Developing into a "Neo-Post-Contemporary Human"?
A Neo-Post-Contemporary Human is someone open beyond knowledge, beyond what is known. A Neo-Post-Contemporary Human is capable of "standard operating procedure", but also capable of going beyond "standard operating procedure"; capable of thinking, not only "outside the box" for solutions to life's problems, but also of going outside the "box" of thinking, the box of their current intelligence, knowledge, and ability.
That's the "Neo-Post..." part.
They are capable of going beyond the constraints that memory imposes upon imagination (in the grip of agape)
-- capable of being open to the Unknown Unknown -- open to the emergence of new-ness (the mood of eros)
-- capable of self-regulating the grip of agape -- freely self-regulating the urge to freedom (the mood of eros).
-- capable of bringing into action and into form what is new.
Why bother?
People's sense of being stuck or limited in life has to do with the limitations of being a contemporary human. As Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them," -- and that state of mind is the contemporary one. A neo-post-contemporary mind is one that is beyond the contemporary state of mind -- and even beyond the next ("post-contemporary") one developing, now.
How do you get to be like that?
First, uncover, discover and transform those limitations, in yourself. That frees you to find what's beyond them; prior to that, you're contained within them and can't reach beyond them. Clear the way, first. There's a well-structured way of doing that.
Then, you put your newly freed intelligence-potential into action.
This is not a mental action involving the difficult effort of figuring things out with your memory of what's been done and predictions of what's possible: it's an unreasoned, intentional action to bring into existence something new, out of the unknown unknown. It feels like inspired action, "good ideas coming to you" from beyond your current understanding.
The term I use is, "
Intelligent Empowerment".
Our free, pre-course session, on Wednesday, June 24th, 2015, was a total success. Our first step was learn about and clarify our experience of
The TetraSeed, which is a name I have given to the underpinnings of our sense of existence, which underpinnings exist as a set of four powers of intelligence without
all of which we can neither experience anything, whatsoever, nor act.
Those four powers, which constitute
The TetraSeed, are
imagining, intending, remembering, and
attending. I call the procedure we use to clarify our experience and knowledge of
The TetraSeed's components
, The Crystal Crown Procedure.
The Crystal Crown Procedure is a way to sharpen your own intelligence (in a way that's obvious and self-validating, self-authenticating).
In that same, pre-course session, I took people through
The Gold Key Release, which is based upon
The TetraSeed, and then taught a simplified version of
The Set-Up Procedure, a
procedure that brings feeling-intelligence to whichever kind of experience you intend, at the time that you are doing
The Set-Up Procedure. "Feeling Intelligence" isn't "emotional intelligence"; it's intelligent intuition.
Intuition isn't guesswork. It's a vivid and direct perception of the functional nature, the behavior, of things. Intuition is what Einstein used to discern and to formulate his
General Theory of Relativity.
The TetraSeed Transformation Procedures seem to fall into three major clusters.
1. Basic learning of the TetraSeed, The Gold Key Release and Crystal Crown procedures.
2. Cleaning up lifelong Traumas with The Trauma Dissolution Procedure and supporting procedures learned in cluster #1.
Bringing better and better balance to life with The Middle-Way Memory
Matrix Ritual, a wisdom practice that dissolves the dilemma of the
chronic alternatives, pairs of different motivations, leading to a
deeper equanimity and, yes, spontaneous wisdom-intelligence.
Additional, more advanced procedures exist for getting to the root of entrenched conditioning and for dissolving "entanglements of attention" quickly.
Intelligent Empowerment 101
Our first course,
Intelligent Empowerment 101, consists of seven twice-weekly sessions of about one hour, scheduled to start the third week of July (date to be announced - "TBA"). One session will be to learn and practice each exercise and one session three days later, for feedback and Q&A.
In the first session, I will teach and you will practice The Crystal Crown Procedure, a potent awakening-and-transformation procedure in its own right. In The Crystal Crown Procedure, we focus on each of the powers or aspects of The TetraSeed, awakening and clarifying them. The felt-meanings (not just dictionary definitions) of the those faculties' names -- imagining, intending, remembering, and attending to -- become experientially obvious.
Then, in subsequent sessions, I will teach, you will learn, and we will practice The Gold Key Release, an "entry level", but very powerful procedure for dissolving stress-patterns and activating spontaneous intelligence. I will work one-on-one with one or more individuals in the Google Hangout environment; others present will be able to run the procedure in their private settings.
In subsequent sessions of Intelligent Empowerment 101, we will apply The Gold Key Release to:
- attention
- imagination (newness or emergence)
- intention
- memory
- desire
- resistance
I call applying The Gold Key Release to the underpinnings of The Gold Key Release, "forging the basic tool."
In our seventh session, everyone will work on an issue of their own choosing: some area of life in which you feel stuck and want to get unstuck. The Gold Key Release will "unstick" you.
That will get you started on working on and transforming stuck patterns in your own life and prepared for Intelligent Empowerment 102, the more free-form version of Intelligent Empowerment 101.
Intelligent Empowerment 102
Expanding Your Power Using The Gold Key Release
This eight-week "luminar" exists for you to apply
The Gold Key Release to items or issues
of your own choosing in a group setting similar to that of
Intelligent Empowerment 101, with access to me for coaching and Q&A, live.
We will be choosing
increasingly large-scale items to clear up. The items you choose to address will fall into four categories:
- egocentric: having to do with your own personal worth, wants and needs
- ethnocentric: having to do with the wants and needs of any specific group of which you are a part
- world-centric: having to do with issues affecting the whole world, at large
- kosmo-centric: having to do with the larger issues of life and the underpinnings of your existence
The higher levels get increasingly accessible, to you, as you clean up your own life.
These sessions will get you used to addressing larger-scope issues on
your own. You'll practice on two items or issues at each level (1. - 4.), for
experience. Each larger-scope level is more potent than the last in
producing changes in you that you feel, then and there. The larger-scope
levels require basic familiarity and proficiency in the
Gold Key Release.
I will provide a number of working suggestions which, as you implement
The Gold Key Release at increasingly larger-scale levels, will enable to you to put
The Gold Key Release to increasingly good use to clean up your own life and do world-service -- and prepare you for the next module of training
I will provide a number of techniques (including
The Tongue Mudra) that, as you implement them, further empower to you to put
The Gold Key Release to
increasingly good use -- and will prepare you for the next module of training,
Intelligent Empowerment 1A, The Set-Up Procedure.
You need to be proficient in
The Gold Key Release to do
The Set-Up Procedure, so
Intelligent Empowerment 101 is a pre-requisite for
Intelligent Empowerment 1A.
This isn't some airey-fairey outcome that lives only in your imagination. It's blatant and unmistakable as a tangible experience.
Intelligent Empowerment 1A
Intelligent Empowerment 1A, I will teach and guide you through
The Set-Up procedure, a "transformative wisdom" procedure that does what the name implies -- tempers wishes with self-validating wisdom, so that you are informed by wisdom, rather than merely being compelled by desire or need. Read more about
The Set-Up procedure, here.
Whereas The Gold-Key Release is a "liberation" procedure that provides relief and subliminally sets you up for spontaneous new behaviors in previously stuck situations,
The Set-Up Procedure is a "
transformative wisdom" procedure that awakens and integrates the powers of
The TetraSeed in terms of particular issues of interest (in contrast to
The Crystal Crown procedure, which awakens and integrates those powers, in general).
The process reveals and removes multiple hidden interferences, shows you "where you are really at" with issues, and puts you into a more balanced, intelligent relationship to your desired outcome.
It sets the stage for "self-clean-up" in more ways than you have likely anticipated. If you're like me, as I expect that you are, you'll find yourself surprised at the developments.
Intelligent Empowerment 1A consists of seven weeks of twice-weekly sessions of about one hour, scheduled to start two weeks after the end of
Intelligent Empowerment 102.
In the first session, I will guide you through The Crystal Crown procedure and show you how that procedure is the structural underpinning of The Set-Up procedure.
There is increasing depth available in those procedures, as you will discover, so it's worth revisiting The Crystal Crown procedure after each session of other procedures and getting accustomed to using it.
The Set-Up procedure is particularly useful before addressing difficult or more deeply entrenched issues. Although not required, it is "helpful" -- meaning, you'll save yourself a lot of time if you use it before particularly difficult issues.
You will apply The Set-Up procedure to egocentric, ethnocentric, world-centric, and kosmo-centric scales of experience.
Those sessions will establish you in the ground of being of wisdom that will inform your application of The Set-Up procedure for the future -- not by limiting you, but by arming you with intuitive wisdom-understanding, freeing you from hidden limitations and biases that put a twist into your manifestation abilities.
This claim of "wisdom-understanding" is not some conceit, of mine. As with all of the TetraSeed Transformation procedures, this result will be your experience, unequivocally self-validating.
In the later sessions, everyone will work on issues of their own choosing, areas of life in which each would like to open the way to certain experiences.
This part of the course will be an experiment to learn what may be the larger, unanticipated effects of introducing changes into the collectively-shared
morphogenetic ("morphic" or "probability") field in which we are all embedded and which forms the collective atmosphere for thought, emotion, and possibility. The term,
"morphogenetic field", is a term coined by researcher Rupert Sheldrake.
Intelligent Empowerment 1B
In Intelligent Empowerment 1B, I will teach and guide you through The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual, a shorter wisdom-procedure useful for sorting out confusion and for placing things in perspective.
Intelligent Empowerment 1B consists of seven weeks of twice-weekly sessions (teaching/practice, feedback/Q&A) of one hour, scheduled to start two weeks after the end of
Intelligent Empowerment 1A.
The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual contrasts opposing alternatives -- ways to go in life -- in terms of
intending and
refusing those alternatives in every possible combination. Things get clearer in a big way.
Larger scale, deeply entrenched, "story of my life" conditioning, or conditioning that just refuses to yield to the earlier procedures, typically has both a visible and an
invisible component, We identify with one side of the situation but have no clue how the other side applies to us. You've got to handle both.
The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual (or
"The Memory-Matrix Ritual") is a self-revelatory, self-liberating procedure that discloses the
invisible, deeply-entrenched, and crusty components that may have been implanted in us by trauma, bad upbringing, or the general social insanity characteristic of this world, Earth. It allows you to re-write (or "edit") "The Book of You".
By putting things into perspective, with this procedure, you remove hidden internal conflicts -- ways in which you interfere, because of previous, unconscious conditioning, with a making choices.
In the first session, I will guide you through "forging your basic tool" -- the four faculties of The TetraSeed -- with The Crystal Crown procedure.
Then, I will teach and you will practice The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual under my step-by-step guidance.
You will apply The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual to egocentric, ethnocentric, world-centric, and kosmo-centric scales of experience.
In the later sessions, everyone will work on issues of their own choosing, areas of life in which each would like to sort out certain experiences or desirable (or undesirable) possibilities.
This part of the course will be also an experiment to learn what larger effects we can introduce into the world-process through the collectively-shared morphogenetic ("morphic" or "probability") field in which we are all embedded and which forms the "non-local", collective atmosphere for thought, emotion, and possibility.
Intelligent Self-Empowerment
Level 2
As you get increasingly proficient, your next desire will probably be to simplify. Would you like to know some very brief, intuitive procedures for creating and dissolving your conditioning much more quickly?
Those would be,
The Lightening Bolt and
The Hammer of Thor, short, short procedures for getting unstuck.
The same seven-week format applies as before.
As these procedures are very simple and brief, they require a degree of mastery in previous procedures, to perform. You will likely find them very handy, when you encounter sticky or difficult moments in the previous procedures, to keep things moving. I use them for that purpose.
Intelligent Self-Empowerment
Level 3
In Level 3, we practice two complementary procedures,
The Thunderclap and
Pervasion of Experience by Transcendental Intuition.
We use
The Thunderclap to bring experiences from possibility into actuality, in the process identifying and neutralizing stuck situations that interfere.
We use
Pervasion of Experience by Transcendental Intuition to penetrate the distracting force of experience to the point of intuiting the formless Ground of Being. That intuition first surfaces in
The Gold Key Release, when well-done. This procedure goes much faster and results in an overall shift of temperament in a way that's difficult to describe -- in part because the changes are unique to each individual's innate characteristics.
You want to transform major themes of your life?
These tools give you a handle on yourself, and so, on your life.
We'll be doing individual coaching and group coaching.
If you desire it, we can schedule private, one-on-one sessions.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold