Website intro 2015 10 24 Lawrence Gold

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care Website intro 2015 10 24 Lawrence Gold

TetraSeed Conscious Evolution | Opposition and Dissolution, Intelligent Empowerment Lawrence Gold

The potential development of our faculties available by use of the TetraSeed shows up as the emergence of new approaches to experiences of all kinds.

TetraSeed Conscious Evolution
Opposition and Dissolution, 

Intelligent Self-Empowerment

Full-Spectrum Somatic Education

This entry details one of those emergents:
the ability to dissolve experiences
rather than
merely to oppose them.
To dissolve the grip of experiences
frees our attention and our intention
to imagine new developments
beyond the plight of our present dilemmas and afflictions.

Of those, there exists a primary new development:
the capacity to transform binding and troublesome experiences
into experiences of new freedom
to make new spontaneous responses
more suitable to our intentions,
more congenial to our memories. TetraSeed Conscious Evolution | Opposition and Dissolution, Intelligent Empowerment Lawrence Gold

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

Your Psoas Muscles - Healthy and Unhealthy - And How to Get Them Healthy

The psoas muscles are easy to understand when you consider the basic movements in which they are involved: sitting, standing, and walking -- and how those movements are controlled: muscle/movement memory. This article explains healthy and unhealthy psoas functioning and how to get them healthy.

To understand your psoas muscles means to know what to do when they are unhealthy (too tight).

Such an understanding points the direction to healthy psoas muscle function.

What Your Psoas Muscles Do
In healthy function, your psoas muscles maintain your uprightness in sitting, your spinal alignment and balanced equilibrium when standing, and your efficiency of movement bending, twisting, walking and running. Your psoas muscles are core stabilizers that lend balance to movement.

Tight psoas muscles show up as groin pain, deep pelvic pain, and as a deep belly ache. Postural effects include a butt that sticks out in back and a protruding belly, as pelvic position shifts top-forward. In movement, the legs are restricted, in walking, in their freedom to move backward; tight hamstrings often develop to compensate for the extra drag. Awkwardness and poor balance result. Chronic constipation also develops, in some people, due to the effect of an overactive psoas on the neighboring nerve plexus that regulates intestinal activity.

To Free Tight Psoas Muscles
Three basic approaches exist. One is much more effective than the others.                             

  1. stretching
  2. massage/manipulation
  3. movement training

First basic understanding: Muscle/movement memory runs the show.

If your psoas muscles are tight, your muscle/movement memory keeps them that way. Muscle/movement memory comes from a deeper level of the nervous system than voluntary movement does; it's conditioning.

Because muscle/movement memory develops by conditioning, stretching and manipulation produce, at best, temporary and partial results. You can't stretch or manipulate away conditioning; you can't stretch or manipulate away muscle/movement memory. The pattern of remembered movement and tension quickly returns. That understanding explains your experience with therapy for tight psoas muscles.

Since muscle/movement memory runs the show, you need an approach that re-conditions muscle/movement memory -- and that's where movement education comes in.

Movement education isn't "knowing how to move" or "maintaining good posture". It's developing new patterns of coordination by actions that reach the depth at which movement/memory lives -- the kind of movement memory involved in riding a bicycle, for example. How did you learn to ride a bicycle (or swim, for that matter)? Practice: development of new patterns of movement until they become habitual.

That development of new control and new movement involves not just freeing muscles, but also integrating them into movement patterns with other movers and stabilizers of the body. Movement training also involves awakening our ability to sense the actions of our muscles in movement and balance. Without the integration step, your psoas muscles are likely to revert to their tight state. I'll say more, as we go on.

Understanding how psoas muscles play in movement simplifies our approach to setting things right. Having made such a statement, I will, of course support it. But first, I have to lay some groundwork.

The psoas muscles share a common tendon and end-point with the iliacus muscles, which line the inside of the pelvis, so the combination is called, the "iliopsoas" muscle. For brevity, I use the term, "psoas muscle".

The psoas muscles are our deepest core muscles.

When people speak of the "core", they usually mean the muscles of the abdominal wall. But how is that the "core"? The core of anything, such as the Earth or an apple, is its centermost part. The psoas is a core muscle (as are the diaphragm, quadratus lumborum, iliacus and other muscles closest to bone); the abdominal muscles are "sleeve", outside the core.

The psoas muscles, being most centrally located as the deepest muscles in the body, help control the shape of the spine. By controlling the shape of the spine, they control our balance -- how the centers of gravity of our major segments - head, thorax (or chest), abdomen and legs - line up.

Tight psoas muscles distort the spinal curves, shorten the spine, change pelvic balance and cause ungainly (chunky, heavy, labored, awkward) movement. To the degree that the spinal curves are distorted, our alignment is distorted and to that degree, we are out of balance and our movement is un-economical/wasteful of effort.

Muscles never work alone; they always work in concert with other muscles. What any muscle does affects our entire balance. Other muscles have to compensate for those effects on balance by tightening or relaxing. Your brain controls these entire patterns of movement and compensation with memories of movement ("muscle/movement memory").

Because your nervous system and muscular system cooperate as a whole, to try to change the movement and tension behavior of tight psoas muscles without changing the larger movement pattern of which they are a part is to work against the rest of the system and its (our) memory of how movements go and feel. That's why methods of muscle manipulation (e.g., massage, myofascial release, stretching) produce changes that are either temporary or slow in coming - and why psoas release by manipulation is painful: it works directly on sore, contracted psoas muscles against the conditioning of the entire movement system.

The term, "tone", refers to the level of muscle tension: complete rest means zero muscle tone; complete activation means maximum muscle tone. Some people believe that the higher the tone, the better; others believe that complete relaxation is better. As you will see, where tone is concerned, it's neither; better-integrated is better, and better-integrated means more freedom to adjust accurately to changing conditions -- freedom and balance.

Your brain coordinates the movements and tone of muscles; tone changes as position changes in movement. That's what is meant by "supple." Supple psoas muscles have the sensation of spaciousness, support, freedom and length at your body core. The term rolfers use is, "open core." When psoas muscles do their job of stabilizing the spine, they relieve the abdominal wall muscles of some of that task; your abdominal muscles have the sensation of relaxation and free breathing. The term rolfers use is, "free sleeve." Healthy psoas functioning gives the experience of "open core, free sleeve." Open core/free sleeve is the feeling of trunk/spine length, flexibility and stability.

"Healthy", in this sense means, "getting the intended result with the least effort." Where movement is concerned, the word, "graceful", applies. Graceful movement is economical movement; awkward movement is uneconomical or ungainly movement. Graceful movement conserves effort; ungainly movement wastes effort. For movement to be economical, it must be well-balanced and well-coordinated -- a matter of integration.

Psoas muscles help regulate our changes of position as we move from rest into activity and from activity into rest by changes in their tone. They help maintain our balance and stability in those positions. They are central to movements from lying to sitting, from sitting to standing, and from standing to walking and running. If their tone is too high, they interfere with balance and stability as we move into different positions; their tone is almost never too low, and if so, usually indicates either neurological damage or a need to learn basic control.

With changes of position, the activity level of your psoas muscles changes, as follows.

From Lying Down to Sitting to Standing to Walking and Running
At rest or in repose, your psoas muscles have no job to do and should be at rest -- which means relaxed and comfortable.

Your psoas muscles connect your legs to your trunk. When you move from lying to sitting, they move your pelvis and provide a sufficiently stable core as you move to the upright position. Overly tight psoas muscles create groin pain or deep low back (lumbopelvic) pain when changing position from lying to sitting. You may have the experience of a groin pull or of muscles seizing up in your pelvis.

When Sitting - Your psoas muscles connect your groin to your pelvis and low back and stabilize your balance in the front-to-back direction; your brain adjuststheir tone for the right amount of front-to-back stability under the pull of gravity.

From Sitting to Standing - As you move from sitting to upright standing, your psoas muscles must relax and lengthen to permit you to stand fully upright.

Overly tight psoas muscles, which connect your groin to your spine, prevent you from coming to a fully erect, balanced stand.

When Standing - Your psoas muscles' well-regulated tone is low enough to allow you to stand at your full stature, with minimal lumbar curve and high enough to stabilize your core. Through your psoas muscles, your brain adjusts your spinal curves (and balance) as you bend forward, lean back, move side-to-side, and twist and turn.

Overly tight psoas muscles don't lengthen enough as you stand straight; they pull from your groin to your low back, causing lumbopelvic or lumbosacral pain, a "pubes back" position, and excessive lower back curve. Your belly protrudes and your butt sticks out.

From Standing to Walking - As you step into walking, you first shift your weight onto one foot to free the other leg to come forward; the psoas muscles on the standing side relax and those on the walking side tighten to help you step forward. In healthy walking, your psoas muscles freely alternate, side-to-side, between higher and lower tone as you walk or run.

Overly tight psoas muscles shorten your stride and require your hamstrings and gluteus medius muscles to work harder to bring your "standing" leg back as you step forward. You end up with tight hamstrings and tight gluteus medius muscles (hip pain in back).

You can't make a lasting change in one without changing the other because your brain maintains habitual patterns of movement among muscles (pattern of coordination); to change one, you have to reorganize the entire pattern. That kind of change doesn't occur "by deciding to move differently" or by stretching; when you're walking, you can't conveniently put that kind of attention into your movements; you have to make it automatic, and there's a process for that, mentioned below.

Efforts to free the psoas muscles without also improving their coordination with the rest of the musculature produce only partial and temporary improvements.

That means that "psoas release" techniques, "psoas stretches", and psoas strengthening approaches need movement education (which involves brain-muscle training) to produce a stable shift to healthy psoas functioning.

Economical movement (least effort, good result) and easy balance are the goal -- attributes you can develop by movement training that first frees the psoas muscles and then integrates them into economical movement patterns. First free, then integrate.

Then, it's a brain-level training process that changes the brain's sense of movement and coordination and results in healthy, integrated movement.

The name for that training process is, "clinical somatic education."


Tuck and Slide -- a somatic education exercise to free the psoas and neighboring groin muscles | from Free Your Psoas: Enhanced Agility for Athletes

Releasing muscles, by whatever means, is just the start. Integration is necessary for a satisfactory outcome to any approach to freeing muscles. This exercise prepares you for other exercises that integrate and coordinate the psoas muscles with other stabilizing muscles of the body. || Note the link to a preview of the full, Free Your Psoas program on that page.

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#psoas muscle release
#iliopsoas bursitis
#groin pull pain

Politicians Guiding the Commonwealth | Being Led by the Mediocre, The Blind, and The Ignorant

What is the Commonwealth?

First off, let us dispense with the legalistic or historical sense of the word. That's politics; that's the exterior.

Though we live in a Commonwealth, we may not recognize what is its interior.

"Commonwealth", in the interior sense, refers to the mindset of a society -- its culture.

Culture exists primarily in the individual as memories of how we do things and how we view things; from how we do and how we view -- and first and primarily from that -- the artifacts of the Commonwealth come into existence and are used for the common good. That is why it is called, Commonwealth. It is the living intelligence of a society.  It is not the accumulation and pooling of dollars; that is entirely secondary because the real worth of dollars is what one can get, or do, with them. All that one can do with dollars is what the social Commonwealth-of-Culture provides.

Around and about that, another viewpoint:
politics,  to control the flow of goods.

Politics seeks to control the Commonwealth.
Politics serves the Commonwealth.

When politics seeks to shape the Commonwealth, it puts the cart before the horse.

When politics seeks to control the Commonwealth, those who are less intelligent are seeking to control those who are more intelligent.  The Commonwealth is hampered.

When politics seeks to control the Commonwealth, it places the status quo over living intelligence; it is a deterrent to the arising of intelligence because intelligence generates change. Politics always lags behind, in "reactive" mode, making laws for things that have already happened; if it were otherwise, then the law-makers would frequently be issuing decrees of such brilliance as to enlighten the population. Is that what we see? So, politics is about regulating change, and politics lags behind, and politics resists change.

So, for politics to control the Commonwealth is the wrong way around.

The Commonwealth are the shared mindsets and unique resources and abilities of a culture, what we share in the omni-cultural culture we call, Country, developed by the emergence of intelligence. It is not "where the dollars are". It's the creative intelligence.

Politics is the "after-the-fact" regulator that chases problems the way a dog might chase a flock of birds; even if it seeks to prevent problems before they arise, that effort to prevent problems comes from a history of past problems. It is not generative and creative, but after-the-fact regulatory. It can never keep up with creative intelligence, even if creatively intelligent individuals populate the political field, because the spread and integration of information among individuals in the political field (as in any other) takes time. However, the resistance can (and really must) be mitigated to permit a smoother flow of change.

In that case:
Politics serves the rising of intelligence, it does not suppress it.

When politics serves the rising of intelligence, a more healthy and wholesome order emerges because actions express and reflect emerging intelligence, and the Commonwealth increases.  Is that plain enough?

How do we influence the morphogenetic field (noosphere)? I have an open secret -- to come.

The Gold Key Release | Hidden Questions Answered | Post-Course Coaching #3 Lawrence Gold

How to Do The Gold Key Release Well:
tips for practicing The Gold Key Release to a successful outcome
“successful outcome”, defined

This is post-course coaching for you if you attended Intelligent Self-Empowerment 101: The Gold Key Release.

It’s on using the Gold Key Release well, in your life.

Using the Gold Key Release well has to do with recognition, in the midst of a situation, that you could use The Gold Key Release to make the situation easier for yourself — or dissolve it, altogether. This video clip contains tips for making good use of the procedure.

Contact information for Lawrence Gold appears at the end.

The supportive instructional write-up on The Gold Key Release appears at

all about The Gold Key Release course

The Gold Key Release | Hidden Questions Answered | Post-Course Coaching #3

Intelligent Self-Empowerment The Gold Key Release | Hidden Questions Answered | Post-Course Coaching #3 Lawrence Gold

The Gold Key Release | Hidden Questions Answered | post-course coaching #2 Lawrence Gold

You Got the Expected Result from The Gold Key Release — or You Didn’t

How to Do The Gold Key Release Well:
tips for practicing The Gold Key Release to a successful outcome
“successful outcome”, defined

This is post-course coaching for you if you attended Intelligent Self-Empowerment 101: The Gold Key Release.

It’s on using the Gold Key Release well, in your life.

Using the Gold Key Release well has to do with recognition, in the midst of a situation, that you could use The Gold Key Release to make the situation easier for yourself — or dissolve it, altogether. This video clip contains tips for making good use of the procedure.

Contact information for Lawrence Gold appears at the end.

The supportive instructional write-up on The Gold Key Release appears at

all about The Gold Key Release course

The Gold Key Release post course 2

Intelligent Self-Empowerment The Gold Key Release | Hidden Questions Answered | post-course coaching #2 Lawrence Gold

On Memory

Memory has a saturation point. Every university student knows this!

Consider the memory saturation of a lifetime of events -- particularly those that leave enough impression on us to change our lives.

Memory always involves a state of readiness to act; that's what it's for, evolutionarily.

Readiness to act always involves a rise of tension. "On your mark, get set .....".

Tension also has a saturation point!

The two go together. Saturation prevents new patterns from forming -- memory patterns or tension patterns. They call that, "getting stiff", "aging".

When you've reached the saturation point, either way, there are two ways to go:
1. Stop trying to create a new pattern.
2. Forget (dissolve the old pattern).

The first is, "poor memory".
The second is unavailable to most people (who are untrained). The effort to forget just reinforces the memory because you have to remember what you're forgetting to forget it! However, Nature provides a way to clear the slate: death.

The alternative: People can learn to dissolve the grip of memory patterns, so they still have access to the pattern, but free of the grip, the rigidity that conditioned patterns create. One way to dissolve the grip:
 The Gold Key Release. No kiddin'. The result: enhanced versatility (flexibility).

The Gold Key Release | Answers to Hidden Questions | post-course coaching #1 Lawrence Gold

This is post-course coaching for you if you attended Intelligent Self-Empowerment 101: The Gold Key Release.

It’s on using the Gold Key Release well, in your life.

Using the Gold Key Release well has to do with recognition, in the midst of a situation, that you could use The Gold Key Release to make the situation easier for yourself — or dissolve it, altogether. This video clip contains tips for making good use of the procedure.

Contact information for Lawrence Gold appears at the end.

The supportive instructional write-up on The Gold Key Release appears at http://lawrencegoldsomatics.blogspot….

more on the course:

The Gold Key Release | Answers to Hidden Questions | post-course coaching #1
Intelligent Self-Empowerment… The Gold Key Release | Answers to Hidden Questions | post-course coaching #1 Lawrence Gold

The 'Red' Infection | a Spiral Dynamics/Integral Somatic View

This entry is for people familiar with Integral Spirituality, as taught by Ken Wilber, et. al., or with Spiral Dynamics.
Up to the present time, human history has been governed by the immature and partial motivations and capacities of First-Tier humanity.

It's fast approaching time when we will have a different situation -- with the leading edge of human evolutionary development governing the larger body of humanity -- but not through political means, but through release of the deeply ingrained habits of mind, the development of new and superior human capacities.

In present time, we see a heavy preponderance of "Red Meme", "booting-up more and more power", mentality. This kind of development roughly corresponds to the concern of a two-year old:  the development of their capacity to exercise power. It's one step beyond potty training.

And, obviously, it has its place. It's necessary to have the ability to exercise power -- power over oneself and over ones circumstances (and to some extent, people). It's also necessary for the power you exercise to be well-regulated.

Unfortunately, some individuals never seem to outgrow the "booting up power" stage; they are perpetual two-year olds -- with power. And, as we have observed, a two-year-old will not willingly relinquish power.

As a result, we have later stage memes, "Amber/Blue", and "Orange", that are heavily infected with residual "Red Meme" motivations.

"Amber/Blue" concerns itself with organized group behavior, and with it, group-approved values -- which is to say, shared memories that form the backdrop of a shared culture. These people exist in a mature childhood stage, receptive and prone to reinforce what has been learned, still obedient to the imposed official values of time and place. This pattern is helpful when organizing a family, a tribe, a walled city or a nation-state.

However, when "Red power drive" combines with "Amber/Blue" authoritarianism, what do you get? Barking Dog Authoritarianism -- and the dog means it.

The Healthy Development of Orange Meme
With "healthy Orange", power takes a new form. Instead of being confined within the tribe (or corporation) and pitted against everyone else in a hormone-driven thrill of acquisition and power, it starts seeing the next-larger level of organization: integration. It sees the possibility of mutual complementarity, trustworthy relationships, shared overall intention (the greatest good for the greatest number) and the valuation of ingenuity -- ingenuity in rendering obsolete the solutions of the past and ingenuity in creating the next life-supporting developments. This exists within the Field of Possibility.

Barking Dog Authoritarian Orange
However, whereas a well-balanced Orange has the competence to apply power in a well-organized way and the competence to organize power, Barking Dog Authoritarian Orange wants to apply power more and more.  It is aggressively expansive in a mono-maniacal, crazed ecstasy -- like an adolescent-on-hormones with a one-track mind; it wants to throw off the rules and "have its way"? This description of Barking Dog Authoritarian Orange is also a description of "sick Capitalism". Toooo much Red. It is adolescent, but in a King Kong sort of way.

Need to tone down the Red.

Even the Green meme (or "structure stage") has been infected with excessive Red-ness. It takes the form of something different from Barking Dog Authoritarianism: Wagging Tail Authoritarianism With A Barking Dog in the Doghouse: "political correctness" and "lovingkindness" -- where the price paid is self-oppression for the sake of ideals. Oy.

Self-Oppression: Anger turned inward, being "down on oneself", guilty, ashamed that we aren't Spiritual enough, or as Spiritual as we would hope others believe we are -- and therefore aspiring to be innocent, comfortable being oneself, and loving all beings. We do that precisely because we believe we're not that -- and we know it. Hoo, boy.

Which brings us to the punch line of this entry:
Humanity has been run by First-Tier interests with an excess of Red and subversion of Amber/Blue, Orange, and even Green by Red. The Reds are in control.

We, Second-Tier Humanity 
will, at some point and in some way, have to take Red in hand.

At least two general approaches are possible -- and a third.
  1. Put Red in its proper place, its proper proportion.

    That means we may have to become at least as Red as Red, to face Red down -- and that might involve military and police.

  2. Red must self-subjugate itself before Second-Tier -- or accept subjugation by Second-Tier.

Now, do you seriously, for a moment believe that Red will self-subjugate before Second Tier (or anyone else, for that matter?). Do you believe that even if Second-Tier subjugated Red, that Red would stay subjugated? Well??

Therefore, I think it cannot be accomplished that way, the usual First-Tier way that seeks dominance -- and still, Red must not be permitted to taint the higher stages with poorly-regulated excess.

It must be accomplished differently.

Instead of being accomplished through imposition, as in First-Tier mentality, I suggest it may be accomplished, instead, through release.

One possible means is through introduction of new tendencies into the morphogenetic field. The morphogenetic field is a world-wide field of consciousness that shapes the genetics and the behavior of living beings. It's what makes popular opinion have felt force; what makes laughter and tears contagious, what makes you want to yawn when you see another yawn; what makes sacred places have a distinct feeling, what attracts individuals to, and repels us from, each other.  See the writings of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake for more information.

Introducing new tendencies into the morphogenetic field means what it sounds like it means: a new medium of control by which the behavior and development of individuals may be tempered from "behind the scenes", first through a dissolution and release of old, fixated, binding patterns of thought, feeling, and action to allow things to change, and then through introduction of new, intelligent, benign tendencies into that field. There are experimental -- and personally accessible -- means for that, about which I will say more, later.

With the Red Infection quelled, Amber/Blue can be tempered, wholesome and whole, as a developmental stage favoring generative creativity and the emergence of imaginative capacity, tempered by the "safe zone" of tradition.

At the edge of that safe zone is where "Healthy Orange" comes into play, in reorganizing how economics carries itself out along many lines of intelligence, world-wide.

Healthy Orange favors ingenuity, and yet retains the flavor of a well-tempered life. Where the exercise of power is concerned, the question, "Could it be done?" always followed by, "Should it be done?" Ingenuity empowered by capacity and flavored by Wisdom: the recognition that effects spread far and wide and the willingness to temper the urge to action. "Keep it in your pants."


Healthy Green
The role of Green is to temper all the previous stages of develop sufficiently that they may all be considered fairly (for their virtues) and integrated into their proper place -- the "momentous leap into Second-Tier".

If Green were not infected with Red, Green would allow equal consideration of previous stages of development, including their truth-claims -- and so foster the great Leap to Integral (which includes all previous forms of consciousness without giving permanent privilege to any one of them) --  and without imposing the universally deconstructive righteousness that negates healthy social and behavioral structures along with the unhealthy and renders knowledge into pap: ineffectual nonsense.

The quandary we have, for the moment, is, "How do we temper Red, when Red doesn't want to be tempered." "Persuade a man against his will, he remains an unbeliever, still."

I suggest: Influence the morphogenetic field, the ocean of evolutionary potential in which we all live.

The question that must follow: How?

I leave you, for now, with that question. There is an answer, however, and so, more to come.

Better-Integrating 'Broken' Human Beings | Intelligent Self-Empowerment Training

    • Lawrence Gold

  • Lawrence Gold
    It gets back to what I've been saying, for a while: People are enslaved by their (and by, "their", I mean, "our") conditioning -- which is to say, their (our) relative competence or incompetence in managing memory (agape), attention (communion), intention (agency), and imagination/emergence (eros), the four elements (Ken Wilber has used the word, drives) of intelligence, the unique "tones" of Unique Self ( or Unique self ) -- which is fundamentally four-part.

    In my view, ALL mental illness is a matter of
    un-evenness of development, unstable integrity (instability), and/or of deformation (through trauma or weird character formation) of the expression of those four faculties of life -- mental illness and chronic dysfunction of any kind. This, I know from personal self-observation (and I should know, seemingly having been saddled with, and having had to transform more personal dysfunction, I think, than most), at times feeling like a struck bell.

    People typically awaken
    those faculties unevenly. One may be good, perhaps, at remembering, but weak at imagining or contacting new possibilities (and so is chronically "traditional"); weak at intention (i.e., "willpower"), but good at feeling-attending (helpless or victim); or bad at feeling attending and strong of intention (the boor, adolescent, and the Sick Capitalist/Businessman); good at imagining, but weak at capturing the gifts of our imaginings and rendering them into tangible accomplishments (the Dreamer). That uneven-ness leaves people more vulnerable to poor self-management, stagnation, and to hiccups in existence.

    Such uneven-ness of development is characteristic of First-Tier development.  Unevenness gets carried into Second-Tier functioning as hitches of development, broken fulra, and flat tires.

    First-Tier has an excuse:  First-Tier stages variously emphasize one or another of the four elements of intelligence. For example, Mythic/amber emphasizes imagining; Power Gods/red emphasizes intention -- though all four of the elements of intelligence must always be present to some degree to experience anything.
    (Experience ceases the moment any one of those four subsides -- and that is how The Gold Key Release works.)

    It seems to me that an integral developmental approach necessarily involves mastery of those four elements of intelligence, which are the underpinnings of ALL lines of intelligence. It occurs to me that the ability to move from stage to stage would likely involve the process of competently awakening and balancing attention, intention, memory, and imagination/emergence at each stage-capacity. (And that is what stages are: increase of development and integration of our capacities around and in line with developing values.)

    I have been practicing a long, continuous process, of awakening, integrating, and releasing all the particular forms of memory-bound consciousness that constitute myself and sense of "my life" -- through the process of enlivening and balancing those four faculties of intelligence, in myself. I have trained a few in procedures I have devised and practiced in myself (subsequent to a spontaneous, intuitive awakening of possibiity in myself). Those who have participated and done the work (including myself, as the first user of the procedures) have realized extraordinary -- which is to say, uncommon, new, and continuing -- and therefore having higher eros-capacity -- changes in the sense of the intuitive field.

    -- or, in the more concise (and so, less windbag) words of others.....

What You Need to Do if You've Had Your Psoas Muscles Released

I'm going to make an assumption that, because you are reading this entry, you've had your psoas muscles released by a therapist and they've re-tightened. So, now you are looking for something more.

If you want to keep the relief of free psoas muscles, there's something you need to do: integrate the change.

"Integrate the change" means bring the rest of your movement coordination in line with having free psoas muscles. To understand what that means, recognize that your entire way of moving has been adapted to having tight psoas muscles (and the symptoms that accompany tight psoas muscles -- groin pain, altered walking patterns, altered pelvic position and altered balance). That means you have muscle/movement memory in all of your other movements that is still fitted to having tight psoas muscles -- muscle movement memory that will call the old pattern of having tight psoas muscles back into existence -- unless changed.

  1. pelvic twist
  2. accentuated low back curve
  3. altered walking movements
  4. altered breathing
  5. altered rib cage shape

Freeing your psoas muscles alters that pattern somewhat, right away. But you need to address the rest of that pattern to create new muscle/movement memory, to "capture" your newly freed condition.  That's how you keep the change -- and it's also why, "single muscle" releases don't keep.

You need to reinforce the new muscle/movement memory of your psoas muscles and all the muscles that work along with them.
The way to create new muscle/movement memory is to develop it deliberately through specific, natural movement patterns until they become second-nature (actually, first-nature). Then, they support your newly freed psoas muscles staying in their free condition.

That's why the program, Free Your Psoas, has nine lessons. Those lessons prepare you to free your psoas muscles, then free your psoas muscles, then reinforce that freedom with lessons that change the rest of your movement system, in kind.


someone who has experienced the program, 
Free Your Psoas, directly

Get Started, for free
on the Program Preview page
(scroll to the bottom).

Click to read of her experience with the program.
Read the words of someone who has had
direct experience of the program, Free Your Psoas.


The Inner Side of Somatic Education Exercises Lawrence Gold

Message to all purchasers, or prospective purchasers, of somatic education exercise programs:

(Hanna Somatics Gold) :

* Functional Exercises that bring fast improvements

* Somatic Education Exercises: a new approach to eliminating pain and movement rehab

* a missing link in movement fitness and athletic performance

* Somatic Education Exercises enhance all other therapeutic approaches to ending pain and improving movement.

Somatic Education Exercises:
— balance strength (control) and freedom of movement
— develop healthy levels of muscular tension/tone
— restore the ability to relax as well as to exert precise strength in just the right amount to meet the need.
— integrate and reinforce the changes brought about in clinical sessions of Hanna Somatic Education
— suffice as a stand-alone clinical modality

The Inner Side of Somatic Education Exercises

old version:

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care The Inner Side of Somatic Education Exercises Lawrence Gold