Such thinkers are predominantly memory-based. (Such people are political "Conservatives" (not conservative) -- and consumer-drones).
Thinking beyond words requires the center of understanding to be feeling-intuition -- the "grounding" of meaning by which words get meaning. Leaps of understanding are bridged by feeling-intuition.
Such thinkers are integrated memory-imagination based. (Such people are political "Progressives" (yes) -- and creative people like Einstein, Tesla, and Feynman, Jefferson and Madison, Charlemagne, Mozart, Dali, Adi Da, (and others) -- "cultural creatives" (and disruptor/iconoclasts) who contribute the basis of civilization -- and correct its course).
(When people are predominantly imagination-based -- or their imagination is biased by species- or tribal-memory -- they are lunatics -- e.g., "Q-anon" types and authoritarian dictators of all kinds, "conspiracy theorists" -- ungrounded and flaky.)
12,000 years of human history ...
12,000 years of accumulated feeling-tones stored in memory
12,000 years of remembered "knowledge" (world-views) ...
12,000 years of conglomeration and consolidation
12,000 years of ego-formation, dense and self-perpetuating...
12,000 years of conflict, confusion, self-assertion, and power-seeking
and that doesn't take into account what preceded human history ... millions of years of primitive survival adaptation
All forms of information both reinforce -- and ultimately contradict (or are, in feeling, identical to, but in direction, opposed to) -- one another.
That's why and how stupidity has become confused with intelligence and why anxiety and stress are so prevalent.
Humans have learned how to accumulate, but few have learned how to selectively eliminate. It all piles up into the islands of intelligence within the mass of stupidity we see and hear about, today.
If humans don't learn why and how to eliminate, but only seek to accumulate and protect, then "the slate" must be wiped clean.
If humans don't learn why and how to eliminate, then the species must be culled.
Welcome to Earth.
a few words...
How to eliminate, selectively, to free intelligence of the "ballast" of accumulated human experience:
The Gold Key Release