Leap-Stones in The IMPONDERABLE

The process of thought
occurs prior to the appearance of thought.

It is an act of will
of wielding attention in directions of tantalizing memory
tantalizing imagination
toward the unknowable beyond memory
The Imponderable.

Thoughts are words
concretized positions of attention
made handily accessible
by sounds
made vocally.


Leap-stones in the imponderable pond of the Unknown.

Convenient ways of anchoring attention
by meaning the memory
roused by similarities between the obvious present moment, now
and a memory or many memories.

Words help
because of their linking with
and belonging to
memories . . . . .
memories of persons

memories of ideas
memories of dreams
memories of values
memories of experiences

the basis of recognition

calling up memory

all associated memories
underlying words

tinge-ing, refracting and pacing experience
moment to moment.

Words are leap-stones on the pond of The Imponderable.

Conveniences for attention --
memory-laden attention.

Attention, too clouded by memory
is too distorted
and does not perceive very clearly or very accurately
and does not  assess conditions in a timely way
but lags behind
making many corrections.

Such a one proceeds through life
by habit,
habits triggered by memory
memory similar to the present

Such a one proceeds
hoping for the best
but not very spontaneously responding.

Slow to respond, and always checking.

Words are a convenient handle
for going from thing to thing
for making general assessments
but not very accurate
for communicating specifics
to one who hasn't experienced something similar,

Life in a daze of words
is attention distorted by memory
the lens of language lending spin and slant
the candle flame of attention
broken by the movement of thinking.

On a windy day,
they call that "ADD" or "ADHD".

Those lost in thought
go from word to word
from memory to memory
into and out of distortion
into and out of focus
in and out of relational participation.

When words take over
memories take over
and things seem as if known
but even the very present moment
as "now" as "now" can get
is memory
clothing the movements and positions of
the Imponderable
for recognition purposes
since patterns do persist

Even the very present moment
is recognizable
only because we have memories.

Leaping from leap-stone to leap-stone
from thought to thought
from memory to memory
always skirting The Pond of The Imponderable
that no words touch
for words are leap-stones
and The Imponderable is imponderable.

So, there.
So, here.

By pondering the leap-stones,
two or three at a time
alternating between them
until memory can hold them both,
new leap-stones appear as the integration of them,
new distinctions
new words
new memories
new ways of twisting, turning, and refracting experience
new points of focus, some smaller, some larger,
new ways of placing leap-stones in The Imponderable
and temporarily taking the emergent leap-stones
to be The Imponderable.

But they ain't.

They's jest leap-stones
in The  Pond of The Imponderable.

The Somatic Jack-in-the-Box

To be somatically aware
is to be aware of ones internal state or process
as well as aware of what is (apparently) external.

To be aware of our internal state
is the current growth-edge of human development.

It is a movement away from predictable,
programmed reactions to external conditions
without much internal awareness
toward novel, evolving responses to external conditions
with awareness of ones internal state
which includes emotions, thoughts, and subtle feeling-perceptions
as well as sensations of bodily movement.

Novel responses are emergent behaviors
catalyzed by attention to internal
as well as external

Attention is a catalyst to development.
Attention feeds and pushes into growth.

Whatever attention is on
grows and develops.
When attention is on the internal state
the internal state grows and develops.

As the internal state grows and develops
more perceptual faculties emerge
more distinctions can be detected in experiences
more intelligence develops
more capacities come on-line
and the perception of the external world changes
even as we make changes in the external world with interaction and creativity.

The growth-edge of human development
is attention free to move between internal and external.

The move internal
is the current move of somatic awakening.

The free movement between internal and external
is the move of somatic intelligence developing --

Somatic development is full-spectrum evolutionary development.

To the honoring of wisdom
is the acceptance of ones function
in the formation of the continually

Got a Limp? not limp

Well, if ever there was a misnomer, it's the word, "limp" -- as in "Got a limp?"

you know -- a movement impediment

Got a limp?  Use a walker or cane?  Think it's because you're aging?

I've got news for you.  It's not aging.  It's the accumulated stress patterns of a lifetime.  You're not "old"; you're in the grip of your life experience.   You're tight and it's your muscular tightness that makes you stiff.

The word, "limp" is completely wrong.  If you have a limp, it's not because your muscles are limp, but because they are extraordinarily tight -- not limp -- pulling you down from upright posture and free movement.  You're not limp; your muscles are not stiff.

Injuries and stress cause people to tighten up.  It's a nervous reaction below the level of control, one that commonly lasts for decades.

It's a common feature among the aged and among the not-so-aged.

I'll get right to the point:

Ready to take back your life?

Better start somatic education -- education for the place where so many people are ignorant -- their own bodily existence.  Get educated -- not mentally, but bodily.

Extraordinary, isn't it, that people -- doctors and therapists included -- are ignorant of their own workings.

Something as simple as a yawn, when applied in novel ways, frees us from the grip of muscular contractions that cause people to limp.  Somatic exercises make use of the Whole Body yawn to get people with a limp to straighten up and stand on their own two feet, again.

Two or three practice sessions of somatic exercises -- or one clinical somatic education session -- cause improvements that might take six months of standard therapy.

It's a matter of doing the right thing for your condition.

Wonder where to go from here?

Ask.  Click here.
or read the article on aging
or send for the information packet (a lot of information).