You start at the tip of the fruit
at the bottom
on the other side from the hard, green stem with green petals.
Your persimmon is deep orange, and heart shaped
and plump and soft and delicate.
The point at the tip stands out.
You open the tip by nipping on it
taking little bites, biting off more and again and again until the soft, sweet, succulent
come out onto your tongue
in a wash of flavor
from the thick, soft, swirling sensation of the pulp.
Then you know what you do:
You start to suck.
You suck the soft, sweet, succulent
into your mouth
pushing deeper into the fruit
with each bite-and-suck,
working your way around in circles
as you press toward the hard stem at the far end.
Eventually, you've eaten most all of the soft pulp,
but there's still some skin left, skin with soft pulp on it
and you have no recourse
but to put the skin into your mouth
between your lips,
hold it in place with your tongue,
and bite and suck and pull on the skin
to get all the soft, sweet, succulent pulp
onto your tongue,
and then you bite off the skin,
bit by bit
in a circle around the edge,
and chew it with your front teeth,
and swallow it
until it's all gone
and nothing is left but the stem.
The "Middle Way" Memory Matrix Ritual (Defining the Key and Playing The Fugue)
or just
The Memory Matrix Integration Procedure
Fully Revealing and Cutting Gordian Knots
A Power-Contemplation/Transformation Process
WHAT does the name of this procedure mean?
"MIDDLE-WAY" refers to avoiding getting stuck in extremes of experience -- or to getting unstuck. It doesn't mean, adhering to a "center of moderation".
"MEMORY MATRIX" refers to the memory of related things charged with intention and refusal, so that it keeps you trapped, until you make it conscious (available to your attention)
"RITUAL" refers to a sequence of meaningful acts intended to generate a change of mind-state.
The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual is a procedure to free ourselves from the traps of specific kinds of very difficult, very sticky, very obscure conditioning.
The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual enables us to extricate ourselves and to escape from the influence of "strangely attractive" memories that shape our choices and our destiny without our understanding or even being aware of it. "Strangely attractive", in this sense, refers to any experience that can captivate us, en-trance us, and entice, seduce, or guide us to a particular destiny.
This procedure works by comparing pairs of related experiences to each other, intending them and refusing them, in every possible combination. I know that sounds complicated. That's why there's a structured procedure to follow.
In the process, what has been obscure becomes obvious. What has been too subtle to distinguish becomes clear. What has been only fleetingly perceptible "holds still" for a good, solid look. That's how it's a "power contemplation" procedure.
The Pre-requisite for Doing The Middle-Way Memory Matrix Ritual
YOUARE FIT AND READY TO DO THIS PROCEDURE when you are proficient at practicingThe Gold Key Release to a successful result.
Without that proficiency, you will lack the familiarity with the experience
of release needed for The Memory Matrix
Ritual to do its work. You need to be familiar with the experience of release and no longer confuse release with "acting out", suppression or repression.(Any description of "release" must remain vague and inadequate until you have directly experienced it.) Everyone with whom I have guided The Gold Key Release has succeeded in one or a few passes through, so its not difficult -- it's just a pre-requisite.
~ -----------o0O0o----------- ~
"When an obstruction ... is recognized, the way to overcome it is to throw the weight of the imagination to the opposite side".
~~ The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
There are two pairs of "opposite sides":
intending to experience something and refusing to experience it
an item and its counterpart (examples follow)
This procedure uses both. You will discover how paradox releases.
"Ya Gotta Wanna."
~~ The Prime Directive of Somatic Education,
according to Lawrence Gold
The Result of the Procedure
This is an extremely potent procedure, vastly more potent than The Gold Key Release, which is, itself, very potent.
The Middle-Way Memory Matrix has two results
SELF-KNOWLEDGE: recognition of your deeper, unconscious motivations related to something that's a problem, an "item-of-interest", or "project", for you
FREEDOM:dissolving the grip of those (now-conscious) motivations to such an extent that either:
the item-of-interest has no "charge" (substantiality) left (it has lost cohesiveness, and now has the substantiality of smoke) or
you're unable to remember what it was without great effort
What's left is free, neutralized attention and space to have an entirely new relation to that experience, an entirely new kind of experience, but no compulsion to any kind of experience in that space ("area") of life. It's "disappearance with no sense of loss" -- similar to that of The Gold Key Release, but affecting areas ("spaces") of life that were too difficult to get a handle on (too obscured), to use The Gold Key Release.
After doing The Memory Matrix thoroughly on a pair of items, you may experience a period of intensification later in the day or the next day, in which the item or items re-appear and you feel helpless to do anything about it.
This experience (which I have called, "burnoff") is temporary and generally resolves in a day or two. The helplessness is a sign that you were heavily identified with a way of perceiving and operating, and now that it is dissolving, your sense of yourself as do-er, in that space of life, is also dissolving. This dissolution marks a shift in your way of operating that allows new possibilities and new responses on your part to emerge.
You need not do anything about burn-off; it will pass.
This procedure involves seven stages:
Identifying an Item-of-Interest: a strange attractor/type of entrapment
-- what you feel stuck with or stuck in
Identifying an Opposing or a Similar Condition -- a counterpart to the item-of-interest
Preparing the item for Dissolution
Starting Dissolution
Dissolving Double-Binds
Dissolving Pairs of Mutually-Creating but Unrecognized Conditioning
Clean-up (coming out of the procedure)
Wash, rinse, repeat until clean.
It sounds complicated in the reading; it's clear when you actually do the process, guided step-by-step.
A word in advance: If, after you have run the entire process, you are left with "a wad" (something that hasn't dissolved or just won't dissolve), apply The Gold Key Release to it. Otherwise, expect the items you're working with to disappear in the process.
Since it's my intention that everyone who attempts this procedure succeed with it, I teach this procedure only "live" and not by written word. That way, in case you hit any "snafus", I can speed you through them.
FRUITFUL PAIRS OF ITEMS to which to apply this procedure: (I have a list of very potent combinations, from my own evolving use of the procedure for my own sake.)
Thinking | Feeling
Desire | Refusal
Steady Attention | Scattered Attention
Focused Intention| Undefined Intention
Reliable Memory | Sketchy Memory
Vivid Imagination | Vague Imagination
all advice from well-meaning parents, friends, experts, pundits, mavens, teachers, gurus, and the traditions, including spiritual traditions: states, realizations, achievements, aspirations, ideals | and | the problems that such advice is intended to solve
In the beginning of practice, you may find it easier to choose concrete items -- such as your parents, your boss, or your job. With practice, you may work on more abstract items.
The curriculum for Intelligent Empowerment 101 contains these and a host of other "interesting" items to pass through The Middle-Way Memory Matrix, all designed to bring intelligence to and free us from habitual, unconscious conditioning, so we may live more intelligently and create more freely.
The Set-Up procedure (simplest version and fully-elaborated version)
Thor's Hammer
The Lightening Bold/Thunderclap
As I stated, earlier, it's my intention that everyone succeed with these procedures, so I confine instruction (except for The Gold Key Release) to person-to-person (live-on-line) occasions. Click, here, to inquire about personal instruction.
The Witness or The Witness Position, as it is commonly referred to, is meant to refer to the status of bare attention to the phenomena of existence, without confusion with emotional or other reaction.
The tendency resulting from identifying Witnessing as a "something" is toward a kind of effort at witnessing without reaction -- a kind of self-nullification, and as such, an action.
And as such, witnessing is temporary and conditional. That witnessing cannot be maintained indefinitely, even with practice, because as an effort, it is inevitably interfered with by other efforts of the moment. Not arising or standing in from the Eternal, it is arising or standing in as a representation of the Eternal, while being an expression of the conditional self.
So, that ain't it.
Witnessing must be true of both the conditional self and of the status of existence as an emerging mystery-in-progress.
So, what is that?
Let's bear in mind that the conditional self, characterized by self-awareness, depends utterly upon memory for its self-awareness. In particular, it depends utterly upon something that all somas (sentient beings) require for all and any perception: CONTRAST.
Contrast is a function of two-ness, though not necessarily of duality defined as pairs of opposites. Any two-ness will do, similar or different.
EXAMPLE: Visualize a black cat in a coal bin at midnight.
You might argue that we can't see the cat simply because it's dark. However, the same invisibility would pertain if it were a white cat on arctic snow at mid-day. The common term is "snow blindness".
It's the contrast that's missing, not light, itself.
For self-awareness, the contrast is between short-term memory, which furnishes us with the perception of what we call, "the Now", and long-term memory, which furnishes us with the whole matrix of memories that constitutes our felt sense of identity. Memories change at different rates and contain different content, and those are the contrasts. Those contrasts stimulate the formation of new memories and it's the formation of new memories that confers the sense of existence through the sensations involved. No memory, no sense of existence. Period.
Self-awareness requires contrast to experience existence. While common contrasts derive from movement, color, smell, etc., one fundamental, primal, and mysterious contrast derives from the nature of attention, itself: existence and non-existence, or "something-ness" and the absence of something-ness. That's a pretty primal contrast.
AND SO (punchline)
Non-existence is essential to Witnessing and the contrast between non-existence and existence is the very nature of witnessing.
Anything else, if true, would involve "something unwitnessed doing the witnessing" -- and I'm not speaking of a transcendental something behind it all, but of an egoic something -- the one making the effort to witness.
Now, if I've confounded your mind, that's something good. There's more.
Here it is:
Witnessing is our very nature, before any efforts to cultivate it. A dog "has" Witnessing Nature. I write, "has" (in quotes) rather than without quotes, because "witnessing nature" is not something one can "have"; the one who might presume to "have" it is actually being witnessed, rather than "being The Witness"! Which one is witnessing which??
In either case, even without self-referencing self-recognition, a dog's non-existing witnessing function is neither more nor less "non-existing" than ours. Hence.
There's a verrrry simple argument that makes this all easy and clear: (You were hoping, weren't you?)
We perceive everything after it happens, given the speed that our neurology can transmit the nerve impulses that register sensation. That's slower than instantaneously. To add more time lag, we have the time needed to recognize something. The combination are called, "reaction time". By time we perceive something, it has to be a short-term memory in us, given meaning by long-term memory. We are always perceiving, cognizing and recognizing the present in terms of the past. The very present has yet to emerge into our short-term memory, which takes reaction time. The very present is always unknown, and we take the post-present for the very-present.
The very-present is another name for Witnessing. It would have to be, as to be pure awareness, Witnessing would have to be present with everything and nothing, which are but partially known (remembered) and, in totality, unknown.
Experience comes into action "before" witnessing can apprehend it as the short-term memory impression we call, the present. Then, as short-term memory forms, attention can locate features/aspects of experience. But awareness precedes attention, witnessing the mystery that precedes emerging experience. The Witnessing is the witnessing of Mystery by Mystery, prior to memory. It doesn't arise with or from the witnesser; the witnesser, if that person or function arises, is witnessed as having arisen before the witnesser knew it.
Everything happens before we know it, including Witnessing.
The Witnessing Function Blends with Mystery -- and this can be verified by intuitive contemplation.
So, if you think you need to cultivate the Witness, that thought arose before you knew it, and you've always already been Witnessing, the witnessing even of Mystery and Ignorance.
The Indefinite Mystery Looks Out into the Conditional Mystery
and goes,
"What's This?"
It goes like this, using Cat Stretch Lesson 7, Breathing, as an example, but understanding that I am illustrating a principle that can be applied to all kinds of movement elements of all kinds of somatic education exercises.
The point of Cat Stretch Lesson 7 is to round out the breathing process, both in terms of evening-out the movements of inhalation/exhalation and in terms of BALANCING the sizes of inhalation and exhalation. By "balancing the sizes", I mean that we exhale as completely as we inhale; for understanding-by-means-of-contrast, people with emphysema and/or asthma are generally stuck in the inhalation action; you don't see people with these conditions with scrawny, caved-in, shrunken chests; their chests are stuck in inflation. Because they don't give themselves as completely to exhalation as they do to inhalation, and they breathe in and out from an inflated place, their tidal ("in-lung") air tends to be stagnant, and so they tend to gasp by inhaling further. You get the picture.
So back to Lesson 7 and Sets of Two, Lesson 7 is built around "the breathing pump", the pistonlike movement of shuttling the in-lung airball between the chest space and the abdominal space. The point is to ream out the passage between the two locations so the movements are uniformly easy AND we breathe, balloonlike, into and out of the center of breathing (not piston-like). The Breathing Pump is the central action used.
To apply Sets of Two to The Breathing Pump, we use a cadenced action.
Each time we shuttle air to the abdominal space, we pause for a moment and then shuttle it a little further in the same direction. That's a "Two". It's a gentle action that has a very satisfying effect upon sensory-motor learning, which I will leave to you to discover.
Likewise, each time we shuttle air to the chest space, we pause for a moment and then shuttle it a little further in the same direction.
Move Pause Move
Move to the other place Pause Move
A - B - A B - A - B and so on.
Let us hear your experience of doing it that way. There's a place for that, below.
The Ganglion of Rebes, The Ganglion of Rebes . . . . .
has anyone heard of The Ganglion of Rebes?
The fabled nerve plexus is accessible through the nose (according to my training in The Rolf Method)
The septum of the nose and vomer bone (which connects to the ethmoid bone, roof of the nose and floor of the brain case)
together with the ganglion function like a servo-gyro
which registers and self-corrects balance
in neurological concert with the balance centers of the inner ears and the myofacial web.
The Ganglion of Rebes reports into the brain
the sensation of stresses going through the nose
-- their shape and intensity -- and by extension
the sensations of stresses going through the cranium
that converge at the septum/mid-plate of the nose.
However, it does so only when it's turned on.
And it's not always turned on.
Is yours, right now? Ah HAH!!!
The sensing function of the Ganglion of Rebes relates to
the relation of the tongue to the roof of the mouth/palate ( see, below ) --
so that when the tongue is placed in a certain position
under the mouth's palate and breath is taken in through the nose
the septum can be felt and the Ganglion of Rebes actively turns on.
Upon turning on, the first thing that is sensed and noticed
is any "sidedness" of head position -- side-tilt, generally.
The distribution of space within the two sides of the cranium
reflects side-tilted-ness. Cavities on one side of the head
are more open than cavities on the other side --
the old, "One Open Nose Hole" routine.
You know the one.
I'm sure you do.
Then, upon breathing and feeling the shape of the tongue
curled and cupped under the palate, above,
and the place on the palate that is sensitized by the cupped tongue
along with the inbreath into the nose,
a spontaneous turning-on of the upper cervical vertebrae region occurs
and with it, a spontaneous set or series of head-movement-adjustments.
Crunch, Crunch
A similar thing may happen in the spine region behind the heart particularly when the "floating palate" variant of The Tongue Mudra is used.
All from turning on that little ol' Ganglion of Rebes,
which practitioners of Dr. Rolf's Recipe seek to do
with the magic tips of their little fingers.
Wiggle, Wiggle
A little on The Ganglion of Impar,
the Other End of The Ganglion of Rebes,
People sometimes speak of muscular weakness, when muscles are actually being inhibited by reciprocal inhibition, the process by which when flexors (e.g., biceps) flex, extensors (e.g., triceps) are inhibited by the brain to permit the flexion, and vice-versa. This pattern of reciprocal inhibition applies to all opposing/complementary muscle groups.
When agonist muscles are habitually contracted in SMA ("Sensory-Motor Amnesia" | See the book, Somatics: ReAwakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility and Health, by Thomas Hanna), the antagonists are inhibited. When this situation is described as muscular weakness, what is being disclosed is failure to understand reciprocal inhibition.
In that case, the typical thinking and approach is in terms of "strengthening" the inhibited antagonist muscle(s), when what should be done is to restore the capacity to relax the opposing agonist(s), and thereby turn off habituated reciprocal inhibition.
In the case of Trauma Reflex (See Somatics), the untraumatized side is inhibited; the traumatized side is in SMA contraction toward the somatic center. That shows up as reluctance to put weight on, or otherwise to use, the traumatized side, experienced as weakness.
In stereotypical Trauma Reflex, that withdrawal from function shows up as a twist pattern in which the thigh of the traumatized side is adducted (pulled in) and the shoulder of that side is pulled back; pulling the shoulder back narrows that side, and thereby shifts the center of gravity (weight) toward the other side, where better function is available. That act of narrowing can't be accomplished by bringing the shoulder forward because the clavicle prevents narrowing that way; the only ways narrowing can be accomplished are either by bringing the shoulder back or by bringing it up -- and the contraction of Trauma Reflex toward the somatic center opposes bringing the shoulder up, so back it goes. (Note: When the neck is traumatized a shoulder or shoulders go up; when the side of the ribs is traumatized, the arm clamps over the traumatized zone and doesn't respond to the typical Trauma Reflex protocol.)
The general feeling of the traumatized side is of weakness, of non-support, visible as a walking limp, for example, even though that is the contracted side. (Weakness also results from muscle fatigue, and again, therapists apply the "strengthening" approach, when what is needed is relaxation and refreshment, upon which strength returns in a minute or so.)
Strengthening is almost never needed because muscular function rises to the level of habitual demand. (Muscular atrophy is an exception.) What is needed is typically normalization (or right-left equivalence) of control, so that reciprocal inhibition occurs only with the momentary demands of free movement.
See, Completing Recovery from an Injury.
The Matrix is the first manifestation of Source: the Field of Possibility and The Ground of Being with only two states: existence and non-existence.
There being no other qualities at that rudimentary ground of being, there is no polarity, no push or pull, only oscillation between existence and non-existence filling all points of space-time, scintillating everywhere, asynchronously. It is formless form, the first primal expression of emptiness. That is The Matrix; only, to itself, it isn't The Matrix or anything else. To the astrophysicist, it may be the Cosmological Constant, the Quantum Foam, the primordial "dark energy" of universal expansion.
Polarity appeared in its first duality: "Possibility" and "Actuality", or put another way, light (electromagnetic field/possibility) and matter (gravitation and matter/actuality, along with the strong and weak nuclear and other, higher-order, organizing forces that define the behaviors of matter). Time existed, but all time was the same, since no other changes were occurring -- and since time is motion, "time" was the same as "timelessness".
Within or in the body of that matrix, rhythms begin to propagate and
turbulent ripples, to form, mysteriously, as an expression of "organizing principles in action". Those rhythms and turbulent ripples were/are movements within the Field of Possibility
(electromagnetic field), forming "standing waves" of concentrated effects (effects with centers of existence). gathering matter together controlled by mysterious tendencies; fields of possibility (same thing) formed and gathered matter into structures.
In that rudimentary beginning, "quantity" arose: zero,
1, and >(more than) 1, and with it, primal structural laws, the second primal
expression of emptiness. Duration (time) and variability came into existence out of no
variability, no duration: the third primal expression of emptiness.
Time was born as motion; and with time as motion came organization (since organization is exactly "patterns of motion"),
which led to atomic existence, molecular organization, and organisms (life-forms -- big jump, but that was the trend: toward higher and higher complexity).
Primordial, stable forms came into existence (sub-atomic particle-behaviors, atoms, forms capable of integration into form-clusters (molecules), higher order forms (cells), etc.: "standing waves." In some locations, standing waves show up as matter -- turbulent ripples in The Matrix having the movement behaviors of binding forces,
properties (standing waves' stable frequency
characteristics) and mutual mass attraction (gravity). Matter is a
standing wave behavior complex made of The Matrix, and there are many
variations of standing waves -- let's say 102, or so, stable ones, called, "atoms". All of these are developmental behaviors of The Matrix, from no-form, to primal on-off-on-off existence, to development of forms of increasing complexity.
Standing waves integrate to become more complex standing waves made of simpler component standing waves -- the way words are made of letters.
That appearance of standing waves (durable behaviors) is the expression of integration
occurring at a rudimentary level to form the next higher level of complexity; standing waves are the emergence
of new behaviors, and the emergence of new, stable (or durable)
behaviors is the emergence of organization. Organization is a tendency,
just as gravity is a tendency (mass-attraction), just as
electromagnetism is a tendency (attraction-repulsion of charges, positive and negative), just as
the strong and weak nuclear binding forces are tendencies to stay
together. "Tendency", what they have in common, suggests that there are
at least five fundamental forces, the fifth being the tendency to form patterns of
organization (emergence of newness).
Eventually, that integration process reaches a stage of complexity and
integration that somas (self-moving, self-perpetuating lifeforms) appear -- and ultimately, human somas.
With human somas, entirely new variable trends of development appeared, with memory, individuation, identity, mind and social interaction. Unique-self (e.g., you) appeared as a new kind of dynamic, self-organizing process of emergence, a fourth primal expression of emptiness, one that, when it appears not to be emptiness, but substantial selves persisting by virtue of memory. Such persistent "selves" are called, "egos"; a "self" or "ego" ("I") is a presumed, remembered "owner" of memory.
The Matrix is grounded in the paradox of "nothing being something" or "something out of nothing". The self, a product of The
Matrix, appears to be at odds with The Matrix. The Matrix, in some
circles, gets painted as some sort of diabolical mind-control
conspiracy, whereas it is merely remembered patterns of consciousness
arising from Source with chaotic properties giving rise to self-organizing processes appearing as physical phenomena with rudimentary consciousness, which give rise to somas, humans and The News.
Matrix is constructed of interacting TetraSeeds, which are the core
basis of every soma: attention, intention, imagination, and memory. The entire universe and personal consciousness are TetraSeeds:
Movements of attention, arisings of intentions, flights of imagination (or emergence of new functions by evolution or maturation), and consolidation of memory constitute the core of all existence, living and non-living.
Physiological functions merely carry out those four functions.
Less-complex, rudimentary Tetraseeds exist as non-living matter:
instead of attention, location
instead of intention, activity
instead of memory, persistence
instead of imagination, changing appearances (such as a living kosmos)
The Integration of the Subjective (consciousness) and Objective (material) aspects of the TetraSeed
Everything Happens Before We Know It
To the TetraSeed,
which is the structure of individuated consciousness,
and which emerges into the Kosmos as the "eyes of tendency",
we add,
Everything happens before we know it.
Including our thoughts and emotions.
Memories form before we know it.
Intentions arise before we know it.
Our attention moves from thing to thing before we know it.
Reveries, imaginings, and new faculties emerge before we know it.
We think, feel, and act before we know it.
Witnessing anything happens before we know it.
Take that beyond "knowing it in words"
to observing yourself and your experience to observe if this is so.
and To be alive is to be self-moving, though the self-moving-ness starts before we know it.
We don't "cultivate" the Witness Disposition.
We inevitably are the Witness Disposition
while life goes on with no one at the Controls
we doing what we do, being moved the way we are moved feeling that we are a person-in-control and with responsibility
before we know it.
We are the Witness Disposition before we know it and all that we witness.
Don't take my word for it.
Observe yourself, for yourself.
Recognition of our actual state in any moment is always incomplete for two reasons (at least):
1. Everything happens before we know it. "Reaction Time" is one measure of this truth.
2. Everything is in motion, everything is a moving target, including ourselves. Recognition comes after the fact.
Everything WE do, we do before we know it and even the "skillful self-corrections" we dobegin before we know it.
The arising of self happens before we know it.
Thus, recognition of our actual state in any moment is always incomplete and that recognition, partial and approximate subject to the up-burgeoning of newness.
So there's always something left, not recognized, that we are operating AS.
And so, we REALLY don't know how far behind Actuality we are.
If anyone REALLY "got into the Now", they would have no experience, whatever.
It is taught and well-known in the teaching called Rolfing Structural Integration, that one way to reach and affect the neck is through the nose. This is the Rolfing move made famous in the movie, Semi-Tough, in which Burt Reynolds' character is required by the team owner to get "Pelfed", and the old lady comes out to greet him wearing a latex glove.
"Wha- what's that for?" "The inside of the nose is a reflection of the personality."
But I digress up to a point:
We can find out what Ida Rolf discovered and how Rolfers use the relationship between the inside of the nose and the cervical spine by doing . . . . .
THE TONGUE MUDRA | transformational phenomenal experience
The Tongue Mudra: * tip of the tongue on roof of the mouth behind front teeth * back of the tongue lifted and secured against rear molars * center of the tongue cupped like a spoon or radar dish
Sensing the center of the palate above the tongue-cup feel it light up and become sensitized.
Feeling that, breathe through the nose and feel the current from the tongue to the palate through the nasal cavity defining the septum feeling through the brain cavity breathing in-and-out the crown chakra feeling the base of the head change its seat on the neck and feeling the effect go the the spine behind the heart.
Various spontaneous, self-adjusting kriyas may occur.
The Tongue Mudra is a very powerful technique that
opens your core
clears your mind
creates cumulative beneficial effects on posture
opens breathing
relaxes subconscious tensions that cloud judgment
and that's enough of a partial list of benefits
The technique works by itself or combined with other mental and physical exercise techniques; when combined, it enhances any exercise with which you combine it.
Use this technique to magnify the effects of most other somatic education exercises. Adopt the mudra and maintain it continuously as you go through the movements of the other exercises.
The Tongue Mudra:
* back of the tongue lifted and secured against your rear molars
* tip of the tongue on roof of your mouth behind your front teeth
* center of the tongue cupped like a spoon or radar dish aimed at your palate
The "Bite Your Tongue" variation
You gently bite the back of your tongue between the upper and lower rear molars.
You then alternate, slowly, left and right, sensing the pressure of biting through the teeth and sides of the head, as it moves left and right, gently tipping your head toward the side of the bite as you move.
When you cup your tongue sufficiently, you'll feel a sensation in the nasal cavity. That's your working position.
Sensing the center of your palate above your tongue-cup
feel it light up and become sensitized.
Feeling that, breathe through your nose
so that you feel the in-stream of breath over the sensitized place on your palate.
Breathe in and out through your nose, sensing the place in your nasal cavity
affected by your tongue position. It may be in the nasal septum, in the facial bones and forehead, further up or further back.
Feel the sensation
from your tongue
to your palate
through the nasal cavity,
to the sensitized place.
Feel through the brain cavity,
breathing in-and-out the crown of your head.
By steadying the sensations of breathing through your nose,
feel your head position change,
feel your neck change its curve and lengthen,
and feel the effect go the the spine behind the heart.
Various spontaneous, self-adjusting movements may occur.
Suitable for sitting meditation.
audio coaching
Be prepared to stop and start this recording at each step of coaching.
Listen once through, then listen again and practice.
One of the earliest musical elements is "beat". "Beat" comes out of the primordial beat of life, the heartbeat. Out of "beat" comes "rhythm". The primordial rhythm is the beating of the heart, which occurs in 3/4 time, like the waltz.
We have two more primordial structures: melody and harmony.
We may look at the melody as the "ego" or "I" of the piece. We may look at the harmonic structures that support the melody as the "we" or "social context" of the piece. Harmony is approval of the melody; disharmony is disapproval of the melody.
The earliest music was song, the melody of one voice or the chorus of agreeing voices, at first mimicking sounds found in nature (waking state), then sounds found in dreams and the imagination.
Soon, music evolved the instrumentality of "beat", which is the emphasis of moments of rhythm in a melody, and the support of harmony, which is emphasis of the melody.
A relevant aside:
Emphasis corresponds to the special function of "name" (as in, yours), the function of which is to call attention. We call someone's name to get their attention. "Name" is an attention-marker. So are "beat" and melody.
Thus, "beat" is an egoic indicator.
Melody is an egoic indicator.
Harmony is a social indicator.
Thus, music has evolved in two stages:
individual ego with individual emphasis
individual ego supported by the collective emphasis of collective ego
And thus the music business was born.
There is a third evolution of music, one that includes but goes beyond "beat", one that includes but goes beyond melody, whose characteristic includes harmony, but goes beyond harmony.
What's beyond harmony?
The Field of Feeling, itself.
The Field of Feeling is our capacity for experience.
The Field of Feeling includes both harmony and disharmony.
Disharmony is more than a matter of opinion;
it is felt, and in that way, it is distinct from harmony,
though the two terms are only two relative locations on a continuum,
which is a continuum of feeling.
The third evolution of music, rather than adhering to the inherited forms of rhythm, melody and harmony -- and evolving out of them (as an elaboration of musical tradition) -- instead starts with the field of feeling (as the master composers did), and organically lays down rhythm, melody and harmony as a direct expression of the Field resonating in a peculiar vibrational (or harmonic) band, unfettered to the forms or concerns of musical convention (unlike what the music masters did). "Band" is an expression equivalent to "rainbow" -- a spectrum of experience.
(Which has nothing to do with why they call assembled groups of musicians, "bands". The
term, band, has been watered down to include assembled groups of
purported musicians who have no coherent attunement to any harmonic
band, and thus what they lack in musicianship, they make up in volume,
to the joy of their insensate fans. This lack of coherent attunment to any harmonic band is also why they call musical sessions of jazz musicians, "jam sessions".)
This act of creation in third-evolution music is not random or chaotic, but deliberate and
specific to produce a stream of felt musical expression that as closely as
possible approximates what is being felt in the moment by the creating musician. The creator and
the creation, the musician and the music, are one, but viewable from two perspectives:
that of the creator, creating
the of the onlooker/listener to the creation
In actuality, they are one occurrence, but two perspectives of it.
One of the special instrumentalities of the third evolution of music is its use of timing.
Conventional music uses timing the set the pace, and thus, the depth, of the musical experience. This use of timing is essentially an emotional device: faster connotes surface excitement; slower connotes depth of feeling. Music uses "rest notes" as a way to clearing the palate between musical expressions (a "rest" is a "note" of silence of a certain length) -- all of which serve the musical communication.
What conventional music does not do is free the attention from its own form. Thus, conventional music, however well performed, leaves an aftertaste, even if a pleasant one.
The third evolution of music does do just that -- frees the attention from its musical form -- and in the process frees attention of the listener even from his or her own form, so that attention drops into the transpersonal field of Feeling.
First, a state of purification, and then, a state of dreaming ensues, perhaps with periodic surfacing of attention to realize that one has been dreaming, only to submerge, again. In that dreaming, one may see world-realities similar to what one has known, but populated by persons and places utterly unfamiliar to oneself ("Different Dreaming"). Oneself also dissolves when those world-realities dissolve. One never notices. One emerges feeling cleansed.
Third Evolution Music proceeds by two steps: formation and dissolution.
In "formation", attention is gathered into the harmonic band from which the musical creation emerged. This is the dreaming stage.
In "dissolution", the harmonic creation disperses, and with it, the attention that was attuned to it, and with that dissolution, the ego sense also dissolves. This is the purification stage.
Attuning to a vibrational band (or harmonic flow) and creating from the midst of that attunement sets up a morphic field that guides and shapes the perceptions and actions of the musician -- and the flavor of the music. With sensibilities thus attuned, what gets created embodies that set-up morphic field that can be felt by the listener to the recorded work (more easily than by those present during the act of creation, since they are embedded in and part of that field). It's a creation in "real time" as opposed to a written composition.
In the dissolution stage, the musician dissolves his/her attunement to the harmonic band by freeing his/her attention from it. | See The Gold Key Release | The communication of the harmonic band simultaneously dissolves or fades or transitions out
from the musical creation being formed, leaving an intuition of neutral consciousness -- an awakening from All Form.
This simplifies down to:
Intentional Attention into some Attunement
Shapes the Morphic Field of Creativity
and Shapes the Creation.
Attention freed from some Attunement
makes the Morphic field transparent
and Transcends Creation.
This third-evolution creation requires no beat or rhythm, although beat and rhythm may emerge from and appear within it.
This creation has no melody, although melodic passages may appear.
This creation has no allegiance to harmony, no predisposition to disharmony,
but at various times, both may appear
in service to the Field to which the musician
is Attuned.
What is all-important is the Field set up.
Harmonies and disharmonies are transitions.
Rhythms are entrainments of attention through the transitions.
Melodies appear and dissolve, surface and recede,
emerging from and then merging back into the Field
of Attuned Transitions.
It is the third evolution of music
which does not care whether it is included
in the category, "music"
because its communication, however musical or unmusical,
is transcendental.
Evaluating the Citizens United decision isn't difficult. Free speech is a right accorded to citizens. Corporations aren't citizens; they're fictitious persons. Fictitious persons don't have citizens' rights, including the right to meddle in the political process.
For corporations and special interest groups, the answer is more than, "no 'money is free speech" for you"; it's "hands off!"
"Hereness" is not determined by our surroundings. "Hereness" is determined by, " I ".
Our surroundings change. Our interiors change.
The essence of " I " never changes. " I " remain Here.
Life is variable. "Hereness" is invariable.
" I " is always wherever "I" IS whether or not " I " knows what " I " is.
So, all " I " can say is, "Here" " I " IS! ("Here I is!")
" I " never knows and remembers the origin of "Hereness". The origin of "Hereness" is forever Unknown.
" I " never knows the location of "Hereness". The location of "Hereness" is forever Unknown.
That is our very nature.
We just assume that we know.
We take the particulars of our surroundings for "Hereness",
and take those particulars as being the origin (cause) of our "Hereness" and the location of our "Hereness"
when really all of our surroundings are is its temporary proxy ("things in proximity").
We take the proxy for "Hereness", "Hereness" which is forever available, forever undefined, whereas the proxy is ever-changing and offers no reliable availability.
So we start clinging -- and clinging to the wrong thing, at that, clinging to the slippery slope proxy instead of standing in the always here in full communion and participation with what is temporarily here.
Why? Because we can't help ourselves. By time we notice it, it's already too late; it's already in motion and all we can do is live it through or oppose it.
What we can do is to thoroughly experience what we are being as we are being ourselves, whatever that is. It's a maneuver of attention.
When attention steadies, the thing held in attention dissolves.
Through that attending and dissolving, we may recall the "Hereness" of " I-AM - ness", which is the ever-present location in which all of our experiencing occurs and which is the "pilot light" of our existence.
That is the disposition of awareness.
If there is recognition of, "nothing", then it's something.
"Nothing" gets recognized by memory as . . . . .
"NOTHING , , , , , , , "
The absence of "NOTHING , , , , , , , " is nothing
and we don't know what that is.
(Guess why.)
Kind of tacitly "behind" everything
exists the perspective of "the seer"
the Hereness of the seer,
a position in the midst of everything
that seems to be witnessing it all
and seems to be witnessed by it all
a living, centralized impression of Totality
both local and non-local
felt as the seer.
When seen,
the seer is a living memory in motion,
moving, modifying, forming, persisting, changing
taking temporary forms to
appear as someone
in the incomprehensible
(not written by Victor Borge)
Diane Hamilton, I see you as beautifully radiant.
The quality of your attention is beautiful
and draws one into serenity by reminding oneself
of one's own empty self-nature (no cliche intended).
(Wait a minute! I may just be seeing my own Shadow material.....!)
From The Magic of Somatics, this maneuver quiets pain at the front of the shoulder and side of the neck: pectoralis muscles and sterno-cleido-mastoid (SCM) muscles. It takes you progressively out of the tension pattern of Startle Reflex. (See
The key to this movement is to synchronize the movement elements. That means the lifting movements of the head and shoulder, and breathing.
You use your breathing to pace, that is, start and end, the other movements. Your breath is also what helps you to let go of your pectoral (chest) muscles, so your shoulder can move back (posteriorly).
Be careful to lift only one shoulder at a time; whichever shoulder you lift, you rest and brace yourself upon the other shoulder.
Startle Reflex is a protective action pattern triggered by fear — closing up the soft front of the body. Habituation in this reflex restricts breathing, causes elevated heart rate, and forward head position.
Follow-up to Session 3, Startle Reflex lesson (clinical session). Integrates breathing with movements of neck, shoulders, trunk
The key this exercise is to synchronize the movements of breathing with the molling movements of the shoulders and the arching and flattening of your back.
As you roll your arms, your shoulders move with them. Explore for the limit of turning of your arms, both directions.
In the “back arched, chin tucked position”, press the back of your head down equally with the pressure of your tailbone/sacrum.
This page is primarily for people who have chosen to get started with the somatic education exercises (action patterns) of Comforting Your S-I Joints, for free, as a way to test them in yourself as a way to get relief from sacroileitis pain.
In it, you'll see or hear people describing their own experience. What's shown here isn't for "half-measures" people, "quick fix" people, or "do it for me", consumer-minded people. It's for people who are intent on results and will do what it takes to get them.
This is a "getting started" page -- not a "symptoms all gone" page. You can't evaluate the effectiveness of the whole program based on what this page contains because the whole program produces the results; you can evaluate the quality of instruction and the organization of the program and you will get feel-able improvements -- just not the whole result.
This program is the best approach that I know of to get out of pain from a turned sacrum. What you should know in advance is that it's work. You earn the results by applying yourself. If you want a quick fix or you want someone to fix you, go elsewhere until you realize that you can't find a quick fix that works. This program will be available. That said, don't try to swallow everything on this page in one gulp. It's impossible and that's not how the program is designed; the program presents the information and instructions in bite-size pieces. I guide you, step-by-step in the recorded program and in personal mentoring sessions, if you choose to have them. So this page provides an overview. You needn't remember what's on it. If you try to swallow it all in one gulp, particularly without experiencing the action patterns, you'll only get brain-fog.
So, just go for an overview, at first. Scan through this page quickly, first, to locate topics of special interest, to you, or just view the videos, which are brief.
This regimen is an alternative to surgery with no negative side effects. It sufficiently improves comfort and function to make you fit and comfortable for all activities, including heavy lifting. Improvements are long-lasting. It does have side effects: positive side effects. You end up feeling better put-together, more robust, stronger and more agile than before the symptoms set in. However, you have to do the work. So you have two general options:
costly options with permanent side-effects or which need to be redone, periodically -- and --
a cost-effective option with no negative side effects and with positive side-benefits beyond mere recovery.
I'll make a prediction: How you approach and do what's here is how you approach and do everything in your life. (That may explain why your life has gone as it has.)
This approach works because bones go where soft-tissue pulls them. This program systematically changes the shape of the pelvis (which includes sacrum) by changing the weight-bearing and postural forces of the soft tissue for right-left, mirror-image symmetry. Changes accumulate and symptoms decrease, with practice, with feel-able changes during and after each practice session.
With the changes created by this regimen, your health practitioners are likely to notice and to comment with something like, "Whatever you're doing, keep it up!"
Face-to-face, live-on-line mentoring, needed by a minority of users of this program, is available. The email address to request a mentoring consultation exists at the end of every section of the program, Comforting Your S-I Joints.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTENTS * Who This Program is For * Program Overview * How and Why I Developed, Comforting Your S-I Joints * How to ... * Getting Started (for free -- yes, it's Unit 1 of the actual program) * Promised Results of Unit 2 (for which you may invest)
I recommend this program for people who have two or more of the following symptoms:
groin pain that has persisted despite therapy for tight psoas muscles
testicular pain or vulvar pain
pelvic floor dysfunction
bladder pain
deep pain in the pelvis
a gripping sensation at the bottom of the abdomen
deep pain at the waist in back, on one side
pain around the rim of the pelvis
pain deep in one hip joint
a feeling like a tight wire going down the low back and into the pelvis
pain, numbness, or "lightning like" shooting/burning pain at the side or front of the thighs or in the pelvis
The general approach of therapy is to regard the cause of a symptom as being at the location of the symptom. With the symptoms named above, when they occur in combination, that's not the case. The cause is elsewhere -- in this case, from the sacrum being turned with one sacro-iliac joint being jammed, and sometimes (more rarely) both sacro-iliac joints.
The symptoms consist of radiating pain, nerve pain, muscular pain, and unnatural patterns of joint and spinal compression, all of which come from the turned sacrum. The pain of the turned sacrum triggers muscular cringing responses, potentially anywhere in the body, and untraceable (i.e., undiagnosable) by looking at the locations of the pains.
Addressing symptoms as if their cause is at their location is generally unsuccessful; the successful approach involves correcting the position of the sacrum.
Manipulation of the sacrum is a case of "addressing the symptom at its location" and is a limited benefit.
Normalizing the muscular and weight-bearing forces that are keeping the sacrum turned causes it to straighten and to resume its healthy mobility. As the sacrum straightens, symptoms decrease and disappear. The shape of the whole pelvis -- and mobility -- normalize.
Comforting Your S-I Joints -- PROGRAM OVERVIEW
You don't need to keep any of this in your mind or make any effort at all to remember it. Just understand it, once. You may find yourself imagining what I'm describing or remembering it, in yourself.
The design of the program does the remembering, for you.
Each action pattern produces specific effects, described in the introduction to each action pattern. These effects become obvious after some repetition and movement-learning -- usually one or two practice sessions.
The action patterns combine like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to produce the result. Expect relief from particular symptom when they're specifically noted in that action patterns' introduction. Expect a general trend of improvements with some "ebb and flow". You're dealing with muscular tension habits that you must deconstruct and then reconstruct into a healthy pattern. It's a process that reprograms muscle/movement memory, for better muscular control that lasts, rather than a series of quick mechanical adjustments (that don't last).
ANSWER: no, definitely not
These are programmed movements -- action patterns -- that reprogram muscle/movement memory in ways you can distinctly feel. Never stretch. Never do these action patterns as stretches. Avoid stretching. Always work within your range of comfort short of any cringe response.
ANSWER: "no" and "no"
For a person in good condition, these action patterns are entirely comfortable, to do. Pain is a sign of the trouble you're in -- and the difference between pain (as I use the term), and "intense sensation", is the cringe response.
If you find an action pattern pattern painful enough to make you cringe, you're not ready for it. Skip it, for now, and continue through the rest of the program.
Working with these action patterns while cringing and forcing through pain is counterproductive. It just teaches you to expect pain and to cringe in anticipation, reinforcing the muscular tension patterns.
As you cycle through the program, the other action patterns prepare you so that you are comfortable enough to do the previously painful action pattern without cringing. Never force or "work through the pain"; cultivate control within your non-cringing comfort zone.
You will feel changes in movement and balance almost from the beginning. If you don't feel improvements from a given exercise in one or two practice sessions, either you don't particularly need that exercise, you need preparation from the other action patterns, or you were doing it differently than as described in the instructions. It doesn't matter; do the whole program, as given. Mentoring helps to speed your improvement.
This program came into existence from correcting my own S-I joint dysfunction.
I had pain in back at waist level on the right side, pain around the rim of my pelvis on the right, deep "gluteal" (buttock) pain (which wasn't muscle pain, but referred nerve pain), pain deep in my left hip joint, sciatica-like pain in my right calf (which wasn't typical sciatica, but came from a jammed sacrum), and other very unpleasant symptoms that I describe in my entry on Understanding the S-I Joints and Stopping the Pain and Attendant Weird Symptoms. I was like a poster-child for S-I joint pain. A few people I have worked with have had symptoms worse than mine -- most, not.
The strategy I adopted for this program is
to remove forces that simultaneously twist and compress the sacrum or twist the ilium (side-hip bone) in relation to the sacrum.
to repattern coordination of muscular and weight-bearing forces for symmetry between right and left sides to cause the pelvis to become symmetrical -- and so untwist the sacrum.
Observing my own sensations, I noticed that muscular contractions and discomfort occur in many locations in reaction to a turned sacrum, as far as the base of the head or jaws; they were reactions to the pain I had in my pelvis. Those contraction reactions keep the sacrum turned or return it to a turned position -- hence the number of exercises that address different locations in you.
I started with Gentle Spine Waves -- done with respect for my own tolerance, never making myself cringe either from pain or from expectation of pain. I was in delicate condition, so I treated myself delicately. I developed other exercises, some of which I refined to make them more efficient and others of which I replaced with better exercises. Gradually, I discovered more movement patterns that addressed more aspects of the problem. So, the program evolved into its present form.
HOW TO FOLLOW THE PROGRAM First note: It's best to do this program last-thing in the day, so sleep is next. You'll sleep better and tissue growth that occurs at night will be in the better pattern brought about by the action patterns.
This program consists of somatic education action patterns done in a specific order. You don't do all the action patterns in one sweep (which is why I divide the instruction into sections of practice); you do them in entire sections, as described, below.
The action patterns are entirely comfortable to do for anyone in good condition; pain is a sign of a movement problem that the program will correct.
As you work through the program, if a certain action pattern feels too painful to do because of your condition, skip to the next section; you'll return to the too-painful action pattern as you cycle through the program and likely find that you can now do it comfortably -- and if not, skip it, again.
Each action pattern sets changes in motion that progress for some time after practice. Some decompress your S-I joints, so the other action patterns can work; some self-correct your coordination, so the forces that position your sacrum change direction; some flush up existing problems so you can correct them as you cycle through the program; and some integrate and consolidate the improvements that have occurred.
As in a recipe, no one ingredient constitutes the entire recipe, no one ingredient, but the whole recipe, produces the result, and there are steps of preparation. Each action pattern may be viewed as an ingredient and the program, as the recipe.
The program takes you, step-by-step, through your self-renewal, back to life free of pain and in robust condition.
HOW TO DO THE ACTION PATTERNS Too tired to do them? That's a sign you need them. Do them, anyway. You'll finish more refreshed -- not more tired.
You do the action patterns in sections for the number of practice days stated at the opening screen of each section -- unless you find it necessary to skip an action pattern due to pain, as stated above.
You begin each practice session with all of the action patterns of Unit 1, Part 1 and finish each practice session with all of the action patterns of Unit 1, Part 2.
Here's a summary of the program:
Unit 1: Preparation
Unit 2: Self-Corrections and Integrations
Unit 3: Refining your Movement and Consolidating the Improvements
Unit 1: Preparation
The Tongue Mudra
Very Powerful.
The Tongue Mudra is an evolved form of an ancient yogic technique. It involves positioning the tongue and lower jaw in a particular way along with special breathing. This positioning creates internal feeling-connections that cause spontaneous self-corrections of tension, feeling, and posture.
It may seem odd that positioning the tongue in some way can cause these effects, but cause them, it does. I have often felt the effects all the way into my sacrum as shifts of comfort and position.
It's very handy and the first thing you should learn in the program. An instructional video follows, below. Start your practice of The Tongue Mudra when you reach that video, on this page.
You might do the action patterns in this program without The Tongue Mudra and get results, but results occur much more quickly and easily if you use the Mudra during or immediately after practice.
There is an exception: the action patterns that involve the jaws (Unit 2, Section F.2); it's rather impossible to do both at the same time, so you follow the action pattern with a few minutes of The Tongue Mudra.
Some people have residue from neck injuries. If that's you, The Tongue Mudra is essential, for you.
How Much Time Does It Take?
Once you know the Unit 1 action patterns, most practice sessions take about 1/2 to 3/4 hour; some take less, some take more.
If you get too sore to want to practice, take a break and pick up where you left off, after the soreness abates.
Until you're familiar with the action patterns, it's best to follow the practice guidelines given for each section.
Done as instructed in the tutorial above, even by itself, The Tongue Mudra is very powerful at triggering self-adjustments to posture and movement -- if you do it correctly, meaning, in the correct position so that you get the sensations described -- easy, but specific.
The use of The Tongue Mudra when practicing these action patterns increases their potency, making larger self-corrections occur more quickly.
The use of The Tongue Mudra after practice increases the changes caused by the action patterns.
We like it.
You determine your own sacral position before each practice session; people's sacrum changes position and you may want to make sure you are doing the action pattern for the correct side. A video-tutorial provides instructions.
Self-assessment is not optional or occasional. Self-assessment is required in order to know on which side to do certain action patterns -- and that will probably change unpredictably as you do the program. So, check yourself.
If You Can't Confidently (and Competently) Assess Yourself
Get a therapist to teach you how and to confirm your accuracy.
If you feel worse after practice, you may have done the wrong side. Do the other side, immediately.
However, remember that even if you did the correct side, soreness sometimes happens after practice. It may last a few hours before subsiding. If it doesn't subside within a day, do the action pattern for your other side, next.
Determine which way your sacrum is turned (left or right side jammed forward) to determine which side is your working side; the introductions to the exercises explain. You're manually measuring the depression or "dimple" next to the ridges; you compare the distance between the depth of each dimple and the height of each ridge where it touches your fingers. If one side of your sacrum is "high" or closer to the surface, the other side is jammed.
The exercise patterns are designed to correct twists, up-and-down displacements and rotations of the pelvic bones.
This section shows how the program is organized, how you follow it.
1. "Unit 1" (seven cycles, or so -- or until you have accurately memorized the movements and no new changes occur.)
2. "Abbreviated Unit 1" + "Unit 2"
(subject to personal coaching recommendations)
In "abbreviated Unit 1", you do two repetitions of each movement (instead of five), from memory.
You prepare for the Unit 2 exercises with Unit 1, PART 1 and finish the Unit 2 exercises with Unit 1, PART 2, "AFTER EVERY UNIT 2 or UNIT 3 PRACTICE SESSION".
Using the Program Correctly
3. "Unit 3"
UNIT 1 | Unlocking the Situation
From the Unit 1 preparatory exercises, expect relaxation and lengthening of the spine of the whole side worked, feel-able as you lie in repose after practice; it prepares you so the other exercises can do their work. What you will feel is a lengthening of the "working" side and decompression of that side's S-I Joint -- preparation for what is to follow.
Do seven cycles, or so, through all of Unit 1 (parts 1 and 2), using the video tutorial until you remember the movements well enough to do them from memory. (A "cycle" is a practice session of all of the exercises in a section.)
Then, combine Unit 1 with one section from Unit 2, as instructed, above.
Unit 1.1.1.Gentle Spine Waves
Gentle Spine Waves is an "unlocking" step that loosens your back tension so you can make other changes. The additional looseness makes it easier for things to shift to a new position.
Start with the deeper side up; this instruction will make sense once you've followed the video-tutorial, the first time, not from reading these instructions or just viewing the tutorial video.
When working Unit 2, you do Unit 1 as preparation for each Unit 2 section. You are unlocking the situation so the Unit 2 action pattern work.
The exercise instruction videos you've seen, above, are enough to get you started on the program, so you can evaluate its effectiveness, for you.
On the rest of this page, you find the exercises that constitute the rest of this program, what to expect from each exercise, and links to the access page for the entire program. UNIT 2 | Normalizing Movement: Self-Corrections and Integration OVERALL EXPECTED RESULTS:
relief from pain in the S-I joint
relief of various pains and weird symptoms, elsewhere
freedom to bend forward (without abdominal muscles ttightening)
freedom to straighten up
easy walking
better overall movement -- balance, flexibility, coordination
relief from (so-called) "piriformis muscle pain" (actually, it's nerve pain)
relief from burning / numbness in the thigh
others, detailed below
UNIT 3 | Higher Integration Movements: Consolidating Improvements
By now, you are much more comfortable and mobile. You may notice that it's hard to tell which side of your sacrum is deeper or which side moves more easily. That's when you start UNIT 3. EXPECTED RESULT:
smoother, more fluid connection of legs, pelvis and trunk disappearance of residual tensions and discomforts
Two surgical alternatives to this regimen exist:
radio-frequency nerve ablation (RFA): $2,100, or so
joint fusion surgery: $23,000, or so
Alternative 1 (RFA): uses electromagnetic (radio) energy to burn/cook the nerve to kill the pain, but does nothing to correct the cause of the pain. Nerves usually regenerate, so this procedure must be redone every 6-9 months.
Alternative 2 (surgery): makes permanent changes to (usually one) sacroiliac joint and alters movement, with no guarantee of relief. Expense, post-surgical pain and recovery time are involved.
This program, Comforting Your S-I Joints (which you may start immediately from the video instruction on this page) clears up sacro-iliac joint pain and attendant symptoms more completely than joint fusion surgery, more effectively than cortisone shots, TENS (electrical stimulation), pain meds or manipulative therapies, and more lastingly than RFA (burning the nerve). It dissolves pains and makes movement easy, better balanced, and more efficient. Muscle/movement memory changes. Postural changes occur.
It's more cost-effective than any of the alternatives named.
Consultation and Mentoring Options
If you get stuck, don't worry. You may contact me for one-time, or for ongoing, mentoring consultations (paid, with a satisfaction guarantee). Visit to schedule.
Lawrence Gold
The Institute for Somatic Study and Development
Milwaukie, OR 97222
505 819-0858
SKYPE: lawrencegold
You can end your own pain and be better than before.
Apply yourself to your own somatic education.