We Are Not Lacking What We Need, as Much as "Getting in our Own Way"

Things are happening faster as time progresses, and so we need a fast track in the direction of freedom of intelligence.

How are we going to handle the "islands" of intractable stupidity and wrong-headedness that beseige us, that put the brakes on our ability to integrate and grow, to adapt and innovate, in response to the needs of the times?

What we would do well to understand is that we are not in a state of "not enough", but that we are in our own way.  I'm now going to talk about, "being in our own way."

The usual approach to problems is to reinforce our current ways of doing things or to search for an alternative.  Those seem to be our only alternatives.  The amount of effort goes up, and with it, the amount of frustration.

Then comes a hardened state and a "getting used to" the hardened state:  desensitization.  We become insistent, demanding -- and stupid, entrenched in our arbitrary ways and orthodox beliefs.  We search for answers along familiar lines and avoid anything much different.

And at the root of this stupidity is being in our own way and not knowing it.  The mind densifies and becomes persistent with less and less time between thoughts, the density of thought increasing, the rapidity of thought increasing, and a loss of clarity -- not only of thought, but also of speech.  

Remember that next time someone fast-talks faster than you can understand because they don't articulate their words, clearly; you can hear this fault in many movies, as actors strive for "realism"; at airport boarding gates, in technical support interactions, and in casual social settings.

Mental density manifests as confusion, excessive forcefulness of speech (including hype and volume level) and impaired ability to change, inability to listen well, inability to teach well, and in inability to speak well -- in run-on sentences, poor listening, the tendency to interrupt,  and indistinct (slurred or poorly articulated) speech.

The person may become a juggernaut who barges forward -- or intends to -- to get their own way, desperately unintelligent, boxed in, and insistent upon more of the same -- or upon a "something else" that they can't quite articulate.  They become like political party -- if only a party of one.

All self-reinforcing, in their own own way, not knowing it, and looking for relief from others and the world -- sometimes by force.

Because they/we know of no better way, we are loaded with ourselves, our story, our history, and driving forward according to what we see in the rear view mirror of memory.

Our resources and capacity may be about used up, but that's how we tend to do it -- to little benefit.

It's time to reclaim our freedom from the burden of ourselves, so we have more capacity to speak, listen and hear; time to recapture some of our intelligence, to make room for imagination to provide a cornucopia of resourcefulness that otherwise, too often, becomes similar to what hasn't worked, before.

How can we change?  What would have to happen?

A shift from tumult and circumstance, regathering our power of attention and intention, is what we need.

With that motive, resources exist.

There are a huge variety of offerings of instruction toward that end, and much "popular wisdom" that isn't wise.

What the abundance of conventional offerings shares in common is that, at their foundation, they employ and deploy the potentialities of the four expressions of intelligence -- imagination, attention, memory, and intention.

But, they deploy one or two of those four expressions of intelligence required to make a good change.

It's a little like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic than expressions of intelligence.

The more of a person's intelligence is available, to them, the easier things are.

When all four are integrated at comparable degree of coherence, a curious thing happens:  the person comes to a restful balance with their faculties operative and available.  They become more capable of creativity and of change.

There are such teaching streams.  This is one.

One "product" of this process is "flexibility space":  space to create something new and more effective.

It is not sufficient to "know what things are", to "know a thing or two" -- or to know a lot.

At best, such knowledge is a helpful hint where to look for various kinds of experiences and abilities.  Knowledge may "get us to the ballpark," may "get us to the batter's box", but, when all bets are in, it's what happens in the batter's box that counts -- and that can't be predicted or assured by knowledge.

The "different approach" involves getting out of our own way through a process, not of addition (of knowledge, for example), but of subtraction:  release of the binding quality of familiar ways of seeing and of doing things -- and accepting "not knowing" ("beginner's mind") as the foundation of action intended to produce new results.

More Than Stress-Relief: A Special Holiday Offer for Better Well-Being That Lasts All Year

The holiday season is here and it’s an ideal time to refresh ourselves and join the new year with clarity, capability and ease.

We live in a time of abundant change — and abundant stress. Challenges are inevitable, but the distress they trigger doesn’t come from circumstances themselves. It comes from our internal conditioning — habitual patterns of thought, attitude, and emotion that are so familiar that we identify them as our very selves.

The good news? With the right technique and some new understanding, we can release long-standing (and repeating) stress patterns by ourselves. We can get distinct shifts and free ourselves from the stress load of too much to do, frightening news stories, and information overload even before circumstances change.  Then, we're capable of handling challenges more effectively.

To help everyone regain mental, emotional, and physical balance, I’m offering a special holiday bundle:

Programs to Dispel Stress in Mind, Emotion, and Body -- Lasting Improvements of Mental Clarity, Balance, and Physical Comfort

  • The Gold Key Release

A potent, very useful way to relax, clear our mind, and recover emotional balance in minutes -- literally, as during a coffee break.

Comes with a complimentary, personally coached Get a Good Start session, so you know how to do it well, by yourself. Send email, after purchase, to schedule.

Meet life’s challenges, whatever they are, more easily and effectively because you're meeting them in a better state, from using The Gold Key Release. Use The Gold Key Release whenever circumstances put the squeeze, on you and you feel stuck. Refresh yourself better than from an energy drink. Cumulative benefits.

(complimentary -- Regularly: $100.00) 

  • The SuperCat Exercises: Somatic Education Exercises for Neuromuscular Stress
result:  You feel lighter, emotionally uplifted, and more energetic.
relief of lingering pains and the bodily sensations of stress.  Target and eliminate moderate back pain quickly in the first lesson.  Lasting relief.

(Regularly: $116.00)
  • Somatic Education Exercises to Free Breathing
    One of the common effects of stress is restricted breathing. 
(Regularly: $50.00)

Prepares you for:
  • Somatic Breathing Training to Reduce Stress
    exotic breathing patterns and alpha brainwave technology
    result:  You relieve yourself from stress where mind and body are one.
(Regularly: $50.00)

  • Get to Sleep

Has insomnia got you? Do you wake up in the middle of the night?  Use this if you usually can't get back to sleep: a system of restful movements that you can do before bed -- or in bed -- to clear body, mind, and emotions for sleep.  Awaken clear-headed and refreshed.

(Regularly: $97.00)
  • The Crystal Crown Invocation -- Acts 1 and 2
    a powerful tool for mastering circumstances by mastering ourselves
Relieve yourself from heavy stress and recover mentally and energetically, whenever too many things pile up.  This is an advanced procedure to use, to get your nose above the "overwhelm" waterline.  Do one Act per day.  Feel like yourself, again, when you really need it.

Comes with a complimentary, personally coached Get a Good Start session, so you know how to do it well, by yourself.  Send email, after purchase, to schedule.

(complimentary -- Regularly: $600.00 for all six acts and the summary)
  • Deeper Lovemaking 
    For many, lovemaking is big relief from stress.  What if you could take lovemaking to greater heights, together?
result: Enhance confidence and deepen your and your partner's sense of connection.

(Regularly: $90.91)

regular total price: $503.91
Special Holiday Price: $150.00 (expires 1/2/25)

When you purchase this bundle, you’re eligible for a bonus opportunity:

  • Unlimited Laser Coaching in The Gold Key Release
    You clear your mind, release accumulated stress, and meet challenges with surprising ease -- a deep change.  A complement to The Crystal Crown Invocation.
    • result:  Break free from stress-inducing situations without struggle.
      Fast, lasting changes -- a new kind of experience.

20-minute sessions as needed (Sundays through Fridays) for six months $1,500.00

(regularly: $100.00 per session)

The six-month period begins as of your first scheduled session.

This is a chance to join the new year with relaxed energy and clarity.

Catch this opportunity.  Feel different -- and more like yourself. 

Non-bundle prices increase after the new year.  Claim the Laser Coaching offer as soon as you feel enough attraction to the idea.

Cultural Integration of the TetraSeed I-AM-I Illumination Matrix

The TetraSeed I-AM-I Illumination System
makes it easier to spot things that have been missed not to do something about it, but simply to re-regulate it in a moment of self-sensing.

What is the Whole of which the thing sensed ... is a part?
The shift, the re-regulation, occurs spontaneously with the sensing of the self-state.

No prompting is needed.

It is felt as "coming out an abnormal condition of weird stress",
sometimes called, "waking up".

Whatever meaning people take from word or the power we attribute, to them, is the power we invest in them when we, ourselves, us them.

We invest power into words that then become handles into us.

In an imaginary scenario, the TetraSeed is invited into corporate culture.

What might be the effect?

One might think, "competition!" and more and more efficiency.

Yes, that might be among the first effects to become evident.

Can you imagine that scene winding up?

I can, kinda.

What do you imaging that might do to distress levels?

So, coming up to the surface, like an inflamed boil, is the mass of memories we call, stress patterns.

Up like boil.

Now comes the self-purging and self-correction process.

As habituated stress patterns, magnified by the "wind-up", become apparent and, we feel, to be too "influential", we spontaneously start to wind down.

As the overall stress level of the environment decreases, higher intelligence can come to the fore.

The appearance of sanity may return at a higher order of functional capacity. In the corporate culture and in world-cultures, at large.

Are we Perceptors -- or "Feeders"?

 Though the human experience may be characterized as living as "perceptors" (observers or perhaps witnesses) and forming perceptions into knowledge (and by that means, fixating on or locating ourselves in experience ...)

an alternate characterization of the human experience might be being categorized as "feeders on" or consumers of experience for the sake of felt or presumed  satisfaction.

Manifested life offers "handles" on psycho-physically experienced, vibratory experiences that are handles for drawing in kinds of experience, when we lack the ability to access them satisfactorily through imagination.

By attaching attention to discrete experiences, we attach ourselves to (or can pursue)
"vibratory" (or harmonic) states -- both predictable and unpredictable -- as handles in hope of satisfaction of the hunger for particular experiences.

But the colors of the imagination are evanescent and the fulfillment of the tantalizing promises of memory is elusive.

So it is that Earthworld is a domain of "hungry ghosts".

"Tunnel Breathing" -- a somatic education exercise

 "Tunnel Breathing" consists of the integration of The Tongue Mudra and Staged Breathing.


Inhale and hold.

Open the breathing passage (epiglottis) keeping the same amount of held air.

Close the breathing passage (epiglottis).

Hold and while holding, relax.

Hold and Relax.

Lose some air.

Repeat until fully exhaled.

Repeat in the reverse direction, toward full inhalation.

two full cycles

When the Inner and the Outer are Recognized as One

The primal integrity upon which all integrity is based is the integration of self-sensing with sensing the world (otherness).

When inner and outer are recognized to be always-coincident, then the distinctions between them are recognized to be arbitrary and assumed.  They come into equivalency and balance becomes the operating viewpoint of experience.

This is transcendental intuition.

Peculiar kinds of opening in the self-being occur.  Balance deepens.

Intuitive silence ensues, or rather, emerges or is revealed as the rest-condition that prevails even in the midst of activity.

This is the feeling of integrity.

Any action or movement that entails a loss of balance is sensed, and thus is subject to spontaneous course-correction.

Thus is integrity maintained in relationships, integrity with with integrity, as integrity ...

balance meeting balance as balance.

So it is written that "when the inner and the outer become one, then you will enter the kingdom of heaven".

The Four Expression of Intelligence and Swiss Cheese Mind

The Universal Key

These days, there is an epidemic of "Swiss Cheese Mind".

-- not that I have anything against swiss cheese.  I don't.  Swiss cheese was among my favorites, during my cheese-eating days.

But I don't want my mind like that.

Swiss Cheese Mind is a condition in which you are operating like a car with a flat tire, or with cylinders misfiring.

Swiss Cheese Mind gives rise to brain farts -- and we have those happening all around us.  Just start up some software and look for the bugs.

Swiss Cheese Mind has holes.  Those holes are gaps in our attention, when we miss seeing things that are there.  They're like not-so-clear or even self-conflicting intentions ... forgotten memories and chaotic imaginings.

We have a screw loose -- or a few screws loose.

So, while I liked swiss cheese, I don't want my mind like that.

What causes it?

Mad Cow Disease?  Education?

Well, in a way yes.

Education teaches us ...

to remember, 
but not necessarily to imagine ...

... to attend,
but not necessarily how to pay attention...

to intend to remember
but not necessarily to intend with integrity

and hardly at all how to imagine.

Education in its common form educates unevenly.

and so, no wonder:  
Swiss-Cheese Mind

Memory needs attention and intention.

Not so easy to remember something with no attention on it.

Go ahead.  Try it.

See what I mean?

You even had to add some intention, didn't you?

and you imagined the whole thing.

Swiss Cheese Mind.

Now, you know what those words feel like ...

and what we do to fill in some of those holes, when memory fails us:  we fill in gaps of memory with imagination.

That explains the increasing numbers of blockheads coming out of our educational institutions.

When we enliven all four -- attention, memory, intention and imagination -- equally, with all four reinforcing the others -- we get

Swiss Cheese without the holes!