Why are actions to the good so often undermined, delayed or frustrated? (You have noticed that, haven't you?)
Spiritual teachers fall in scandal (even petty scandal); potent and worthy teachers remain relatively obscure. Potent teachings fail to be recognized. Teachings degrade in the hands of followers; the Chinese persecute the Tibetans; the Nazis persecute the Jews, the Romans persecuted the Christians, white supremacists persecute Afros. Technological advances are suppressed -- and suppressive. People work for their enrichment by acts that lead to the detriment of many.
These scenarios may be said to arise from the acts of individuals, but the acts of individuals are the acts of the World Dream.
I think there's good reason to suspect that The World Dream is opposed to awakening: antagonistic synchronicities.
One of the strategies (or knee-jerk actions) of The World Dream seems to be to employ "inconvenient happenstance" to distract or ensnare those who would awaken. Often, increasingly inconvenient happenstance events seem to happen as people awaken from, or overcome, previous inconvenient circumstances. Have you noticed this?
I speak from personal experience. It seems to me that the closer I have come to issuing a new element of the somatic teaching that I have been developing over the years, the more breakdowns, faults, emergencies, distractions, annoyances and outright interferences have seemed to confront me.
I refer to it as, the "longest yard" effect (after a witty, comedic movie, "The Longest Yard", about football and the noteworthy difficulty of making a touchdown from the one yard line). One thing after another: software crashes that require work to be redone, machine misbehavior in which things don't work right, intermittent software bugs. Bodily annoyances: itches, tickling in my nose, bleariness of the
eyes that interferes with the clear seeing I need to edit video, the need to cough in the midst of moments of precision voiceover recording work (requiring re-do of work),
onset of illness periods that delay creative work by days or weeks, previously
accomplished work seeming to disappear or not be where I remember storing it.
I even noticed the "inconvenient happenstance" phenomenon occur when in conversation with one of my teachers: a kid going by on a skateboard making loud clattering noises when going from sidewalk to asphalt -- noisy distractions in the environment occurring at certain moments -- so noisy that my teacher commented on it as a psycho-physical event.
I even noticed the "inconvenient happenstance" phenomenon occur when in conversation with one of my teachers: a kid going by on a skateboard making loud clattering noises when going from sidewalk to asphalt -- noisy distractions in the environment occurring at certain moments -- so noisy that my teacher commented on it as a psycho-physical event.
So I'm not talking speculatively or fancifully.
I think the World Dream doesn't want to awaken or to host awakening and seeks to neutralize new developments with various forms of detriment. Look at what happened with Bernie Sanders. Look at the nutcase behavior of so-called (but misnamed), "political Conservatives". Look what happened with Martin Luther King and to the Kennedy brothers. The saying exists, "The good die young."
Living beings are "space-time warps" in the fabric of universal consciousness. The warping comes from the delay between events, our cognition of events, memory formation or recognition -- and our responsive actions. Memory makes events endure beyond their mere occurrence. We are space-time warps, "bubbles" released into the environment at birth and that "pop" at death, leaving effects echoing behind.
The Gold Key Release
Because we, as living beings, are time-warps, we can and do operate more or less at variance from the tendencies of the World Dream.
One way to "operate at variance" is to change the fabric of the World Dream, itself -- by changing the fabric of our own being-and-doings.
That fabric consists of our own habits, entrenched in memory and intention, guiding and controlling attention -- our own attention and the attention of others.
When we change, the world is affected. We are free to dream a new World Dream -- progressively and by degrees, as we do the work -- interfered with by the cantankerousness of the World Dream.
The Gold Key Release may be described as a mental procedure (though it is beyond that) that re-works the fabric of our own being-and-doings. It's a self-deprogramming procedure. Its results are not vague, but immediately and blatantly felt and then seen, in experience, itself. It's a way of operating at variance to the controlling agenda of the World Dream, as we know it.
One way to "operate at variance" is to change the fabric of the World Dream, itself -- by changing the fabric of our own being-and-doings.
That fabric consists of our own habits, entrenched in memory and intention, guiding and controlling attention -- our own attention and the attention of others.
When we change, the world is affected. We are free to dream a new World Dream -- progressively and by degrees, as we do the work -- interfered with by the cantankerousness of the World Dream.
The Gold Key Release may be described as a mental procedure (though it is beyond that) that re-works the fabric of our own being-and-doings. It's a self-deprogramming procedure. Its results are not vague, but immediately and blatantly felt and then seen, in experience, itself. It's a way of operating at variance to the controlling agenda of the World Dream, as we know it.
The Gold Key Release is a way of wresting ourselves free of it and of turning upon it to exact desirable changes.
The structure of The Gold Key Release and of other TetraSeed Awakening Invocations makes misuse and abuse impossible. The worst that can happen is that someone doesn't take a procedure clear to the end, but quits before the job is really done.
The Gold Key Release
copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold