaviors that impair practice.
Its practices involve:
- "Dreaming" - the art of shifting the focus of attention out of habitual involvements into non-ordinary directions to expand the accessible range of possibility. It's an "entry port" on the continuum of imagining .
- "Stalking" - the art of fixating attention by means of intent, as in within or during Dreaming.
- "Recapitulation" - the act of freeing attention and intention from the grip of memory, through a process of exhaustive self-review of memory, to recapture and liberate our own energy from self-pity, self-importance, and habitual entanglements in life: freedom.
- "Tensegrity" - a movement practice that serves and integrates the preceding three practices
Likeness with the TetraSeed Transformation Procedures
One may adapt TetraSeed Transformation procedures to support and enhance Dreaming, Stalking, and Recapitulation practices. The four powers or aspects of intelligence --- ATTENTION, INTENTION, MEMORY and IMAGINATION -- are exactly in line with those practices. They also aid the reduction of self-importance and self-pity without the hazard of self-suppression in the name of, "practice of the Warrior's Way."
Ken Wilber's "Integral Life Practice"
The SuperHuman Operating System developed by Ken Wilber and others consists of a comprehensive approach to awakening, maturing, integrating and transcending different facets and stages of life in an evolutionary progression. Using a model or map of experience called the four-quadrant AQAL Matrix or Map, it provides a way to compose and navigate what is, in that context, called an Integral Life Practice.
That teaching describes four "drives" that underlie the development of intelligence along various lines (emotional, cognitive, spiritual, etc.) and abilities in all of the areas the operating system addresses (e.g., willpower). Those drives are:
- agency
- communion
- agape
- eros
Those four drives correspond to the four powers or aspects of intelligence of The TetraSeed:
- intention (agency)
- attention (communion)
- memory (agape, or enfoldment)
- imagination (eros, or the attraction to newness)
The Superhuman Operating System covers three major areas:
- Stages of Development (maturation -- awakening competencies involving our inner life and our outer life involvements, expanding from self-concerns to those of groups, the planet, and the kosmos)
- States of Consciousness (development of consciousness throughout the spectrum of being -- waking, dreaming, deep sleep, non-dual -- gross, subtle, causal, and beyond)
- Shadow (trauma and repressed self-programming)
Though the SuperHuman Operating System training provides recommendations and instruction in specific procedures that may be used in Integral Spiritual Practice, it's not a set of methods and practice. Rather, Integral Life Practice consists of a set of intentions of development that may be fulfilled by some different available methods and practices - or traditions and teaching streams.
So, one might artfully integrate any of the teaching streams described, here, to fulfill certain intentions of ones own integral life practice; some of the procedures taught in The SuperHuman Operating System course (such as The Microkosmic Orbit) appear in more than one of these teachings (Adi Da's "conductivity" practice, Tensegrity's "circular breath", and my "Tongue Mudra" version of that breath practice).
Likeness with The TetraSeed Transformation Procedures
TetraSeed Transformation Procedures (of which The Gold Key Release is one), when used artfully, can work for shadow integration, trauma dissolution, and Middle-Way Integration. Do you think that might clear the way for, focus and streamline Integral Life Practice?
willpower = intention*memory* imagination
Take the time to ponder it.
State Development, as a practice, includes awakening attention and the power of intention in the awake (gross) and dreaming (subtle) states. It involves awakening as what is beyond -- in many traditions, through meditative practices; in other traditions or lineages, in insight practices, and in other traditions, in integration practices.
One can apply TetraSeed Transformation procedures (The Crystal Crown Procedure, The Gold Key Release, and The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual) as wisdom practices specifically to generate subtle and formless-intuition state-experiences while in the waking state.
One can cause to surface and transform Shadow Material by means of various TetraSeed Transformation Procedures:
- The Trauma Dissolution Procedure, which involves The Set-Up Procedure
- The Gold Key Release adapted to that purpose
- The Dilemma-Buster, a variation on The Set-Up Procedure
Thomas Hanna's, "Hanna Somatic Education"
Hanna Somatic Education is a clinical modality, a system of sensory development and movement education (accelerated sensory-motor integration) used to refresh mobility and to eliminate chronic pain from stress, injury, and the accumulated conditioning of aging.
Its underpinnings are identical to those of The Superhuman Operating System, The Avatar Course, and Toltec Shamanism, and others -- but don't be nervous! It's just ATTENTION, INTENTION, MEMORY, and IMAGINATION -- but Hanna Somatic Education uses clinical techniques built on principles of change not apparently taught everywhere else. The systems are complementary, in any case.
Chronic pain patterns (as in The Pain Body) that have outlasted the expected healing period after trauma exist physically as muscular tension and are felt emotionally as nervous tension. They are stored memories of injuries, stress and expectations [ imaginings based on memory] of pain (as in self-guarding) that, in this teaching, are called, "Sensory-Motor Amnesia" -- pointing to the role of memory in chronic pain patterns (again, similar to The Pain Body).
"Mind"-"and"-"body" are not-two, but two perspectives the same process -- ourselves -- our inside (inner life) as we feel ourselves and our outside (outer experience), as others perceive us and as how we see and think of ourselves. (That may be why Thomas Hanna declared to us, his students, "This is not a course in bodywork! God forbid!!") Hanna Somatic Education eliminates pain by dissolving muscle/movement memories of trauma and replacing them with wholesome movement memories in a process that, because it uses ATTENTION, INTENTION, MEMORY, and IMAGINATION in an integrated, synergistic way, work uncannily quickly and produce durable improvements.
Correspondences exist between the terms used in somatic education and the terms used in TetraSeed Transformation procedures:
- attention: sensation | attending to sensations
- intention: movement | intending movement
- memory: learned things | remembering learned things
- imagination: development -- the act of learning | imagining what instructions mean and learning by following them
Likeness with The TetraSeed Transformation Procedures
In the language of Hanna Somatic Education used by practitioners, The Gold Key Release incorporates mental Kinetic Mirroring (known in the Feldenkrais tradition as "substituted effort" and elsewhere as, "strain-counterstrain") and Pandiculation (a movement-memory action related to yawning) -- methods of rapid muscle-movement memory training. In the TetraSeed Transformation procedures, instead of concerning ourselves with physical pain and quality of motion, we concern mind and states of consciousness.
The Gold Key Release fosters the ability of a Hanna somatic educator to operate more insightfully and creatively, as needed; aids perception of what a client is feeling; aids coaching with exactitude and patience, teaching the client to move in ways that liberate from trauma. The Gold Key Release, alone, causes subconsciously-held tension to release, so that sometimes, long-held chronic pains fade out, instantly.
The TetraSeed Awakening Procedures
The TetraSeed Awakening Procedures, of which The Gold Key Release is one, are self-liberating and self-correcting, holistic, feeling-based procedures that involve ATTENTION, INTENTION, MEMORY and IMAGINATION . Those procedures use the Four Powers, Faculties, Activities, or "Positions" of Intelligence in a deliberate, rhythmic and integrated way to produce specific effects, as indicated by their names or titles.
In and by themselves, the TetraSeed Awakening procedures have considerable transformative (and transcendental) power and lots of momentum (changes continue to develop after one has completed a TetraSeed Awakening procedure and the results surface in life).
Used as self-preparation for self-transformational processes from other teaching streams, as above, The TetraSeed Awakening procedures prepare one to get best results with the least effort. Preparation does that, you know.
This link goes to The Gold Key Release page; the page contains full instructions for The Gold Key Release, access to coaching, and links to the other procedures named in the present entry.
In a Nutshell, What You've Just Read
We've just gone through a brief overview in which I have summarized various transformative practices, shown how the Four Basic Powers of the TetraSeed function in them, and I've drawn correspondences between certain TetraSeed Transformation procedures (including The Gold Key Release) and the approaches of those various transformative practices. Have I been fair?
Though techniques may differ, they are all applications of ATTENTION, INTENTION, MEMORY and IMAGINATION .
The TetraSeed Awakening procedures are structured, rhythmicly sequenced combinations of The Four Basic Powers or Aspects of Intelligence (you know what they are, now). Different structures, sequences, and rhythms make them applicable for different purposes -- including supporting the efficacy of other transformative teachings.
copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold