Imagination is the Escape Hatch -- not the Destination or Its Features

What makes us believe we know what is happening is our subconscious stress-conditioning rising to meet every new moment, to make sense, of it.

The mind cannot sufficiently grasp this point without an intuitive experience of it.  Prior to that, it is just words.

If you "get it", you're having an intuitive sense, of it that informs and infuses your word-mind with a sense of the meaning.

Intuition and imagination are closely related.  Both are non-verbal or pre-verbal apprehensions of the process by which things come into existence out of the unknown Unknown.

Here is the structure of imagination:

  1. imagining
  2. as-is, undefined
  3. spontaneous immediacy
  4. origination
  5. happening
  6. difference
  7. Is-Is
Here are how unconscious impediments or inadequacies of imagination lead to overwhelm.

The first "muscle" of intelligence we have just considered is ___.
(A:  imagination)

Imagination is the entry of something new from ___ to ___ reality.
(A:  unknown, the known (memory))

When combined with the three others, imagination is the release-mechanism from experiences of all kinds -- and hence, from overwhelm.  What's important about it isn't the content of imagination, but the activity of imagination, itself, as a conduit from the unknown into memory.

The unknown is the release from the known.

This is transcendence, or release from the effort-filled alternatives of possible experience that overwhelms us.

Imagination and memory are the objects of attention and determine the objectives of intention.

Reality is the Four-fold Unity Comprising What is Both Conditional and Transcendent.

If necessary, specific maneuvers of attention, intention, memory, and imagination, in the form of well-structured procedures that take minutes to do, may be self-applied with or without external facilitation-guidance.

Intelligent consciousness, and indeed, all experience, is composed of attention*intention*memory*imagination.  Of these, attention, intention, and memory are conditional, or defined, or finite, or definite.

The fourth, imagination, is infinite, or undefined, or unknown, or non-conditional.  Transcendent.

Imagination is our interface with the unknown, or underined.  Imagination is where the unknown becomes known.  It is our "face" of confrontation with moment-to-moment experience in the most ordinary sense.

It is the truth of the observation that we don't know what is actually happening until it has already happened -- and a memory of it has formed -- even if only short-term memory.

Recounting, Incomprehension, and Comprehension

A clear perception of subconscious conditioning requires an operating based, or standpoint, that is other than and distinct from what is being contemplated for the sake of release.

Mere working harder won't do it because doing so may entail more doing of that which must, itself, be released.

Humans tend to follow frustration with more-of-the-same kind of effort that has been being frustrated.  We may tend to just add more "whack" to the effort, when what is needed is to decrease effort -- something people may consider counter-intuitive -- but which is merely "counter-habitual".

The recounting, from an apparently "outside" source, provides such a free standpoint.

However, due to the subconsciousness of the stress-pattern conditioning, such a recounting may result in our being confronted by a feeling of incomprehension.

Incomprehension is a state of conditioning, in itself, a form of resistance discovered to be voluntary, when pressed.

So, in the case of incomprehension, that feeling of incomprehension must be felt, recognized, and stripped off before the subconscious resistance (unconsciousness) can be revealed, met, recognized, and released.

The recounting is a first, preparatory step.

Feeling is the next step.

Recognition is the next step.

and Release, or informed relaxation, is the last step -- done in a succession of encounters with ones own subconscious stress-conditioning.

What follows this entry, then is that recounting.

Distinguish Shit from Shinola

So many people and companies want to train us to accept bullshit.

They do so through crappy products, crappy service, and outright misbehavior.

Whey want to cut corners and they want US to accept it.

They want to train us to accept even MORE bullshit. They want us so we can't tell shit from Shinola (shoe polish).

They want us stupid and compliant.

But don't let them win. Distinguish shit from Shinola ... and act accordingly. That's a function of The Middle Way Memory Matrix TetraSeed Invocation.

Be smart and expectant. Get what you deserve: integrity and fair treatment.

That means that the exploiters have to grow up and behave like mature adults whose actions have consequences, not just for others, but for themselves (long term).