Gromko Igrait Horovitz

Horovitz was a little man, a little man in size, but a giant of an unusual ability in an obvious, but somehow secret and understated way.

He had a way of speaking that left one in wonder.

Horovitz was a conductor on the railroad. In early afternoons, he could be seen in a passenger car, walking the aisle from front to back, occasionally touching the backrest of a seat to steady himself as the train rocked around a curve beneath him, dressed in black vest and trousers, a bowtie closing the top of his white oxford shirt, a black conductor's cap on his head, puncher in hand.

Horovitz seemed quiet to people who didn't know him very well. He seem unfathomable to those who did know him, better. To the passengers on the train, he seemed very businesslike in an ordinary way, taking and punching tickets and answering questions about destinations and arrival times, quietly and politely. When he was done in a car, he would be gone until the next stop.

On this particular Sunday, when the trains ran half-schedules, the cars were sparsely occupied. In the back on the left (looking backward along the train) slumped a youngish man with black, tousled hair, three day old stubble and black and white pinstripe trousers. He carried a thin, black leather attache case with no buckle, only a wide strap.

Outside, at a stop, one could see in the grey, overcast day a mother and daughter across the street on the sidewalk in front of a large glass storefront display window, dressed in matching red with red shoes and red hats. The greyness of the day made their red seem redder, accents of color on a grey day. The mother faced left toward her daughter, while her daughter faced the display window, turned toward her mother at a slight angle and looking in.

A car went by, momentarily blocking the view. Then, the mother was bending forward, talking to her daughter, smiling and pointing at the display window. The daughter was looking up at her mother, listening with a smile of excited expectancy.

The train jolted and started to move away from the scene with the mother and daughter, who were lost to view as they drifted past the right edge of the window next to the seats.

Horovitz stood by the door and waited while the new passengers seated themselves. He did that, instead of punching their tickets when they got on, to allow everybody to board as quickly as possible. Then, he went down the aisle, taking and punching tickets and answering a question from one passenger, a woman in her 50s with a Chanel handbag and a book, and another question from another passenger, an elderly man with a cane, who sat in upright dignity.

Horivitz was a Listener. That's why he seemed so quiet.

In fact, what was odd, and missed by most, is that environments got quieter as he entered them.

The way it was on the train, was this:

Trains are not quiet places. They are noisy places, places of sudden movements and jolts and rumbling vibrations, sudden sounds -- less at station stops, of course, though even there, trains are not quiet places, just less noisy places.

In the transit between stations, as the train picked up speed, things got noisier and the vibration through the floor and seats got stronger.

Horovitz would go from car to car through sliding doors at the ends of each car. Upon sliding the first door open, noise from the outside of the train would get inside. Then, the first door would slide closed with a rolling sound and a thump, and the first car would get quieter, again. But not as quiet as when Horovitz was there. Because the noise level had increased as he opened the door, and then decreased as he closed it, behind him, the change in noise level masked the fact that the car was indeed noisier after he left. Perhaps people attributed the increased noise level to the location of the train on its route to the next station.

On the car Horovitz had just entered, the opposite happened. First, the noise level increased as he slid open the door, then it decreased as the door rolled and thumped closed, behind him -- and the car was quieter, than before. Much quieter. Some people might have thought, in topsy turvy fashion, that they had just entered or come out of a tunnel. But there was no tunnel. There was only Horovitz at the center of a field of silence, most silent.

The vibrations coming through the floor and seats were softer, soothing, as were the occasional jolts sideways, somehow reassuring.

This would last until Horovitz left the car for the next one -- and so on down the line to the end.

The reason this happened is that, in his work, Horovitz needed to talk and listen, a lot, and he had no patience for asking people to repeat questions and having to shout answers. So, he would Listen to the noises of the car around him and the noises of the train, and absorb them into himself and contain them, feel the vibrations, all, and dissolve them in listening until he felt Silence surface and absorb the noise into a soothing, deepening silence. When he did that, the car around him got quieter, people who made conversation loudly got quieter, and his job got much more pleasant.

Occasionally, someone would notice that things had suddenly gotten quieter when talking with Horovitz and then suddenly gotten louder when they had finished and he had gone. They had clearly heard every word he had said and had themselves gotten their words across, easily.

This had happened with the unkempt young man in the back, who was left in a state of wonder, tapping his attache case with his fingertips and looking up and to the left, where Horovitz was leaving the car.

Horovitz smiled as he slid open the door to go into the next car.

TetraSeed DNA and The Hungry Hunter's Set-Up Procedure

The "Hungry Hunter's" version of the TetraSeed Set-Up Procedure. The order is specific. We put our attention on each face of the TetraSeed, in order (as instructed, step by step, below).

Then, acquainted with each face, we "view" an "item of interest" (what you're 'working on' or 'playing with' IN each face), in the same order.

E.G.: "knowing" being the "item of interest"


intending knowing
imagining knowing
remembering knowing
attending to knowing

knowing existence
knowing persistence
knowing direction
knowing location

Replace "knowing" with some item of interest for exploration, by you.

This is a complete unit of instruction.

Next Unit:
This structure corresponds, in the DNA double-helix structure shown below, to the cross-linkages between the DNA strands, seen being unzipped, at the top. The cross-linkages are made of four nucleic acids in patterns of order and sequences of pairs, those patterns constituting "genes", which are memories of functional patterns that may be turned on or turned of in response to environmental conditions. This, "turning on" and "turning off" is what is meant by the term, "genetic expression".

Whereas the structure of DNA is based on nucleic acid pairs arranged in a twisted ladder sequence, which is then folded upon itself at structural flex points, the structure of the TetraSeed is based upon sets of three pairs in a tetrahedral (four-point) shape, composed of the following elementals (corresponding to nucleic acid")


The "backbone" of DNA, referred to, above, as the "sugar-phosphate 'backbone', has as its TetraSeed correspondences,


When you contemplate those four, one after the other, the combination does feel like a backbone, doesn't it?

All eight of the elementals are abstractions, features common to all experience. They are "arrangers of tendency", "strange attractors"; "fields of influence", "shapers of fate", "elemental abstractions". Every experience experienced by some "experiencer" involves all eight of those elementals, four to be the "backbone" of the experience (to give it "reality") and four to subjectively experience the experience. You may guess which group, above, is which.

The elemental abstractions integrate into a structure that has no quality of its own, and only virtual reality, but which, like cauliflower, takes on or becomes the flavorings of whatever experience is being experienced. Everything and everyone is pairs of TetraSeeds.

Now, let's go experiential.

Put attention on, "attending". What do you get?
Put intention into, "intending". What do you get?
Put imagining into, "imagining", What do you get?
Put remembering into, "remembering". What do you get?

You get a different feeling with each one, right?

Something odd happens when you turn them all on, combine and balance them. They all disappear, either by being difficult to get to firm up, or by having only virtual existence -- terms whose meaning will become obvious with practice.

The RECIPROCITY SET-UP procedure is a first step to turning them on and combining them.

Here's the RECIPROCITY SET-UP pattern.

intending knowing
intending knowing existence
knowing existence
existence knowing intending

remembering knowing
remembering knowing persistence
knowing persistence
persistence remembering knowing

imagining knowing
imagining knowing direction
knowing direction
knowing direction imagining

attending to knowing
attending to knowing location
knowing location
knowing location attending to

three times

That's a complete unit of instruction.

Next Unit:
This next pattern corresponds to all the possible flex-points of the TetraSeed spine.

knowing existence
knowing existence
knowing knowing existence
knowing existence existence

existence knowing
existence knowing knowing
existence knowing persistence

knowing persistence
knowing persistence
knowing knowing persistence
knowing persistence persistence

persistence knowing
persistence knowing knowing
knowing persistence persistence

persistence knowing direction
knowing direction
knowing knowing direction
knowing direction direction

knowing direction
knowing knowing direction
knowing direction direction
knowing direction existence

knowing existence
knowing knowing existence
knowing existence existence
existence knowing location

knowing location
knowing knowing location
knowing location location
location knowing existence

knowing existence
knowing knowing existence
knowing existence existence

existence knowing
existence knowing persistence
knowing persistence
knowing persistence persistence
persistence knowing persistence
persistence knowing direction

knowing direction
knowing knowing direction
knowing direction direction
knowing direction persistence

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

"Fight" vs. "Work toward"

No, this isn't about union activity or the alternatives, warfare vs. peacetime employment -- although, wow, is there a connection!

It's about the peculiar quandary common among human beings: It's easier to destroy than to create.

For the same reason, it's easier to criticize than to actualize
and easier to resist than to take initiative.

In this time period so ripe with reasons to condemn, the line of less resistance is resistance, not taking creative initiative, breaking down without also building anew. It is a self-destructive and incompetent mood.

The problem is, for many it's easier to destroy what's remembered than to imagine something better, to break down, to destroy than to bring into existence and develop. That's why there's a special term, "entrepreneur".

Remembering is generally more or less under our control; imagining requires an unpredictable emergence of insight in the one doing the imagining. Otherwise, it tends just to be a reworking of something remembered -- like remakes of classic movies. We can't force imagining, or at least, it isn't commonly as easy to imagine as to remember.

Rare, more functionally-awake and balanced individuals (sometimes known as "visionaries") have good imagination and good memory, good attention span, and coherent intention.

We can cultivate those faculties. It just takes the well-focused means, the interest, our remembering to practice, and application of deliberate intention when doing it. It's called, "education" -- but a more basic and fundamental education than is publicly practiced, these days. It's the education that prepares one for education. More, below.

Because it is easier to break things down than to improve things (which takes imagination and diligence), breaking things down is the course often taken. This is what happened in the last Presidential election. The political system wasn't working well for a large enough number of people, so they chose someone who would create change -- some kind of change, any kind of change -- to the political system of The United States of America.

However, they chose badly.  The political parties chose badly. They chose someone who defines "great" as, "someone who can boss others around" (rather than someone who brings the greatest good to the greatest number). They chose someone who thinks like a cutthroat business man -- anything, as long as it's legally defensible, and he can get the law changed, if need be. Anything for which he has executive authority -- without accountability to the people of the nation. They chose someone for whom "ethics" is an irrelevancy, "truth" an embarrassment, and the Constitution and intentions of the structure of the Federal Government, an inconvenience to be gotten around or done away with.

They chose badly. The man makes money in real estate and golf courses. Did his electors think that because of his election, they would end up owning real estate and play golf at country clubs? Is that what they envisioned? I doubt it. I don't think they considered it that far. They didn't choose someone who is likely to give them what they feel they need.

The logic rather witlessly followed was, "First we break the political system down, and then somehow it will turn out better." Really haphazard. The rebuild stage wasn't carefully considered, if at all -- hence, the behavior demonstrated an unconscious and not particularly intelligent logic. Thus, lazy-minded, simplistic, gullible individuals elected a would-be Big Shot who may never feel big enough and who has an awful lot of power in his hands. "Gullible" means, "those to whom it never occurs to exercise their intelligence for themselves, but just to accept what they're told." Otherwise, they would have seen the abundant signs he displayed before the election.

When such people want change, they can easily be, and were, convinced to tear down without equal care for building up. This, of course, demonstrates a tempermentally childish stage of development; it breaks its toys when it wants new ones -- and it's not responsible for getting, or creating, the new ones.

This is not an adolescent or adult stage of development; adolescents are all about creating themselves, anew (although in conformity to their group), and adults are about creating, maintaining and enhancing; adults are both conservative and progressive. That's adult. "Tear down" mediocrity is spoiled-childish, undeveloped, self-indulgent, irresponsible, and undisciplined. Take that kind of behavior far enough, we call it ..... criminal.

This kind of description is not destroying or fighting; it's just naming and explaining with a high degree of precision and accuracy. If these seem like fighting words, it because they hit home with precision and accuracy (and without collateral damage).


So often, in the public vernacular -- the way things are commonly said -- we are told to "fight" this and "fight" that. It's considered a compliment to call someone, "a fighter". "Fighter" is a term with a sense of ongoing embattlement. They don't say, "a visionary" or "a hero", or even, "a great leader"; they say, "a fighter." It's a lower form of compliment.

In the public vernacular, people who participated in bringing about change used to be called, "liberals" and "progressives". The terms have been made derogatory by the sneer which which "Regressives/Conservatives" have used the term. Progressives seldom use the words, "liberal" or "progressive", to describe themselves in public rhetoric (except sometimes during election season); only "Regressives", so-called Conservatives, use the words, "Progressive" and "Liberal" -- and that, in a pejorative (put-down) sense to excuse their reactionary behavior.

Progressives/Liberals need to take back the terms and make them have the honorable meaning they warrant. They should also stop referring to the Republican Party as the "GOP" (Grand Old Party); it ain't grand anymore and it's been taken over by clever individuals who are there for the wrong reasons -- the right reason being public service. The foxes are in the henhouse, folks. Old Lady O'Leary's cow has kicked over the lantern.

A way of saying something reflects upon the one saying it; what someone says is an extension of them. To make the terms, "Progressive" and "Liberal", into smears reflects upon the one saying them: They would never be caught dead creating something better for the greatest number of people or being protective of those who need protection, or looking out for the population they serve, other than in terms of money, i.e., "jobs". Nooooo. They need to look out for themselves and for their position in the power heirarchy that sustains their in-office gravy train. It's for such people that the saying, "Kick the bums out!" was coined. Unfortunately, the electorate put the bums in. Gullible.

Making, "Progressive", a smear-term shows, about the speaker, a certain backwardness and unwillingness to take responsibility for bringing forth the greatest good for the greatest number. They are rebellious against the adult demand to take care of and share with others, to keep their word, to honor the oaths they, themselves, took. They have another agenda. They don't "play nicely". This, of course, is the behavior of spoiled children: "Conservatives". . . . . anti-progressive anti-evolutionaries. Regressives. Arrested development. Immature.

Regressives use the word, fight; Progressives also use the word, "fight". It shows how the so-called, "Pro-gressives", are not that much different from the Re-gressives. A greater difference would exist if Progressives used the phrases, "working for" or "working on" something ..... working on something instead of fighting for, or fighting, something.

The same goes for the word, "resist'. Instead, persist, or even advance, as in, "We're advancing a new public education funding program."

Of course, Regressives would resist such a program. Education of the public works against their interests. They don't want a population for whom attention, memory, imagination and intention are on-line at a high level; they don't want to be found out by people who are competent. They want a controllable population.

To show, by contrast, how far they have strayed from the original vision of this nation, the following declaration by Thomas Jefferson can be read on a plaque above one of the entrances to the House of Representatives:

"The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation
an educated electorate."

"Work for" is the best welfare system. Awakening your imagination and linking it with what you know and what things there are to work with goes beyond protest and resistance. It goes beyond Regressiveness and beyond the resistance of Regressiveness. It is the ultimate non-violent act: creative transgression of the preferences those who would create a meaner nation.

And that means defeating those who, like the Koch Brothers, defeated wind-power in Massachusetts, defeat publicly beneficial projects in order to preserve or enhance their own standing in the wealth/power structure. We defeat them through persistent support of those who make such advances until those who resist are defeated, and we defeat them by educating ourselves so that we become the creators and holders of value.

Take notice of the speech patterns, "Fight" or "Work toward", and be informed.
There. Now I've said it.

The Basic Education
search term: "TetraSeed"

The Likenesses of Well-Known
Transformational Teachings
and The Gold Key Release

The Gold Key Release

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

"6:19" The Eros of Transcendental Realization

This piece is written with persons in mind who are familiar with the Creative Spiral, taught as The Concept of Meru by Y.Y. Meru in his educational art books and in his many Sculptored Sound(c) opus works; and with Integral Theory, as taught by Ken Wilber, et. al. 

Those not familiar with The Concept of Meru or with Integral Theory will still find the information presented below intuitively  (note that I didn't write, "intellectually") stimulating -- or perhaps baffling. The numerical references (1:6:9) are extra information available to persons familiar with The Concept of Meru.

What is baffling becomes obvious with practice of the TetraSeed Transformation Procedures. BACKGROUND

The thing about, "6", is that it includes and incorporates all memories we may have and heads erotically into the imagining of all life. At Stage 6, scattered and scattering impulses of attention gather and coalesce into a coherent unity. Attention gathers into steady focus that first apprehends and then incorporates all of self-ness and all of other-ness into an equilibrium of unity. "Equilibrium of unity" means that no part of experience gets special attention; attention is balanced. "Equilibrium of unity" is the unity of the transcendental intuition present in all experience, inner and outer, the "one" (consciousness) in intuitive polar relation to "the many" (experience). This is not a mental matter, but an experiential one. Nothing stands as the opposite pole of "the many", except the absence of "the many" -- which is the one consciousness / awareness.

"6" gathers all memory ("Past Experience") into an inclusive unity of attention (agape) that includes all that may be recognized, all that may be experienced, all aspects of self-ness and all forms of other-ness -- in other words, EVERYTHING. In that inclusive unity, attention is balanced or suspended between the all possible attractors (distractors) of attention; all is included -- comprehended or not. The sorting of things into "self" and "other" subsides and so internal "noise" decreases, leaving silent attention. All of what there is to experience in that moment is recognized to be a display happening "before or in front of" an unseen and unknown see-er, which is somehow intuit-able as self. Whatever object of attention may be located by the reference, "Transcendental Awakening", ain't it; this is a field of consciousness disclosed as distraction subsides.

This all-inclusiveness to the point of Transcendental Awakening is "integrating the originality and forming the New Now", the words Y.Y. Meru used to explain "6" in the book, Origination. A "New Now" forms upon integration in all-ness of everything in the field of attention, at the moment that the un-seen see-er is intuited. It is the "agape" of free and unconcerned inclusion. It is not really a "New Now" because Real Nowness is Eternal and exists prior to the formation of a memory of any experience. It is non-mental, non-conceptual, direct experiencing of what IS, before remembering.  It can't get any newer.

The "New Now", as presented in Stage 6 of Origination is really a new integration of memory acting as a new frame of reference. It is the conditional and circumstantial frame of reference that we consider to be "our life".

Real Now is "Original Face"; combined with "New Now", a new integrity freshly emerges. It is the locus or ever-changing frame of reference that Transcendental Awakeness freshly, now (and eternally) experiences as the form of conditional existence. It is "Unique Self" and "Unique Everything Else". Unique self and unique other-ness emerge in every moment in a unified way, as the creative motion of all-ness manifests itself and consumes itself, like the Uroborus, the World-Serpent that swallows its own tail eternally, more and more. The creative flow continues and consumes itself -- and yet eternally, Transcendental Awakeness is ageless, timeless, and undefinable by the indications of words. It appears conditionally as all of the forms of life, which seem tangible and eternal as long as they exist because of the eternality of their source: Real Now.

"6:19" is the integration of memory and imagination-in-anticipation ("Stage 1") of Transcendental Awakening. That anticipation is a kind of eros. The eros of Transcendental awakening "sees" and transcends conditional existence ("9"). It is everything and is beyond everything. It has been sifted out from the forms of experience as the Very Ground Substance of experience, which is Itself.

New integration always brings new emergents. New emergents are the products of eros. Eros is attraction to the newly emergent. There are two "aspects" of eros: conditional and unconditional. Again, these words are not to provide some kind of conceptual understanding, but rather to label a direct experience.

Conditional eros leads to every new integration; unconditional eros is the realization that occurs when integration is successful. Unconditional eros occurs when attention is no longer distracted and rests in its own unconditioned condition. The enjoyment of transcendence is unconditional eros,

The realization of "9" 
is that conditional existence arises from
unconditional intuition: something from nothing.

"9" is always both immanent (conditional eros)
and transcendent (unconditional eros).

Inclusive integration to the point of Transcendental Awakening occurs again and again, perpetually.

The means of this integration is the awakening of the four subjective/internal aspects of the TetraSeed 


in a balanced way, as accomplished via the TetraSeed Transformation Procedures (search term)

with their four objective/external aspects


This integration is Erotic
Again and Again,
On and On.

The Gold Key Release

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold