Reality is a mutable plastic medium of unknown origin or substance, with persistent or slowly changing islands of density that give it the appearance of substantiality.
Within its formless nature and with its own substance, it coalesces into tiny patterns shapes too varied -- and that change too chaotically -- to be apprehended
change too quickly unless, as the density of the coalescing forms increases, its rate of change slows down sufficiently to fall out of chaotic intensity and into a coherent definition in space-time ...
Where, before, it was an exploded field, it becomes a tendency.
It precipitates or manifests within formless reality as "densified form-in-some-location and at-some-location" -- in relationship to All Things.
It comes into existence as stable, resonant forms of relationship, or patterned behavior -- as tendency.
This is known as, "manifestation".
It originates at a primordial, microscopic level of existence at which "IS" and "NOT" resonate, on and off, alternately, like the snow on the screen of an old style television set -- or the hiss between radio stations -- too fast to follow, but within which discernable shapes may seem to be distinguished.
Space is defined in terms of the relationship between contiguous regions of density; time is defined by the relative movements of those regions. Space-time is density in motion.
From that primordial, microscopic level of manifestation come all of the more complex forms in existence.
The mutable plastic quality is the tendency for things to change slowly, persisting in relation with each other -- and for persisting things to move in relation to each others -- and for everything to affect everything else by the resonance and motion of their interactions.
All things are interconnected by the force of conscious tendency -- called localized attention - accelerated intention.
-- that pervades throughout that mutable, plastic, conscious medium that is The Body of Reality
-- experienced as dream (or imagination) and memory of All.
All things are consciously interconnected -- but appear to be isolated because the feeling of interconnectedness is so familiar as no longer to be noticed -- except under certain conditions.
What conditions?
Conditions of change. . .
. . . change occurring either in the intensity of experience or in the pattern of experience.
Some experiences diffuse, and dissipate -- as with stars and memories -- they fade and lose definition, so gradually.
Others change more speedily throughout their span of existence. From time to time, their interconnectedness with some things phases out and with other things phases in.
Sometimes, they go out of phase with so many things, at once, that in the field of All Things, they lose their definition and fade out, altogether.
New configurations follow. Endlessly.
The forgetting of interconnectedness is a kind of intentional-attentional amnesia, beyond mind.
"Change" is the resonance patterning of the Mutable Plastic Field of Reality throughout the space-time kosmic self of the mutable changing of everything, all-how.
In All Things, change occurs as relationships change -- as resonance changes, as intensity changes, as frequency and rhythm of interactions change. A continuity called, "relationship" exists, even as changes occur continually.
In local space time locations, it's like a radio that, though existing in the field of all frequencies at once, plays only the signals of the local frequency to which it is attuned -- but which is changeable.
Some radios could, hypothetically, receive all frequencies at once -- and play them all at once!
... not unlike a giant kazoo orchestra -- only bigger and louder.
... all one instrument: The Mutable Plastic Field of Reality
... all one performer: The Mutable Plastic Field of Reality
... all one audience: The Mutable Plastic Field of Reality
Change is what is sensed. No-change is not available to the change-sense.
Change is unconscious before we have an "inkling" of it -- and we may get a pre-conscious inkling of it before it condenses in conscious attention -- surfacing like a bubble -- or a burp. Then, we sense and recognize it.
What does not change in life, as it occurs to us, fades below sensing, like familiar perfume -- or the sounds of traffic. We don't notice it.
Change highlights facets of existence, calls our attention by making something prominent. Like a burp.
We call that, "being conscious" or "being sentient".
Yessir, in the beginning, there was The Burp. That's life -- a series of burps.
The densest conditions change the most slowly and require the most to get them to change.
Bursts of change illuminate the densest conditions, by contrast -- the contrast between what isn't changing and what is changing. Bursts of attention do a similar thing.
But bursts don't change dense conditions; sustained activity changes dense conditions.
Sustained, intense activity prompts the densest conditions -- which are extremely, extremely dense and persistent -- to change -- at first, slowly, and then picking up speed like an elephant stampede. What takes a lot to start takes a lot to stop.
The speed of light is a tendency, an outward streaming whose coherent intensity is the equivalent of density -- so that it can push the vanes of a radiometer!
But the speed of light as a tendency is not an absolute. The idea of it as an absolute is a leap of mind to contain what cannot be contained or even, honestly, be conceived -- an intellectual conceit justified by mathematical symbols, in which infinity is first condensed into something really, Really Large (the scientific mind) -- and then discounted as a sign of error, when merging of Quantum Theory with Special Relativity is attempted; physicists think that the appearance of infinity in a mathematical equation is a sign that something is wrong!
Infinity is insubstantial. Why? "In" means, "not"; "finity" means "being finite" or definable. In-finity means "not definable". It's outside the realm of mind.
Except the scientific/mathematical mind, which gives form (that can be handled and manipulated) to what is formless and then presumes formlessness to be wrong. Mind triumphs over Reality.
The speed of light, when considered to be absolute, is a mental construct that represents something presumed actually to exist.
What the speed of light is, actually, is an inferred limit that can only be approached, but not reached. It is an inference based on the habitual assumption that attracts the material mind -- that if it's real, it must be local and substantial. That's a mental assumption.
So, they concretize the speed of light, which is a tendency with some degree of indeterminacy, as a constant, which has definition.
The Mutable Plastic Field of Reality uses density, intensity, direction and the tendency to define locations in space in terms of the things that occupy them ...
DENSITY, INTENSITY, DIRECTION, and TENDENCY, together, simulate the behaviors of atoms -- or billiard balls -- simulate attributes like substantiality, solidity -- and the clash-ability of light sabers. Take away any one of them, no action.
For two things to occupy the same space, they must cease to be themselves and para-mutate with each other into a changing, hybrid form. That kind of change, to occur, requires sufficient activation energy, energy greater than the tendencies of the two things to remain distinctly "themselves". Activation energy is needed to get things started -- something like with hydrogen fusion -- or sex.
(Commonly, when "two things" meet, instead of merging, they meet, take on and discharge energy (resonate) and rebound away from each other, their directions of motion changed -- their apparent distinctness preserved (but resonating from the meeting -- like dating).
As we know from the science of physics, apparent matter is virtually empty space -- space defined by motions within that space, motions that are identified as, and called, "particles". However, there are no particles, only behaviors (motions).
Oh. Space is defined by motions.
Like the Great Reality Kazoo Orchestra.