WHAT's the Problem, Here???

The Problem-Solving Mind is an identity of our times.

An identity is something familiar to which we return by preference -- or by tendency.

The Problem-Solving Mind, to have existence, must have problems.

If it solves them, it must have more problems, to exist as The Problem-Solving Mind.

If necessary, it goes looking for trouble to find a problem to solve. It makes problems up as it goes along and treats them as if they are serious and for real, sometimes in a laughable fashion.

The point is, as long as one identifies with or as being The Problem-Solving Mind, one will find problems. One keeps returning to being The Problem-Solving Mind as a matter of familiarity and habit -- and like the bees, the problems come in swarms, sometimes.  The Problem-Solving Mind can be kept busy.

In a sense, The Problem-Solving Mind is a problem -- if it is the identity to which we return. However, if we rest from The Problem-Solving Mind, we fall into what is deeper.  It is no solution. It is also no problem.  No-Problem Mind.

No problem.

Then, conditions may arise as they may, but we are operating from No-Problem Mind.  Fewer problems arise and they are turned into no-problem.

No problem.

No identifying as or with, "The Problem-Solving Mind".

No avoiding it.

No problem.

Problem? No problem.

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