The Humanoid Examined | from The End of Tyranny, by Thomas Hanna Lawrence Gold

read by his student, appreciator and advocate, Lawrence Gold (yours, truly)

Deeply disturbed by the turns of events in American politics and American culture? See it as a downward slope?

Listen and understand, a new and afresh, a mind that comprehends.

The Humanoid Examined | from The End of Tyranny, by Thomas Hanna

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care The Humanoid Examined | from The End of Tyranny, by Thomas Hanna Lawrence Gold

The Startle Reflex and The Banana

Everything comes more or less as a surprise, to us.
The moment of surprise is a moment of startle.
It may be just a little startle or maybe a big jumping startle.

Generally, the more chronically startled we already are (and maybe used to being), the more easily startled we are, and the more little surprises seem like big surprises.

The moment of startle is the moment of focussing.

In the moment of startle, we focus on what has startled us.

True, yes?

The moment of focus is a moment of directed attention and -- in the mood of startle -- the moment of a response of some sort -- to some degree habitual and automatic ("reaction") and to some degree spontaneously new and finely tuned ("response").

The state of startle may be of short, momentary duration
or of lengthy duration,
of small degree,
of great degree --
largely dependent on how ready we are to be startled and how long we stay startled.

"Startled" is an arousal state.

"Startled" subsides into "attentive" -- more or less poised for the arousal of a felt intention
-- quicker when there's already a memory in place that we imagine to be similar to this moment of present experience.

"Oversurprised" leads to over-focussing -- over-startle. At such times, it's helpful to relax, do a Gold Key Release, and de-locate. Have a banana.

In de-location, surprise settles into attentive communion.

Have a banana?

The Plethora of Ideas | The Cornucopia

Where do ideas come from?

One thing we can say, for sure:  It isn't your sense of self. 

Your sense of self is just your sense of self.

Ideas come in addition to that.
And then the belief comes, "It came from me."

So, what is the source of ideas?

Ideas come unbidden, by surprise.

Then we may elaborate upon them.

We may take credit for the elaboration,
except that the inspiration to elaborate
comes unbidden, by surprise.

What is the source of ideas?

If it is not the sense of self, what else is there?


Ideas come from mystery.
They emerge into existence.

They emerge as unique attractors of attention.

They seem at first not to be there and then suddenly are recognized.

Is it then an all-off, all-on situation?

or is it that emergent ideas must be sufficiently prominent to be recognized?

They must protrude into our experience, more attractive than everything else, for the moment, something we can sink our attention into, something about which we feel an intention of sorts, something that inspires our imagination or calls forth memories.

Ideas do that.

But where do they come from?

Do ideas come from everything else? or do they emerge, mysteriously, from out of ("ex" as in, "existence") the mysterious field of constant awareness? Do they condense within that field? or move into position? or some of both? Do they form linkages with other ideas or with memories? Are they the very linkages of ideas and memories? or are they something more?

What is higher than linkage in the eros of causality, is intention.

Intention is informed by memory, by imagination, and by something more:

latent potentiality

Latent potentiality is revealed where memory and imagination ARE NOT.
Latent potentiality is revealed where memory and imagination SUBSIDE.
Latent potentiality is formless source.
That's why it's "latent" potentiality.

There is a great tendency in life to keep things moving along. Things keep moving along by novelty (newness) and memory. Novelty progresses and memory retains. Novelty is the balloon and memory is the ballast. Attention tracks it and intention moves it.

That is active potentiality.

Active potentiality has a tendency to persist and to have a kind of mass that resists change, other than at its own rate and in its own direction: a kind of inertia.

You have to push against it to induce change -- and it might resist change or push back.

That's why it's good to let it all subside into LATENT POTENTIALITY.

LATENT POTENTIALITY has no mass. It has no tendency. It presents no resistance to anything.

Sounds like a good place to change gears.

Ideas come.

But there is more to the "something more."

Some ideas lead into the intuitive transparency of the field of LATENT POTENTIALITY.
They seduce desire with the promise of truth -- only to be recognized as an effort to arrive at what already IS.  Unnecessary.

Acts conducted in that state communicate that state even beyond the ideas actuated.  The acts communicate, simultaneously, themselves and the field in which they arise -- kind of like modulations of a carrier wave used in wireless communication: no modulation, there's only the carrier wave.

Thus, the spectrum of ideas (the Plethora) and their common ground of being (Cornucopia).

The Tongue Mudra | “Bite Your Tongue” Variation Lawrence Gold

The Tongue Mudra is an extremely powerful technique for uncovering and relieving chronic, unconscious emotional states that color our lives.

The Bite Your Tongue variation of The Tongue Mudra is a more powerful form of the Tongue Mudra (power in its own right) that, when mastered (a brief period of time) prepares one for the even more powerful, Dragon’s Breath version of The Tongue Mudra.

“Mudra” means “seal” in Sanscrit and refers to positions that contain attention and “seal” the subtle sensory-circuitry into a contained vessel, conserving and recirculating what, in some circles, is called, vital energy — the vitality of attention and intention.

This position creates an internal connection and state of balance that stands in contrast to our habitual states of emotion, tension, and imbalance. That contrast permits us to perceive what is otherwise imperceptible in us.

The powerful effects of this technique depend upon following the instructions exactly as given and producing the exact sensations described. Half-hearted attempts that don’t enact the instructions don’t produce the result, so people who live their lives “trying” instead of “doing” will get the result they are accustomed to getting in their lives: failure. Direct words, but true.

To combine the Tongue Mudra with other somatic education exercises makes them more potent by including the part of ourselves that usually doesn’t get attention: our head. Usually, we are so busy in the thinking word-mind that we operate from it instead of paying attention to it. As a result, part of us is always outside, not participating. The Tongue Mudra changes that.

When the head is included, the change is more complete.

Test my words.

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care The Tongue Mudra | “Bite Your Tongue” Variation Lawrence Gold

It's like throwing back a fish.

When we get immersed in experience, completely absorbed in it, we forget ourselves.

That can go two ways:

  1. We can go into it, go through it, and come out of it.
  2. We can go into it, get engrossed in it, and stay in it for a long time.
Most of us awaken one moment -- come to ourselves and to the realization that we have been totally engrossed either in our own craziness or in our situation. We see how we were, in contrast to how we are.

However, one of the quick responses to that realization is that we shouldn't be that way, totally engrossed, and make an effort somehow to wake up. It involves "pumping up attention" in a certain way.

That effort, however, is as mind-based as being engrossed is.

The verrrry tricky thing has been, "How do we cease being totally engrossed without getting totally engrossed in waking up from being totally engrossed?"

It's not as difficult as it may seem.

It's easy, when you know how.

First, a little overview. Some fundamentals.

Experiences come into existence, 
from apparent non-existence
to most subtle existence
to denser and denser existence
until a memory is formed
in the matrix of gross physicality.

a memory:
a persistent pattern

no-form - to - most subtle (or tacit) - to - grosser - to - dense (or massive)

They gyrate and collide for a while, then they go their separate ways, changed.

In nature, the only place we know where the matrix of gross physicality of existence
goes out of existence
is in the Black Holes
and they evaporate in a fizz of particles and antiparticles (whatever they are).

So, going out of existence is seemingly rather limited, in Nature. Things change, but they rarely go out of existence, altogether.

Humans, however, have the make-up to be able to dissolve forms of existence without leaving a residue, other than a virtual memory imprint.

When humans make something go out of existence, they are making it go back into inherence. Inherence is virtuality, a latent pattern included in all-that-is.

Humans make things go out of existence, the same way as Nature does, but in reverse.

We experience dense physicality as memory
memory is the interior of dense physicality.

The denser the memory
the more mass it seems to have
the slower it is to change.

What happens in The Gold Key Release and in the other TetraSeed Transformation Instructions is a decrease of the density of experience; each cycle through, it's less dense until, in what I call, "a good outcome", it has only virtual presence with the density of smoke or even that virtual presence is difficult to locate.

Virtual Presence: a Memory Imprint in All Possibility

The difference?  dense? or not?
Too dense? or NOT too dense?
That is the question.

When we apply The Gold Key Release to something that disturbs us, we find the turbulence decreasing and decreasing, the density, decreasing and decreasing until it's so hard to remember what that "disturbing something" was, that we forget where we were, in The Gold Key Release. We have to wait until it surfaces, again, until the mind congeals, again, at least to pass whatever's left through the steps of The Gold Key Release. It may be so "gone" that we can't come up with anything, "whatever". I'd say we were done.

There's no charge left. There's no sense of loss.

It's like throwing back a fish.

The Gold Key Release

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

Intuition, Creativity, Memory and -- Conscience

This piece illuminates the relationships of intuition, creativity, memory and -- conscience.  

You can further illuminate those relationships by using The Set-up or -- for really high-powered results -- The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual, with all the possible pairs of each of those functions: intuition, creativity, memory and conscience; that would be MOST illuminating -- and jump start or make more vivid your intuitive sense. There are six pairs; start with memory and conscience.

Intuition is a form of innate knowing or sensing; "innate" means, "naturally present in oneself". Intuition has to do with awareness of emerging (immediate) conditions and to the intelligence doing the choosing, moving or acting, in the midst of those conditions.

Conscience is also a form of innate knowing or sensing. Conscience has to do with the memory of behavior and the consequences.  Ring a bell?

Creativity is a form of emergent action or movement into action.  "Emergent", as I mean it, means coming into existence; "action", as I mean it, involves purpose or intended outcome.  Creativity is purposeful action -- and its results -- coming into existence. Creativity is not haphazard; it is imbued with an intuitive and intuitable feeling of intent, a recognizable integrity of form (not merely a random expression constructed of words and remembered things pieced together "experimentally", without an integrated intention being present). So-called experimental (random) creativity is creativity in word, only, and leaves one dumbfounded, rather than intuitively awakened. Note the distinction.

Guilty conscience seeks to exclude information; it strives to get out from under the thumb of error and the compulsion to correct it (compulsion which may seem to come from outside, as in "someone making me feel guilty", but actually comes from myself -- the draw or attaction of the eros of integrity, or wholesomeness, from which we feel we have departed, abandoned, betrayed.)

Clear conscience allows information to come in.

"Information coming in" is the essential nature of creativity and of intuition. Creativity doesn't come from us; it comes to us and through us, in acts of creation. "Information coming in", innate knowledge, intuition is not made from pre-existing knowledge from outside sources or guesswork, combined with hope of correctness, but we perceive it directly, unreasonably, mysteriously, obviously, vividly, and more or less blatantly.

These distinctions may seem murky to those who have a pile-up of guilty conscience and whose intuition is blocked; their innate knowing is obscured by the effort not to know -- guilty conscience -- or it may be that one has never cultivated intuition and so its ways remain as yet unknown.

You can feel the connection between guilty conscience and the effort not to know.

For that reason, guilty conscience blocks both intuition and creativity; it leads to stupidity and to repetitive error -- or to being an ignoramus -- (until the guilt is resolved by corrective action -- repentence -- which is not merely an emotional gesture, but an action that carries out the emotional gesture in ways that have consequence).

Intuition is subtle. It's a feeling -- of the type one has when having pangs of conscience -- an innate feeling of what one should or should not have done -- or when one loves someone -- or the pleasure one feels, listening to music (creating music is primarily an intuitive process).

However, intuition is different from guilt or guilt's absence, more than romantic love; it's the pre-feeling of the consequence of a course of action in a situation, of the fittingness of an action, as one would sense in advance, for the good of ones beloved.

To test my words, use your imagination; daydream. Remember a situation about which you feel guilty and imagine two courses of action, the one about which you feel guilty and the other you might have taken. Do that now. Take 30 seconds.

* -------^------- *

There is a distinct difference of feeling between what one should have done and what one should not have done. It's more than guilt. Isn't it.

* -------^------- *

Creativity and imagination are obviously related; creativity is the activity that makes imagination tangible; "tangible" means having durable existence in a form someone else can perceive. Creative flow occurs for those whose attention is open and occurs more so for those who do not merely have flights of imagination, but also act to create something tangible from those imaginings.

Imagination and memory are closely related; imagination is "incoming", a possible future, an alternate present; memory is "outgoing", an approximation of an actual past event. They are the "incoming" and "outgoing" of the same type of thing. Memories fade. To remember something, you must imagine it. Because it is remembered, it's easier to access; imagining something new takes more effort (except in dreams, when memory recedes). Daydream to test my words: Remember something. Now, imagine it. Alternate and compare. Take ten seconds.

When we stifle conscience, we stifle memory. By stifling memory, we also stifle imagination, since we are stifling the part of memory that involves imagining the event about which we feel guilty.

If you want to be more creative, locate and correct the areas in yourself about which you have guilt.

If you want to use intuition reliably, locate and correct the situations about which you have guilt. Open the flood-gates of attention.

The key characteristic of guilt is persistence -- and our persistence in suppressing guilt.

Persistence also characterizes knowledge to which we are attached; we want to make it persist; we want already to be right.  It's "reason" and "reasonableness". Reason and reasonableness also underlie guilt; reason and reasonableness depend upon memory -- what we believe we know -- as does guilt.

If you want to direct your life by intuition; clean up your life.  Then, acknowledge your reasoning in any moment of choosing a course of action -- and let go of the decision you may reach by reasoning to consult your intuitive/imagined sense of the outcomes of your options. It's an unreasonable action that you must test, to develop confidence in intuition. Remember: Intuition is not an emotional preference; it's a sense of how things may turn out as you imagine each course of action (or your sense of things happening, felt from a distance). If you don't feel it, you don't feel it; be honest with yourself.

Intuition trumps reason. (So said Albert Einstein, by the way.) It's unreasonable -- though sometimes reason may justify intuition. You may act reasonably, instead of intuitively, particularly if you don't yet trust intuition; you may think you're playing it safe.  However, the force of reason fades -- and the intuitive feeling you had about the situation doesn't fade and is what you will have to live with after you have taken action. Test my words.

Those who do not trust intuition rely entirely upon memory and reason.  They are either blocked by guilt, and so do not trust their innate knowing -- or have never knowingly developed and relied upon intuition.

An aside: Homological Conceit
"Homological conceit" is the attitude of, "Because I believe it and say so, it must be right." "Homo" means, "self"; "logical" means, "having to do with words"; "homological": "having to do with my words."  "Conceit": the judgment that "I am better than . . . ", plus the unwillingness to allow that I may be wrong.  It's self-reinforcing ones own, memories ones own knowledge and automatically invalidating others'.

We are experiencing an epidemic of homological conceit, particularly among those in power (who may seek power just so that they are immune to being questioned or second-guessed). It's interesting that those who do so, so often act unwisely.


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The TetraSeed Transformation Procedures || The Gold Key Release Course : Intelligent Self-Empowerment 101

The Gold Key Release

Teaching you to OPEN and REWRITE
 The Book of You

a "kick-ass" procedure
for those who want 
a turning point in life,
who would rather dissolve problems,
than have to solve them,
who'd rather spend their time
only on what actually works

Scroll quickly through 
>         this entire page.         <
Choose what interests you.

The Gold Key Release is a self-liberation procedure used to dissolve the grip of trouble and operate "in the Zone" more.

More than an athletic or artistic matter, "Being in the Zone" is a matter of being free of entanglements, so results line up with intentions.

How to
Soothe and Dissolve Frustration and Regret
and Get Moving, Again  

How The Gold Key Release
Lightens the Load


Every able seaman knows the obvious: to get underway, he must first loosen his moorings -- untie from the the dock. To run fast on the water, he knows the outside of the hull must be free of barnacles (clinging shellfish that attach themselves to the hull and add drag to movement through the water) and the bilge -- stagnant, brackish water inside the hull -- be pumped out, regularly, kept at a minimum.

To get moving in life, you've got to loosen your ties -- the ties in your mind and memory -- to old ways of seeing and doing things. You've got to clean the barnacles (habitual and undesirable attachments -- hangers-on that drain your energy) from your mind and life. You've got to empty your bilge -- emotional baggage.

Unfortunately, most people don't know how to "lighten their own load" -- not really. Instead of cleaning up and loosening old ties, they apply more effort. They use the popular methods -- or suffer helplessly and live out their lives in resignation in one way or another.

There's a better way to lighten the load:
The Gold Key Release

The Gold Key Release lightens the load -- and with no sense of loss, no self-conflict in the name of what "should" work or what everybody else seems to "know" is right. 

Fear of loss is a brake upon our willingness to lighten up. Lighten the load without any sense of loss and you develop more enthusiasm for the lightening-up process, more enthusiasm for your goal. Lightening up, we run faster and higher on the water.

The sense of self-conflict comes when we oppose ourselves for the sake of ideals and "supposed-tos". This is the mood of, "no pain, no gain". There's a better way.

When we release with The Gold Key Release, we do not fall into adversity; we dissolve adversity and our own limitations. We start with a clean slate. We come back to ourselves.

Streamline your mind.
Reduce having to figure things out.

How is The Gold Key Release, "Psycho-Active?"

The Stories of Our Lives

Success in life -- and personal limitations in life -- generally involve one or more of our most basic personal faculties:
  • attention span
  • power of intention
  • control of memory
  • healthy imagination
It happens that all four of those faculties work together as the foundation of our abilities.  How much depth of experience can you have with a short attention span? (With NO attention span, you would have no experience, whatsoever.) The same is true of the other three faculties, in their own way.

Here's what happens when we're unbalanced among those faculties:

Short attention span and distraction lead to overlooked problems and to accidents. Weak or scattered intention leads to wasted effort and untoward results. Poor control of memory leads to mistakes and to entrapment by oppressive thoughts and emotions. Unhealthy imagination leaves us stuck with "more of the same" and to misperceptions that lead to trouble.

Does that seem familiar? explain some things?

Some may say, "Attack the problem!"
    This little piece of sage advice may be "popular wisdom" ("fight" this, "fight" that), along with "try harder" -- but there's a little problem with, "attack the problem":

    Most efforts to improve life circumstances do so at the same disadvantage that led to problems, to begin with -- one or more of those four faculties is off-line or "off the radar". It makes life feel like an unfair challenge, like playing cards without a full deck. It gives rise to sayings like, "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions".

    As it is no-doubt obvious to you, we tend to be more or less developed in those four faculties, varying according to the area of our life. We have "problem areas", not just individual problems. Trauma distorts those faculties. Insufficient or unbalanced development leaves the person feeling a sense of disadvantage.

    All efforts at personal development depend upon those very four faculties of intelligence: attention, imagination, intention, memory, and yet, they remain outside the main focus of education, developed only indirectly and haphazardly. You may have suspected: our education may be deficient -- but in an unsuspected way.

    Most efforts at personal development work with secondary by-products of those faculties, such as, "learning" -- erroneously regarded as the primary product of education -- or with beliefs, positive thinking, visualizations, motivation.

    The proper, primary product of education is mastery of attention, memory, intention, and imagination -- which underlie all skills, talents, and knowledge. I've given a name to those four faculties of intelligence, which always come together: The TetraSeed. "Tetra" means, "four"; "seed" means what it says; The TetraSeed is exactly what the name implies -- a four-part seed for success. You may test my words.

    When we recover access to all four of those faculties for any area of life, in balance, the fix we are in immediately softens and starts to change -- or it may dissolve, altogether, leaving us in a free, natural-feeling state.

    The TetraSeed is the basic, essential key to creation, to function, and to dissolution or change. There are no exceptions. Test that idea, for yourself, by intuition or with practice of what's offered, here.

    Break Ground with The Gold Key Release, then Seed for Success

    As people tend to be too cluttered and tied up in their lives and minds, already, I offer a way to DISSOLVE the accumulated mass and subconscious torpor that hold people stuck, to make for a more mercurial mind. It's a great relief. It's breaking ground.

    Then, there are procedures for seeding for success.

    The Gold Key Release directly taps the potential of all four faculties of The TetraSeed to unlock our involvement in situations, to permit new, spontaneously creative actions that produce rapid improvements of well-being. "Rapid" means, "noticeable in minutes." The benefits accumulate.

    That's how The Gold Key Release 
    is "Psycho-Active".

    A N N O U N C I N G

    This Next Training 
    The Gold Key Release:
    Intelligent Empowerment 101
    Getting Free from Stuckness and Conditioning

    In this very psychoactive course, we'll practice TetraSeed Transformation procedures in personally relevant and generally interesting ways. We'll have psychoactive talks on provocative topics that will have unusual -- but somehow natural-feeling -- effects upon your state of consciousness, mind, and life. You'll feel different -- and more like yourself.

    F E A T U R I N G
    The Set-Up
    ~~ and ~~
    The Gold Key Release

    Learn how, by activating and balancing four basic faculties of our intelligence -- ATTENTION, MEMORY, INTENTION, IMAGINATION -- we can, at will, free ourselves from obvious -- and not so obvious -- obsolete conditioning that causes stuck places in life. We get moving, again, riding more lightly upon the water, more on-course.

    Once we dissolve the stickiness of an area of our life, the course of our life and the tenor of our life changes, spontaneously and progressively, immediately and the days to come -- and so do we change -- both in ways related to the particular area of life to which we have applied The Gold Key Release and in unpredictable, but surprisingly beneficial and pleasant ways, in general.

    Not to say that there won't be ups and downs; the sea's like that. But we'll navigate better and sail faster.

    Why the TetraSeed Awakening Procedures

    The Gold Key Release 
    causes a very interesting effect:

    Your ability to sail your "ship of life" improves in ways noticeable to yourself and to others away from a course of rough and stormy seas, out of windless doldrums of "nothing's changing", into "fair weather" and smoother sailing. 

    People who say how it's worth-while:

    ~~ The "MIAMI" Effect ~~

    The Gold Key Release

    copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

    Big Money Out of Politics: II Lawrence Gold

    Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care Big Money Out of Politics: II Lawrence Gold

    Big Money Out of Politics Lawrence Gold

    Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care Big Money Out of Politics Lawrence Gold

    Intelligent Self Empowerment 101 — The Set-Up: Enlivening the TetraSeed Lawrence Gold

    The Set-Up (a.k.a., The Spell-Maker)

    This procedure, part of the course, Intelligent Self-Empowerment 101, enlivens your ability to contact the four basic functions that enable you to be conscious of anything: attention, intention, memory, and imagination.

    Those four functions constitute The TetraSeed, the basic structure of personal existence without all four of which, any sense of existence — either of oneself or of the world, is impossible. 

    The TetraSeed is fundamental — and the TetraSeed Transformations uniquely support all other self-improvement practices (nothing else adequately substitutes) .

    We use The Set-Up as preparatory learning to make your ability to use The Gold Key Release more powerful, and so you need fewer repetitions to dissolve any given limitation.

    More on Intelligent Self-Empowerment 101: Getting Free of Stuckness and Conditioning:

    The TetraSeed Transformation Procedures: The Set-Up
    Intelligent Self-Empowerment

    The Crystal Crown Procedure

    This procedure is a basic self-empowerment process. It integrates the "internal" TetraSeed -- ATTENTION, MEMORY, INTENTION, and IMAGINATION -- with the "external" or outer TetraSeed -- LOCATION, PERSISTENCE, ACTIVITY, and DIRECTION.

    To do The Crystal Crown Procedure, do The Set-Up Procedure for each of


    Do The Crystal Crown Procedure repeatedly to bring the four facets increasingly into focus.

    Full-Spectrum Somatics Intelligent Self Empowerment 101 — The Set-Up: Enlivening the TetraSeed Lawrence Gold

    The Gold Key Release

    copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

    Heidi, Mark, Lawrence 2015-8-9 Lawrence Gold

    Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care Heidi, Mark, Lawrence 2015-8-9 Lawrence Gold

    Psycho-Active TetraSeed Transformations | The Spell-Breaker / The Spell-Maker

    A T T E N T I O N:
    P S Y C H O A C T I V E

    The Spell-Breaker/Maker

    The TetraSeed of Every Experience

    The Spell-Maker/Breaker is an incantation composed of the elements of the TetraSeed -- Attending, Imagining, Intending, and Remembering -- either to construct or deconstruct an experience. "Construct", is another word for, "manifest". The Spell-Maker/Breaker is an incantation, not in the superstitious magical sense, but in the sense of a series of spoken or thought words that induce changes of state of consciousness ( the meaning of, "psycho-active").

    It's practical to do the Spell-Breaker, first, before the Spell-Maker, to dissolve obstructions to what we would create with the Spell-Maker. "Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time." We make space, first.

    In constructing or deconstructing, order makes a difference.

    To deconstruct (dissolve the subtle underpinning of) an experience, you use the following order:

    First, you identify the resisted experience, to yourself (e.g., falsehood).  Putting your attention of the feeling of it, you do the following actions:

    1. Remember [falsehood]; intend [falsehood].
    2. Intend [falsehood]; remember [falsehood].
    3. Remember [falsehood]; imagine [falsehood].
    4. Imagine [falsehood]; remember [falsehood].
    5. Remember [falsehood]; attend to [falsehood].
    6. Attend to [falsehood]; imagine [falsehood]. 
    7. Imagine [falsehood]; attend to [falsehood].
    8. Attend to [falsehood]; intend [falsehood].
    9. Intend [falsehood]; attend to [falsehood].
    10. Attend to [falsehood]; remember [falsehood].
    11. Imagine [falsehood]; intend [falsehood].
    12. Intend [falsehood]; imagine [falsehood].

    At some point, you may have trouble remembering the item or the next step. That's not a sign of failure; it's a sign of success. The condition is disappearing or the charge on it is disappearing and you're having trouble locating it, anymore.

    This is not a thinking exercise. Those are instructions for actions. You do them intending to experience them. You may also repeat any step a number of times to get a more vivid perception before moving to the next step -- but not too many. You may need to activate or vivify other steps before the "sticky" one works.

    To construct (create the subtle underpinning of) an experience, you use the following order:

    First, you identify the desired experience, to yourself (e.g., personal integrity).  Putting your attention of the feeling of it, you do the following steps:

    • Attend to [personal integrity]; remember [personal integrity]. 
    • Remember [personal integrity]; attend to [personal integrity]. 
    • Attend to [personal integrity]; intend [personal integrity]. 
    • Intend [personal integrity]; attend to [personal integrity]. 
    • Attend to [personal integrity]; imagine [personal integrity]. 
    • Imagine [personal integrity]; intend [personal integrity]. 
    • Intend [personal integrity]; imagine [personal integrity]. 
    • Imagine [personal integrity]; remember [personal integrity]. 
    • Remember [personal integrity]; imagine [personal integrity]. 
    • Imagine [personal integrity]; attend to [personal integrity]. 
    • Intend [personal integrity]; remember [personal integrity]. 
    • Remember [personal integrity]; intend [personal integrity].
    Incantation involves repetition.  You cycle through the steps repeatedly (as needed), until you clear up confusion and internal contradiction and you get either an immediate experience of the desired condition -- or -- all charge on the condition disappears and you are left with the experience of voidness.

    You may repeat any step more than one time to get a more vivid result, prior to continuing to the next step. Experiment.

    The process will reveal yourself to yourself.

    If you discover a "fixation" (a "wad") that doesn't dissolve or change at any step of the procedure, you may finish this procedure and then do either The Gold Key Release or The Lightning Bolt on the feeling that remains until it dissolves or releases.

    Test my words.

    other TetraSeed Transformation procedures

    taught by personal instruction
    You may send email to inquire.
    I plan group-training with a supporting Facebook group.

    • The Gold Key Release
    • The Set-Up (simple and fully elaborated)
    • The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual
    • Thor's Hammer
    • The Crystal Crown Procedure
    • The Wish-Fulfilling Gem
    • The Spell-Maker/Breaker
    • The "Vajra" Self-Rectifying Process
    • The Lightening Bolt / The Thunderclap

    (to return to this entry again, later.

    The Gold Key Release

    copyright 2015 Lawrence Gold