We Are Not Lacking What We Need, as Much as "Getting in our Own Way"

Things are happening faster as time progresses, and so we need a fast track in the direction of freedom of intelligence.

How are we going to handle the "islands" of intractable stupidity and wrong-headedness that beseige us, that put the brakes on our ability to integrate and grow, to adapt and innovate, in response to the needs of the times?

What we would do well to understand is that we are not in a state of "not enough", but that we are in our own way.  I'm now going to talk about, "being in our own way."

The usual approach to problems is to reinforce our current ways of doing things or to search for an alternative.  Those seem to be our only alternatives.  The amount of effort goes up, and with it, the amount of frustration.

Then comes a hardened state and a "getting used to" the hardened state:  desensitization.  We become insistent, demanding -- and stupid, entrenched in our arbitrary ways and orthodox beliefs.  We search for answers along familiar lines and avoid anything much different.

And at the root of this stupidity is being in our own way and not knowing it.  The mind densifies and becomes persistent with less and less time between thoughts, the density of thought increasing, the rapidity of thought increasing, and a loss of clarity -- not only of thought, but also of speech.  

Remember that next time someone fast-talks faster than you can understand because they don't articulate their words, clearly; you can hear this fault in many movies, as actors strive for "realism"; at airport boarding gates, in technical support interactions, and in casual social settings.

Mental density manifests as confusion, excessive forcefulness of speech (including hype and volume level) and impaired ability to change, inability to listen well, inability to teach well, and an inability to speak well -- in run-on sentences, poor listening, the tendency to interrupt, and indistinct (slurred or poorly articulated) speech.

The person may become a juggernaut who barges forward -- or intends to -- to get their own way, desperately unintelligent, boxed in, and insistent upon more of the same -- or upon a "something else" that they can't quite articulate.  They become like political party -- if only a party of one.

All self-reinforcing, in their own own way, not knowing it, and looking for relief from others and the world -- sometimes by force.

Because they/we know of no better way, we are loaded with ourselves, our story, our history, and driving forward according to what we see in the rear view mirror of memory.

Our resources and capacity may be about used up, but that's how we tend to do it -- to little benefit.

It's time to reclaim our freedom from the burden of ourselves, so we have more capacity to speak, listen and hear; time to recapture some of our intelligence, to make room for imagination to provide a cornucopia of resourcefulness that otherwise, too often, becomes similar to what hasn't worked, before.

How can we change?  What would have to happen?

A shift from tumult and circumstance, regathering our power of attention and intention, is what we need.

With that motive, resources exist.

There are a huge variety of offerings of instruction toward that end, and much "popular wisdom" that isn't wise.

What the abundance of conventional offerings shares in common is that, at their foundation, they employ and deploy the potentialities of the four expressions of intelligence -- imagination, attention, memory, and intention.

But, they deploy one or two of those four expressions of intelligence required to make a good change.

It's a little like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic than expressions of intelligence.

The more of a person's intelligence is available, to them, the easier things are.

When all four are integrated at comparable degree of coherence, a curious thing happens:  the person comes to a restful balance with their faculties operative and available.  They become more capable of creativity and of change.

There are such teaching streams.  This is one.

One "product" of this process is "flexibility space":  space to create something new and more effective.

It is not sufficient to "know what things are", to "know a thing or two" -- or to know a lot.

At best, such knowledge is a helpful hint where to look for various kinds of experiences and abilities.  Knowledge may "get us to the ballpark," may "get us to the batter's box", but, when all bets are in, it's what happens in the batter's box that counts -- and that can't be predicted or assured by knowledge.

The "different approach" involves getting out of our own way through a process, not of addition (of knowledge, for example), but of subtraction:  release of the binding quality of familiar ways of seeing and of doing things -- and accepting "not knowing" ("beginner's mind") as the foundation of action intended to produce new results.

Cultural Integration of the TetraSeed I-AM-I Illumination Matrix

The TetraSeed I-AM-I Illumination System
makes it easier to spot things that have been missed not to do something about it, but simply to re-regulate it in a moment of self-sensing.

What is the Whole of which the thing sensed ... is a part?
The shift, the re-regulation, occurs spontaneously with the sensing of the self-state.

No prompting is needed.

It is felt as "coming out an abnormal condition of weird stress",
sometimes called, "waking up".

Whatever meaning people take from word or the power we attribute, to them, is the power we invest in them when we, ourselves, us them.

We invest power into words that then become handles into us.

In an imaginary scenario, the TetraSeed is invited into corporate culture.

What might be the effect?

One might think, "competition!" and more and more efficiency.

Yes, that might be among the first effects to become evident.

Can you imagine that scene winding up?

I can, kinda.

What do you imaging that might do to distress levels?

So, coming up to the surface, like an inflamed boil, is the mass of memories we call, stress patterns.

Up like a boil.

Now comes the self-purging and self-correction process.

As habituated stress patterns, magnified by the "wind-up", become apparent and, we feel, to be too "influential", we spontaneously start to wind down.

As the overall stress level of the environment decreases, higher intelligence can come to the fore.

The appearance of sanity may return at a higher order of functional capacity. In the corporate culture and in world-cultures, at large.

Are we Perceptors -- or "Feeders"?

 Though the human experience may be characterized as living as "perceptors" (observers or perhaps witnesses) and forming perceptions into knowledge (and by that means, fixating on or locating ourselves in experience ...)

an alternate characterization of the human experience might be being categorized as "feeders on" or consumers of experience for the sake of felt or presumed  satisfaction.

Manifested life offers "handles" on psycho-physically experienced, vibratory experiences that are handles for drawing in kinds of experience, when we lack the ability to access them satisfactorily through imagination.

By attaching attention to discrete experiences, we attach ourselves to (or can pursue)
"vibratory" (or harmonic) states -- both predictable and unpredictable -- as handles in hope of satisfaction of the hunger for particular experiences.

But the colors of the imagination are evanescent and the fulfillment of the tantalizing promises of memory is elusive.

So it is that Earthworld is a domain of "hungry ghosts".

"Tunnel Breathing" -- a somatic education exercise

 "Tunnel Breathing" consists of the integration of The Tongue Mudra and Staged Breathing.


Inhale and hold.

Open the breathing passage (epiglottis) keeping the same amount of held air.

Close the breathing passage (epiglottis).

Hold and while holding, relax.

Hold and Relax.

Lose some air.

Repeat until fully exhaled.

Repeat in the reverse direction, toward full inhalation.

two full cycles

When the Inner and the Outer are Recognized as One

The primal integrity upon which all integrity is based is the integration of self-sensing with sensing the world (otherness).

When inner and outer are recognized to be always-coincident, then the distinctions between them are recognized to be arbitrary and assumed.  They come into equivalency and balance becomes the operating viewpoint of experience.

This is transcendental intuition.

Peculiar kinds of opening in the self-being occur.  Balance deepens.

Intuitive silence ensues, or rather, emerges or is revealed as the rest-condition that prevails even in the midst of activity.

This is the feeling of integrity.

Any action or movement that entails a loss of balance is sensed, and thus is subject to spontaneous course-correction.

Thus is integrity maintained in relationships, integrity with with integrity, as integrity ...

balance meeting balance as balance.

So it is written that "when the inner and the outer become one, then you will enter the kingdom of heaven".

The Four Expression of Intelligence and Swiss Cheese Mind

The Universal Key

These days, there is an epidemic of "Swiss Cheese Mind".

-- not that I have anything against swiss cheese.  I don't.  Swiss cheese was among my favorites, during my cheese-eating days.

But I don't want my mind like that.

Swiss Cheese Mind is a condition in which you are operating like a car with a flat tire, or with cylinders misfiring.

Swiss Cheese Mind gives rise to brain farts -- and we have those happening all around us.  Just start up some software and look for the bugs.

Swiss Cheese Mind has holes.  Those holes are gaps in our attention, when we miss seeing things that are there.  They're like not-so-clear or even self-conflicting intentions ... forgotten memories and chaotic imaginings.

We have a screw loose -- or a few screws loose.

So, while I liked swiss cheese, I don't want my mind like that.

What causes it?

Mad Cow Disease?  Education?

Well, in a way yes.

Education teaches us ...

to remember, 
but not necessarily to imagine ...

... to attend,
but not necessarily how to pay attention...

to intend to remember
but not necessarily to intend with integrity

and hardly at all how to imagine.

Education in its common form educates unevenly.

and so, no wonder:  
Swiss-Cheese Mind

Memory needs attention and intention.

Not so easy to remember something with no attention on it.

Go ahead.  Try it.

See what I mean?

You even had to add some intention, didn't you?

and you imagined the whole thing.

Swiss Cheese Mind.

Now, you know what those words feel like ...

and what we do to fill in some of those holes, when memory fails us:  we fill in gaps of memory with imagination.

That explains the increasing numbers of blockheads coming out of our educational institutions.

When we enliven all four -- attention, memory, intention and imagination -- equally, with all four reinforcing the others -- we get

Swiss Cheese without the holes!

Compartmentalizing Life and Memories (The Opposite of Integrating) Diminishes Intelligence.

Individuals who compartmentalize their lives or the world, as if things operated separately, instead of interdependently, so compartmentalize themselves.

Rigidities appear.  Stiffness appears.  The effects of stress are sharpened.  Reaction to stressors occur more quickly.

Resonance is less.

Feeling is impaired.

Intelligence diminishes.

With diminished intelligence comes an increased toleration of tension and decreased sensitivity to the intensity of experience until they have become abnormally high.

Likewise, the ability to regulate our reactive emotions is often inadequate to the moment -- and we "lose our temper".

Compartmentalization decreases our"cushion" of resilience.

Compartmentalization impairs integrity.

Compartmentalization impairs intelligence.

The ways we compartmentalize may be hidden to ourselves.

Efforts to identify them may be likened to looking for something in a dark room with a flashlight or candle.

There exists a more exact and efficient way:

Look for them in each of the four "rooms" or expressions of intelligence -- attention, intention, memory, and imagination.

In each of those four "rooms" are four "compartments" that may contain things that we've compartmentalized, related to attention, intention, memory and imagination.


When looking for experiences we have compartmentalized, we look into each of the compartments -- attention, intention, memory, and imagination -- in the context of any situation that troubles us.  We look at the situation in terms of attention, intention, memory, and imagination -- one compartment at a time.

We may start with any of the four, but for the sake of this instruction, let's say we start with attention.  We look for how our attention is involved in the situation.  If we find some sensation or impression, we release it as best we can in the moment and then move to the next compartment.


Here are the rooms.

On each of room's door is an emblem signifying what is to be found, within.

Let's look into imagination:

Imagination:  The Cornucopia

The Room of the Imagination contains a table with a puzzle, a jigsaw puzzle.  On the table are four pieces symbolized by four words.


You study out how they fit, together.  You look at one, you look at another, you look at all possible combinations until you recognize the pattern and you assemble them.

You have understood something about what is in that room and about yourself.

You do that for each room.

Here's the Room of Intention:


Here's the Room of Memory:


Here's the Room of Attention:


To start, consider each of the words in each Room, how they combine to produce a feeling.

Then consider some item of experience in terms of each of these feelings, and then all at once.  This takes some concentration; doing the exercise will bring your concentration into focus.

When you look at any item of experience in these terms, you integrate the Rooms and yourself so that what has been compartmentalized is now freely available.  This statement will make sense only when you have done the exercise in terms of some recognizable experience.

Integrity, Release, and Swiss Cheese Mind

The integrity of the individual is like vast network of interconnected memories.

That integrity is so complex that it defies intelligent analysis by mental means, but despite that fact, every part can be observed intuitively to affect every other part.  Dissolving the attracting force of a memory changes the felt status of all other memories.

That's the very virtue of dissolving memories; that's what it's for -- establish a new equilibrium and new patterns of behavior.

But understand, as memories have more or less intensity, they also have more or less attractive, binding force.

When a memory dissolves, the absence of its binding force, that once was, leaves a hold, a space, or a breaking or interruption of the integrity that is the individual -- one that must be mended -- and all other interconnected memories must be amended, accordingly.  That state has a nickname:  "Swiss Cheese Mind" -- full of holes. 

This mending, this integration of Swiss Cheese Mind, is the work of integration of memory, the forging of connections that makes sensitive,  intelligent, resonant responsiveness possible.

Integrity is resonant, intelligent responsiveness, throughout.

It is feeling while acting, listening while speaking, sensitivity to our internal state even as we look outward.

When the attractive, binding force lets go, a decrease of tension occurs throughout the individual.  That's one sense in which "individual" means "not divided."

The Escape Hatch from "Hard Reality" into Intelligent Fluidity

The intensity of an experience and the quality of the same experience are inversely related, as regards the entrapment or entrancement vs. freeing of attention.

By tendency, our attention gets trapped by the qualities of an experience and we fail to note the intensity of the same experience.  We sense qualities first, intensity, second, according to our interest.

When we shift attention to the intensity of an experience, we put less attention on the quality or the feeling of the experience.

That shift, when made completely enough, releases us from entrancement by the qualities that keeps us trapped.  The experience dissolves into pure intensity without definition.

On the other hand, if the attractiveness of an experience is sufficiently overwhelming, in a given moment, attention is not free enough to shift to the intensity of the experience.  The experience takes on, or is assigned, the status of "solid" reality, "real" reality, "unchanging" or persistent reality.

At that point, all we have left, to do, is deal with the particulars of the experience.  Transcendence is impossible.

There is an "escape hatch":  the peculiar property of the four-dimensional TetraSeed, that when all of its expressions -- attention, intention, memory, and imagination -- are well-integrated and resonate together, the whole lot loses its density, its cohesion.  Experience dissolves into an "open field" sensation -- undefined or free attention.  The solid fixity of "reality" loses its solidity and dissolves and the sense of self, also dissolves into formless, pristine consciousness.

Integration of the distinct particulars of experience dissolves into into a unified integrity without distinctions.

The fixed, hard-case, solid "status" of reality softens and spreads, loses intensity, loses density until it is forgotten.

If the experience shows up in life, again, its a very different kind of experience than one might have expected.

Integration into integrity dissolves distinctions.

Disarming Frustration and Chronic Distresses Triggered by Situations Out of Our Control

The sense of opposition -- or of frustration -- is a self-generated sensation, whatever the circumstances, however much those circumstances may justify feelings of opposition or frustration.

Those sensations -- frustration or opposition -- are a stress reaction that lies dormant until triggered by an experience similar to a remembered experience -- generally, the memory of opposition by someone or in some form.

Frustrating situations leave behind memory impressions -- impressions of both the situation and of our reaction, as triggerable behaviors, of going into distress and of its sensations.

That memory imprint of triggerable distress-behavior can be triggered by circumstances that may or may not really apply, circumstances that may be controllable, manipulable by learned actions.

Because those similar circumstances may be manipulable, efforts to remedy a stress reaction triggered by memory of a stressor may tempt us to control the similar circumstances in a similar way as before.  That temptation is likely to lead to persistent or repetitive conflicts.

A better approach is to disarm the situation from "the other end":  Give people the means to release themselves from their own stress reactions, whenever needed, without situations having to change, first.

The TetraSeed Awakening Invocations serve that purpose.

That way, disturbing circumstances are far less likely to perturb us, so we can retain more command of our own intelligence.

Imagination is the Escape Hatch -- not the Destination or Its Features

What makes us believe we know what is happening is our subconscious stress-conditioning rising to meet every new moment, to make sense, of it.

The mind cannot sufficiently grasp this point without an intuitive experience of it.  Prior to that, it is just words.

If you "get it", you're having an intuitive sense, of it that informs and infuses your word-mind with a sense of the meaning.

Intuition and imagination are closely related.  Both are non-verbal or pre-verbal apprehensions of the process by which things come into existence out of the unknown Unknown.

Here is the structure of imagination:

  1. imagining
  2. as-is, undefined
  3. spontaneous immediacy
  4. origination
  5. happening
  6. difference
  7. Is-Is
Here are how unconscious impediments or inadequacies of imagination lead to overwhelm.

The first "muscle" of intelligence we have just considered is ___.
(A:  imagination)

Imagination is the entry of something new from ___ to ___ reality.
(A:  unknown, the known (memory))

When combined with the three others, imagination is the release-mechanism from experiences of all kinds -- and hence, from overwhelm.  What's important about it isn't the content of imagination, but the activity of imagination, itself, as a conduit from the unknown into memory.

The unknown is the release from the known.

This is transcendence, or release from the effort-filled alternatives of possible experience that overwhelms us.

Imagination and memory are the objects of attention and determine the objectives of intention.

Reality is the Four-fold Unity Comprising What is Both Conditional and Transcendent.

If necessary, specific maneuvers of attention, intention, memory, and imagination, in the form of well-structured procedures that take minutes to do, may be self-applied with or without external facilitation-guidance.

Intelligent consciousness, and indeed, all experience, is composed of attention*intention*memory*imagination.  Of these, attention, intention, and memory are conditional, or defined, or finite, or definite.

The fourth, imagination, is infinite, or undefined, or unknown, or non-conditional.  Transcendent.

Imagination is our interface with the unknown, or underined.  Imagination is where the unknown becomes known.  It is our "face" of confrontation with moment-to-moment experience in the most ordinary sense.

It is the truth of the observation that we don't know what is actually happening until it has already happened -- and a memory of it has formed -- even if only short-term memory.

Recounting, Incomprehension, and Comprehension

A clear perception of subconscious conditioning requires an operating based, or standpoint, that is other than and distinct from what is being contemplated for the sake of release.

Mere working harder won't do it because doing so may entail more doing of that which must, itself, be released.

Humans tend to follow frustration with more-of-the-same kind of effort that has been being frustrated.  We may tend to just add more "whack" to the effort, when what is needed is to decrease effort -- something people may consider counter-intuitive -- but which is merely "counter-habitual".

The recounting, from an apparently "outside" source, provides such a free standpoint.

However, due to the subconsciousness of the stress-pattern conditioning, such a recounting may result in our being confronted by a feeling of incomprehension.

Incomprehension is a state of conditioning, in itself, a form of resistance discovered to be voluntary, when pressed.

So, in the case of incomprehension, that feeling of incomprehension must be felt, recognized, and stripped off before the subconscious resistance (unconsciousness) can be revealed, met, recognized, and released.

The recounting is a first, preparatory step.

Feeling is the next step.

Recognition is the next step.

and Release, or informed relaxation, is the last step -- done in a succession of encounters with ones own subconscious stress-conditioning.

What follows this entry, then is that recounting.

Distinguish Shit from Shinola

So many people and companies want to train us to accept bullshit.

They do so through crappy products, crappy service, and outright misbehavior.

Whey want to cut corners and they want US to accept it.

They want to train us to accept even MORE bullshit. They want us so we can't tell shit from Shinola (shoe polish).

They want us stupid and compliant.

But don't let them win. Distinguish shit from Shinola ... and act accordingly. That's a function of The Middle Way Memory Matrix TetraSeed Invocation.

Be smart and expectant. Get what you deserve: integrity and fair treatment.

That means that the exploiters have to grow up and behave like mature adults whose actions have consequences, not just for others, but for themselves (long term).

Witnessing Leads to an Eruption

 Witnessing, as in the transcendental sense, is always different, from moment to moment. It is never the same.

There is no "THE" Witness. There is only WitnessING, one with and identical to the content of experience, at any moment.

Witnessing faces experience by means of attention, but also witnesses the intention of attention to locate, like a mouth as large as the sphere of our experiencing, all that emerges to experience in the Unknownably Unknown.

WitnessING : IS : IS : Witness.

"The" Witness is an anthropomorphic artifice, like The Bearded God or Santa Clause.

Witnessing is not a self. All selves are being Witnessed. We are being witnessed. "We" are not Witnessing.

So, to "be" The Witness is to intuit BEING Witnessed. If an "other" "doing the witnessing" appears, that is also being witnessed.

To be witnessed is not to be known or to be a subject of knowledge or memory. Witnessing is not recording anything.

To be witnessed is to be at the meeting place of the unknown and the known -- and that is all.

The Unknown Witnessing everything, is witnessing US. We are being witnessed. But not known.

We intuit being witnessed when we sense of things in particular. To the degree that we sense anything particular, to that degree are we being witnessed, witnessed doing the sensing -- witnessed, but not known. Witnessed : Illuminated for Attention

What is witnessing us is Unknowably Unknown -- Unknowably Unknown -|- right out through the top of the head.

The Unknowably Unknown IS the constancy of The Intuition of "THAT" --, "the same, throughout all my life, as now" -- most subtle, everpresent. NOT particular.

The Unknowably Unknown is unknowably unknown, now -|- from the heart region through the tongue to the palate, to the brain core, breathing in through the top of the head. Old Faithful.

The Paradox of Relationship and Avoidance of Relationship

What we consider and call, "relationship", is, when discerned by feeling, exactly the avoidance of relationship.  Even in pleasure, there is the "low note" of lurking dissatisfaction and avoidance.

Both the feeling of relationship and of what we call, "avoiding relationship", are the avoidance of relationship.

It's all avoidance. "Qualified" relationship is avoidance.

"Unqualified" (or "quality-less") relationship, by definition and in actual experience, does not exist in the experience of things-in-relationship, which are themselves, aggregates of qualities.

To exist is to stand out.  "EX": out, as in, "external".  If it stands out, it stands out by virtue of some quality:  it's "qualified".

Nothing unqualified can be said to exist, or can be located by attention.  Attention, itself, is qualified by its objects.  No quality, no experience of attention.

Therefore, to seek, work for, or reinforce relationship or relatedness is to reinforce qualification, and to reinforce qualification is to reinforce relatedness, which is by feeling, recognized to be the same as the feeling of avoidance.  That may explain the difficulties of marriages and relationships and the frustration of perfectionism.

To reinforce relatedness, and its qualities, is to reinforce avoidance.

No action in that domain of experience, relatedness, can undo avoidance.  It's all avoidance.

Even this knowing fails to avail, for the same reason.  Seeking the "quality-less" event flavors it with the effort of seeking.

Only the tacit recognition of the common identity of avoidance and relationship pops one free of the dilemma.  "Tacit" implies felt, not analyzed out, by thought.

Feeling is common, or in-common, to both relatedness and avoidance.

Feeling persists and persists, by changing.

Feeling underlies all thought, all assessments, and all experience.

The feeling faculty is the substance of relationship.  It is also the substance of avoidance.

Feeling is made of attention, intention, memory, and imagination.  When those are awake, integrated, and balanced, they "go transparent".  Their qualifies fade into balance and are lost.

In that manner, "form is emptiness and emptiness is form".

But not otherwise.

To seek relatedness is to seek the very distress that motivates the search for release from relatedness.

Only integration avails, and in so succeeding, disqualifies itself from (or dissolves) the qualities of relationship.

No-seeking is not an attainment, but "what" is "left", or felt, an absence of both relationship and of avoidance.

The Stakes -- and The Call

 It's a choice between betraying the spirit of the Founding Fathers by allowing a criminal to prevail and to destroy the American Experiment in favor of self-serving authoritarian tyranny -- or temporarily betraying the spirit of the Founding Fathers by using his own weapons against him in an autocratic way -- as an act of service to the greater good -- as authorized by the Supreme Court ruling on "immunity".

One is a long-term betrayal of the higher values of this country and the other is a short-term betrayal for the sake of preservation of those higher values.  The difference is one of a habitual pattern vs. a deliberate, but temporary pattern.

How well does the metaphor of "at war from within" fit?  Old saying:  "All's fair in love and war."

Sometimes, extreme conditions call for extreme measures -- in this case, sacrifice of ones self-image for the greater good -- to beat them at their own game.  The motive makes all the difference.

It would be a great and courageous -- not "gesture" (which signifies only a symbolic communication) -- but course of action (which indicates lasting consequences).

The biggest problem could have been solved, when it was small.

It's no longer small -- and it has the potential to get much bigger.

Alito, Thomas, Trump, et. al., who are no longer "playing by the rules", must be neutralized, the sooner the better.  "Neutralized" as in, "neutered."  Outside the "rules".  The same is true of all who have been accessories after-the-fact.

Freedom without responsibility is the ideal of the adolescent; freedom without conscience is the mode of the juvenile delinquent -- and of the Supreme Court Six.

Orchestrated action, carried out.  That's where the courage is called for.