What You Need to Do if You've Had Your Psoas Muscles Released

I'm going to make an assumption that, because you are reading this entry, you've had your psoas muscles released by a therapist and they've re-tightened. So, now you are looking for something more.

If you want to keep the relief of free psoas muscles, there's something you need to do: integrate the change.

"Integrate the change" means bring the rest of your movement coordination in line with having free psoas muscles. To understand what that means, recognize that your entire way of moving has been adapted to having tight psoas muscles (and the symptoms that accompany tight psoas muscles -- groin pain, altered walking patterns, altered pelvic position and altered balance). That means you have muscle/movement memory in all of your other movements that is still fitted to having tight psoas muscles -- muscle movement memory that will call the old pattern of having tight psoas muscles back into existence -- unless changed.

  1. pelvic twist
  2. accentuated low back curve
  3. altered walking movements
  4. altered breathing
  5. altered rib cage shape

Freeing your psoas muscles alters that pattern somewhat, right away. But you need to address the rest of that pattern to create new muscle/movement memory, to "capture" your newly freed condition.  That's how you keep the change -- and it's also why, "single muscle" releases don't keep.

You need to reinforce the new muscle/movement memory of your psoas muscles and all the muscles that work along with them.
The way to create new muscle/movement memory is to develop it deliberately through specific, natural movement patterns until they become second-nature (actually, first-nature). Then, they support your newly freed psoas muscles staying in their free condition.

That's why the program, Free Your Psoas, has nine lessons. Those lessons prepare you to free your psoas muscles, then free your psoas muscles, then reinforce that freedom with lessons that change the rest of your movement system, in kind.


someone who has experienced the program, 
Free Your Psoas, directly

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Read the words of someone who has had
direct experience of the program, Free Your Psoas.


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