The Formation of the Subject:Object Distinction | The Fallacy of Duality

For one thing, there is actually no such thing as "objectivity" or "subjectivity". The terms, "objectivity" and "subjectivity", come from a mental perspective that looks at words or ideas, instead of actuality; the words indicate or imply something that is not actual. It's all conceptual. "Objectivity" is actually "subjectivity" labelled as,"objectivity"! 

Likewise, when "subjectivity" is taken seriously as actually existing, it's given a kind of "objective" (or "real") status! In actuality, all experiences, subjective or objective, occur within us, whether or not they appear to have existence without us.

The problem people commonly face is that they can't get their conceptual mind to shut up! It drowns out their direct experience of reality in a current of distraction in which the thought-stream of words and images overpowers attention and substitutes for the simple perception of, "what is" -- including their own self-nature.

In such a case, the mind is generating two formations:

subjectivity ("I")
objectivity ("other")

They are simply two, mutually interdependent concepts that, together, form motivation structures, or motives, or the motivations, of personal existence.

The subjective formation exists as a reaction to the objective formation, where I will define, "formation", in a moment.

For now, let's just say that in every moment of experience, we seem to be confronted by circumstances, situations, and conditions of life -- imposed upon us by outside, inexorable and incomprehensible forces -- kind of like, "the news".

Objective circumstances contain some elements that change little by little, over time, and many more elements that change a lot, from moment to moment, sometimes in repetitive cycles and sometimes as new developments.  

All of these functions correspond to the "objective or yang TetraSeed". Think of driving in your car: the experience consists of things that exist, that persist, that have location, and that are moving in a direction, relative to ourselves.

In every moment of experience, we are paying attention (more or less), recognizing what our circumstances are, imagining what might happen, next, and enforcing our will (intention) to control both ourselves and circumstances (by means of controlling our actions and feelings). Controlling circumstances involves, "more", "less", and the "direction" we imagine them to be going. All of these functions correspond to the "subjective or yin TetraSeed". The "yin TetraSeed" consists of attention, remembering, imagining, and intending.

Every moment of experience is the combination of "imposition from outside" (no apparent control, on our parts), and our facing that "imposition from outside," with more or less "control initiative".

So, split mind isn't split, at all. The two TetraSeeds are interactive and inter-related as a single system of experiencing.  Their existence isn't even mutual; together, they form a single experience and without that mutual togetherness, no experience. Nothing happening, nobody to experience it.

The main function of the Dual TetraSeeds is to provide contrast between perspectives -- mainly a "figure | ground" or "Foreground | Background" contrast. Contrast is a "gradient" or influence-from-being-different that causes the experience of intensity. More contrast, more intensity.

In this case, the "foreground" is the objective world and the "background" is the self. The foreground changes a lot and the background changes much less, generally, cycling within a repertoire or library of learned sensings and responses, with adaptive modifications more or less pertinent to the uniqueness of the moment. The objective world moves and changes and the subjective world recognizes it and responds. Always, there is contrast between self and world, if only through the contrast between what we remember and what we're facing, now. That's the memory function of soma -- a "subjective TetraSeed" face or facet.

What happens with memory is that it tends to fade unless refreshed. We humans have an "automatic refreshment" mechanism. That "automatic refreshment" mechanism is, imagining, of which one form of it is, thinking. Imagining is more specific than thinking, which only triggers imagining.

So, now, we have remembering and imagining, which are two facets or poles of the same thing. Remembering is "stored imagining" and imagining is opening to remembering.

Certain meditation or contemplative practices involve immobility for long periods of time and long periods of monotony. Because memory fades unless refreshed, and since such practices involve either desisting from following the stream of thoughts  or desisting from imagining, the anchoring of attention in present-conditional reality (as remembered) diminishes, at which point reveries may (and commonly do) ensue. 

The discipline is also not to follow the imagining, but to "observe" it (which is to say, to dislodge attention from the tendency to localize on anything by catching it doing so). Taken far enough, the sense of world and body fade out and there is no world, no self, but the intuition of a kind of quality-less, location-less awareness.

Those who have worked with such disciplines to some degree of maturity recognize the futility of stopping thought by means of discipline. Thought can only be allowed to subside; otherwise, the effort to stop thought is, itself, grounded in thought. Problem is, lines of thought often tend to be habitual and chronic, and not only not to subside, but to recycle.

The act of pitting one faculty ( discipline or will ) against others, ( memory and imagination ) is self-defeating.

The alternative is something quite different: to comprehensively and inclusively turn on both four-element TetraSeeds and to develop the ability to switch from element to element while maintaining continuity -- and if one is working with a specific issue, to maintain continuity of attention on that issue, until it dissolves.

One who works with this practice will likely notice that some of the elements are easier to turn on, to reach, than others. This bias reflects uneven educational development. It can be worked with. There are TetraSeed transformation procedures, for that.

What happens when both sets of four elements are turned on is that we witness the very force of life and of our very existence, in that moment. It stands are as a subject|object confrontation, "Me, facing the World" (or some particular circumstance). It's a felt thing. We feel the force of existence, the very drama of our circumstance, as a theme or drama that now seems self-explanatory.

There is no way, in my view, to describe it any better than that. For more, one must practice the TetraSeed transformation procedures, starting with the complete TetraSeed Awakening Integration Matrix, also known as The Crystal Crown procedure. The procedure involves turning on all four elements of both (subjective and objective) TetraSeeds and then integrating every TetraSeed element with every other.

With that self-other revelation comes immediate psycho-physical (somatic) changes as ones faculties, now on-line in life, synergistically combine. It's an awakening, shift of consciousness and an increase of integrity that changes how one behaves, in life. This is one definition of the term, psycho-active.

As to, "Duality", there ain't no such animal. Mind isn't dual; its apparently "separate" parts are one dynamic, living "system" (or soma), made to seem separate only because one or more of the elements of the Living-Self TetraSeed aren't comparably turned on or mutually integrated. The unconscious part seems like "other", separate from "self". "Other" may be defined, as "not immediately controllable by self".

In that sense, we are, in many ways, "other", even to ourselves -- especially on days when, "We're not ourselves."

Those days are among the best for working with TetraSeed transformation procedures.

The Gold Key Release

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

Intending vs. Doing | Playing with a Full Deck | The Four : On-Line In Life

Intending and doing are two different things. Obviously. Now, here's how.

This piece talks about the underpinnings of feeling and intention -- how they work, in us, and how they can go wrong.

Intending is one of the four fundamental attributes, functions, or facets of life -- of which there are four.

The Four

that particular order or sequence being that of the evolutionary drive, from an egoic point of view. I say, "an egoic point of view", in distinction from, "an impersonal process".

In any case, intending is one of those four.

Doing, on the other hand, consists of those four, all simultaneously, all together, all differentiated from each other, all integrated with every other.

Doing, consists of
  • attending ( paying attention to the location of ) to whatever you're doing
  • remembering ( persistently focussing your attention on ) whatever you're doing
  • imagining ( having a sense of the direction, keen or general ) whatever you're doing
  • intending ( bringing into existence ) whatever you're doing
These are the "suits" in your "deck of consciousness".

Without all four, 
  • You don't know where to turn, next.
  • You have no idea what you're doing.
  • You have no idea where you might possibly go with it.
  • It is of no consequence, to you, and so you don't notice it.
Without a full complement of all four, you aren't playing with a full deck. You certainly have aces and wildcards missing, since those are the top "power" cards.

It is impossible for us to have an experience of being altogether without all four. Try it. Check yourself . . . . . 

BUT, I say, BUT . . . . .

It's possible for one or more of the four to be running on-automatic, without our recognizing it, even at full-blast, and be influencing the outcome of our doing, distorting it, causing us to miss things or to take things for granted that shouldn't be taken for granted; prejudices of all kinds bending our reactions; superficial or cursory attention (inattention), leading to wrong perception, wrong conclusions, wrong actions; insensitivity to or or disregard of clues or premonitions; failure to notice habitual patterns of thought and feeling (memory); being poorly focussed, producing mediocre (or outrightly errant, off-base, delayed, or never forthcoming) results.  This is called, "Unconscious Incompetence": Flakiness.

If you notice your flakiness, it's called, "Conscious Incompetence."  Not to worry; another stage follows.

If you sometimes get good results, despite your Conscious Incompetence, I call this, "Unconscious Competence." This is usage of the term is not the common usage.

The common usage places, "Unconscious Competence", at the end of the course of development, as mastery at the ready, ever adaptable.  It's also a kind of competence that the individual may possess, by grace or "by birth".  I disagree with that usage; that's conscious, but smaller-range competence, as I will shortly explain. Unconscious Competence is "beginner's luck", the competence of the dilettante, vulnerable to turbulence, the unexpected. It's the competence of a little knowledge -- good as far as it goes.

As you learn to course-correct after encountering turbulence, to improvise to get better back-on-track, you're on the road of (not "to") "Conscious Competence."

Conscious Competence arises as The Four come on-line in life. The force and focus of intentionality may now be magnified, softened, or let free. Those words correspond to a kind and range of feeling that anyone may experience -- but not if they only hold the words in mind and try to understand it by reasoning or comparing it to what they already know -- without the experience. The experience is IT. 

Instructions, below.

While it's impossible totally to account for, or predict, the turbulence, curves, spins and bumps life may throw our way, we can at least optimize our capacity to handle them with a minimum of disturbance and a maximum of effectiveness. The word I just used, is optimize.  To optimize implies a process of correction, over time. The half-baked phrase commonly used is, "Trial and error"; it is half-baked because the process is, "Trial, error, and adjustment."

The turbulence of the unexpected is something we experience, within us and as our own state in the moment. 

We can make adjustments relatively well or relatively badly. Our own turbulence calls for a balancing of The Four, of which we are made and by which we experience life. To the degree we have The Four on-line in life, balanced and integrated, we make to our adjustments relatively quickly and relatively well, even if sometimes adjustments are difficult or laborious. In some cases, even the laborious quality diminishes to the degree that The Four are on-line in life, so that the correction seems to go easily.

Then, we respond to life's conditions with more of our native intelligence on-line, in life, absorbing and dissolving their effects in ourselves (like digesting them -- even if there is some indigestion), and bringing more of our native intelligence to our doing -- which we weren't doing when we weren't playing with a full deck.

When corrections go easily, it's just flow. The feeling of flow is, ease. "The Master Makes it Look Easy", is the saying. This is Transcendent Competence, not Unconscious Competence.

To the degree that one or more of The Four is "running the show from behind the scenes," we adjust relatively badly, both emotionally and interactively. Know anybody like that?

We tend to be unevenly developed in different ways in different areas of our lives. In some areas, we lack imagination; in others, our memories have taken over and color our actions; or we may have little or too much interest, or too little or too much attention on, something. Obsessive, oblivious, fixed-minded, or whack-o, or some mix or balance. Do you just act on your impulses? Do you bring your full intelligence to them?

Best to bring all four on-line, to life, balanced and integrated. 

Then, intending shows up as relatively intelligent and relatively effective doing.

This doing shows up as bursts of creativity and the ability to carry a creative burst to a tangible conclusion, despite possible turbulence. Because The Four are integrated and relatively balanced, we experience that turbulence as, navigable, and are able to dissolve emotional turbulence fairly quickly, by bringing The Four on-line and to life.

"Bringing The Four on line and to life" means, with regard to anything we are experiencing:
  1. ATTENDING to it
... not just thinking about it; experiencing how we experience each. It's a drill you repeat until it comes to life. This drill, as basic as it is, is psycho-active. If you don't feel changes occurring in you, it has yet to come to life. Persist a few more times. Soon, you'll be fit for the more powerful procedures involving The Four.

Now you know what bringing The Four on-line and to life does, and what that can do to both your intending and your doing.

Intending is a part of doing. You need all four on-line, in life, to be playing with a full deck.

An ounce of "prevention" is worth a pound of "cure". 

The Four: on-line and in life

The Gold Key Release: Deprogram yourself.
Power Contemplation Practices

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

Bloomin' Onion, This is No California Froo-Froo

This is what I have done for the past 27 years.

Hanna Somatic Education(R)

This is No California Froo-Froo(TM)
(quote of Thomas Hanna, developer)

Let me surprise you with something that you may not ever have seen offered by pain specialists, back specialists, back pain specialists, general practitioners or anyone else who deals with chronic pain, professionally:


I have offered, "Satisfaction or Refund," as my standard guarantee since 1996, or so. Since then, something like 18 people have invoked it -- rightfully, I feel. No one can help everyone.

Still, does that suggest anything, to you? about all the others who have not invoked my "Satisfaction or Refund" guarantee?

A fairly frequent comment made by new clients (when talking with me after a somatic education session) has been about an article  of mine about their condition they that found, on-line -- the condition that brought them to me as clients. "It made sense," has been the comment made a number of times. The feeling is, "It rang true," for them, rang true to their experience. It appealed to something recognizable, within them. They recognized themselves being described, in it.

the most common comment people make at the very end of a session, with me, is different. It's,

"I feel like I could take a nap."
... which is to say, it worked.
I've thought of having a plaque made to place over the door frame,
"I feel like I could take a nap."

A third, a number of times, is, "I wish I had known about this, sooner."

and another comment, the second most common one, "Why don't more people know about this?" -- to which I have no definitive answer, but only say, "The hardest thing to change is a mind"; people's mindset determines where they go, for help.

Once, a client of mine told me, "I could have saved about $30,000 I spent on [ unsuccessful therapy, after being struck by a car ] if I had come to you [ first ]." True. There was such a client early in my practice. I think there was also one other person, another client, and it wasn't as much money.

These are just comments some people have made, but in any case, nearly all who come to me have "gone the medical route" and tried "alternative" approaches, and still remained in their injured state so that they looked for something ELSE -- and found me (Hanna somatic education), on line.

Before I accept someone as a new client, I ask them to complete an application form in which they detail their symptoms and history of injuries, life long, so I can assess whether or not my work is what they need.

I ask them to read the book about clinical somatic education ("Somatics") ~~ pleasant, enjoyable reading. Thomas Hanna was a wonderful writer, lyrical and conversational.

Somatics: ReAwakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health [ by Thomas Hanna ] available at some public libraries and on ~~ available in 14 languages.

A few clients have told me that they have shared this book with friends and family -- no kidding ~~ kids (teens/early 20s). It's been well-received. It is pleasant writing in a nice rhythm, with interludes, as engaging and conversational as it is educational.

Folks, my plight in this work is that when I truthfully describe what we can accomplish, with this approach, people often seem to feel that I'm exaggerating, being flippant or just being a show-off fool who talks the talk without walking the walk. They think it's New Age, California Froo-Froo.

But, folks, this is no California Froo-Froo. We somatic educators walk the walk -- better and better, over time, as we practice.

My clients face the same situation, talking about their experience of somatic education, as I do. When they talk about their experience of somatics to their friends, their friends, who haven't experienced somatic education, think people are exaggerating, that they never really had anything serious to begin with, or that they are just New-Age nuts. That's because their friends have no experience of somatic education to remember; you need the memory of an experience for words to have real meaning.

What they do have is the memory of all the therapeutic approaches they have tried, experiences that left them still with a problem -- and in their effort to make sense of their friends words, they connect somatic education with their experiences of something else. This is called, "confusion."

Let's turn it around. Open to possibility.

Hanna somatic education
an integrally integrative clinical approach
that makes things better, faster
where the rubber meets the road.

The "Satisfaction or Refund" Policy says something about the work, doesn't it?


Here is a description of Hanna somatic education:

Here are my write-ups on S-I Joint Dysfunction:



The Rightness of Being Right -- and Beyond

In these days, when the political Right is the target of righteous opproprium -- and rightly so -- it's also politically incorrect to feel in the right about anything, particularly anything controversial.

Today's political correctness makes "right", wrong.

Let me put a bug in your ear:

"Right" is another way of saying, "of high integrity".

We don't feel right when we are out of integrity.

The problem with, the word, "right", isn't with those who are right.  It's with those who use the word, "right" do things that are wrong and should be left behind, and yet call themselves and their actions, "right".

Such people are mentally unbalanced; their perception is distorted but, to them, seems exactly correct.

They're off-balance and yet they say they feel right about what they're doing, which is half-assed. They don't know what "right" feels like, only that some things are right -- and they take their sense of rightness, from that.

Thus, the word, "right", is degraded by half-assed people.

The word, right, is sometimes used in criticism to disempower someone who is right, in a quarrel:

"You just have to be right, don't you?"

Many people feel it's wrong to be right,
that it's wrong to have high integrity,
which people confuse with being self-righteous
or insufferable.

And they feel it's right to tell someone they're wrong for being right -- except for themselves, who are right to tell someone they're wrong for acting as if they're right, when they are.

Why is it wrong to be right?

One reason: because high integrity makes people of low integrity look bad, and they don't want to look bad.

It's a superficial life. As long as we don't pay any deep or steady attention to the other person, as long as we sufficiently "go through the motions" and rituals of "social lovingness," we can be loving toward each other. But not too deeply. The look is there, but not the depth.

It is these people who object to someone else being right and knowing it. It's unheard of! so arrogant! whom do they think they are! (Notice what you felt, about the word, "whom".)

... and for someone to be right consistently, Well!! That's insufferable!

And so they carefully make sure that not only are they not guilty of being too right, calmly centered in themselves (which feels right), but neither should anyone else feel and act right. We should all be soft and waffly, or at least not be too forceful or direct, lest we hurt someone's feelings or make them feel inadequate.

another half-assed view ...

The true feeling of rightness is a kind of equilibrium, a calm clarity, a balance, an ease, a rest, a poise-in-motion, grace in action, simple directness or even comfortable, whimsical play. Within that equilibrium field of attention, our sense of position is suspended.  It is both stable and dynamically active. It feels right.

The problem is that some people can't distinguish the feeling of "feeling right" from the attitude of "being right" as a way of hardening ones position.

Being Right vs. Hardening Ones Position

To be half-assed and harden ones half-assed position is to be a real pain in the ass. We see that state in incompetent politicians, bureaucrats, and low-level clerks.

At equilibrium (the state of rightness), there's sufficient support from the integrity of things taken into account that there's an easy balance.

Being half-assed is Work!
Being right is easy!

However, those who object to our being and feeling right make it hard on us. Then we get confused about "what's right". If it's wrong to be right, where does that leave us? If we're right, we should feel wrong about being too right, or at least, tentative about it. If things are too clear, something is wrong.

There's an old joke: "Am I being paranoid if they really are out to get me?"
"Am I wrong for really being right?"

As common as it is, particularly among politically "liberal" circles, making people "wrong" for being right is wrong.

Making politically liberal individuals wrong for being politically liberal is also wrong because, despite the tyranny of "political correctness", being liberal is often right.

That's right. Right.

A Teachable Moment

There are two trends operating in humanity at this time, of which all other trends are sub-sets, or particular expressions.

Those trends are:

  • the trend toward a regenerated, higher civilization
  • the trend toward the fall of civilization

Even in the trend toward the fall of civilization, there may be a regenerative virtue, which we may call, "rebuilding from the ashes". That's "doing it the hard way." There is an easier way.

"... all moments are teachable..."

The "easier way" entails:

  • people freeing themselves from the limitations of all that they know -- all of which people experience as stress patterns -- or states-of-readiness
  • people waking up their faculties, so that they can operate at a higher-level of intelligence
However, this is not a "common-sense" option; it's a "beyond common sense" option, it's a "playing with a full deck" option, a "tuning the engine and getting all cylinders firing" option, a "getting the wheels aligned", one foot "on the accelerator", other foot "off the brake" option; a "the lights are on, and somebody is actually home" option, a higher intelligence, higher integrity option. It's not the common way or the commonly known about way.  Comprendez vous? It's an entirely new option.

It's a "smarty-pants" option: it will make you capable of being a "smarty pants", "smarter than the average bear" -- and maybe of getting away with it, in public, vocally and actively

Get firing on all cylinders. Awaken your faculties so they serve you instead of your having to clean-up after them, when you function poorly. Free your intelligence to function, better.



  • turning all of your faculties on and bringing them on-line
  • becoming more coherent (higher-integrity) in thought and action
Feel the intuitive ring of it. That's the first step.


  • open-ness, receptiveness: the open mouth "petitioning the Unknown Unknown" for a "dispensation": imagining the emergence of a new, unknown "something" with sufficient intensity that "the thing imagined" goes into memory
  • penetrating force:  focusing our felt-intention for "that something" to exist
  • endurance: "that something" being sufficiently persistent that it can interact with life's forces and still keep integrity without being destroyed or distorted beyond recognition
  • having a place: being a center of emerging, persistent influence
Feel the intuitive ring of it. That's the second step.


There are structured, repeatable ways to get all going and to integrate them.

Here's one (very basic, but very focusing) procedure,
called, "Identifying The Crown Jewels of  Functional Intelligence":

(imagining [ * ] originating [ * ] unknown unknown):

(intending [ * ] tendency [ * ] existing):

(remembering [ * ] integrity [ * ] persisting):

(attending to [ * ] placing [ * ] location):
distinct "separateness"

You may have noticed your mind momentarily becoming "amorphous" (losing fixed definition), as you read those four; you might have felt a sense of intuitive deepening, some changes in the shape of your state of tension -- if not the first time, likely after a few times of running through the Crown Jewels. 

That's one of the things that happens as the four come on-line, as you awaken your faculties, as you get all of your "cylinders firing".


As you go through life, naturally, situations will come to your attention, from time to time, that arouse the will in you to bring about what you sense intuitively to be good.

When you apprehend those situations, in a state in which your faculties are awake, in which you are firing "on all cylinders", creative impulses -- ingenious ideas -- may come to mind.

You put them into action.


"Fight-for" is the maxim of those in whom creativity is experienced as a fight-against-odds. It is the maxim of those who are not "firing on all cylinders", even who are in hidden, internal conflict with themselves, the "frictional-influence" of which they attribute to others.

"Work-for" is the maxim of those in whom a creative impulse has arisen with sufficient coherence, intensity, integrity, and particular applicability to have enough "juice" to be self-powering. The sense of "fighting-against-odds" is much less, for people in that state; therefore, it just feels like, "working-for".


This is an "integrity template" -- or "example of form" -- that may be applied in every moment and situation of challenge. Integrity always helps, isn't it so?

Best to start with the first step.
very powerful


The Psycho-Active Gold Key Release
A Way to Dispel (Release) Crystallized Stress Patterns and to FREE INTELLIGENCE to FUNCTION

(contains both audio instruction and written instruction):

I have there provided the means by which those who would exercise creative initiative may ...

  • empower themselves to function creatively, to advance the well-being of themselves and of humanity,
  • weather (withstand) the turbulence between themselves and those who would engineer and exert an anti-truth, anti-civilization, anti-evolutionary flatulence

Any moment may turn out to be a teachable moment.

Existential Crisis: Reconfiguration of Civilization or Human Civilization Suicide

Feel the effect. Ring of truth?

Full Activation Procedure

copyright 2017-2020 Lawrence Gold

how to get rid of back spasms Lawrence Gold

Lower back strain, while attributed by some practitioners to damage to soft tissue — muscles and ligaments — is usually far less serious: it’s muscle fatigue from constantly tight back muscles. Recondition the muscles to relax and the pain goes away. how to get rid of back spasms Lawrence Gold