The Awareness of Totality is Here-ness

Complements The Vajra Self-Rectifying Process

The Awareness of Totality is Hereness

Full-Spectrum Somatics The Awareness of Totality is Here-ness Lawrence Gold

copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

"Jobs" -- a "Shibboleth" of Politics

("Shibboleth" is a Biblical term meaning a password that one must have to survive. There's a story . . . . .  

For the purpose of this writing, "jobs" is the Shibboleth of politicians, which if neglected leads to political demise and if used boosts ones political credibility.  Onward.)

While so many politicians make a rallying cry of, "Jobs!", gigantic missing pieces can be seen in their approach to the issue.

Bernie Sanders has said it better -- and more thoroughly -- than I.

In brief, their approach (at best) is to encourage "job creation" within the existing employment framework. Growth of the existing social infrastructure is the means; "Productivity" is the measure of success. They're trying to generate jobs by creating more of what's already being created; said another way, they're trying to generate jobs by generating solutions to the same old problems -- solutions that exist in such abundance that competition is an issue.

Here's a way to bring more intelligence to bear on the matter:  Solve new problems that aren't being solved by the old approaches.  Educate people to be able to do so.

To do so requires the application of intelligence in new ways -- new learning on top of old learning -- or replacing old learning.

The key: education

Solutions to emerging problems require education quite beyond that required to solve old problems. They require a quantum leap of inspiration, understanding, and willingness.

While Congress balks at funding education and at lessening the burden of student debt, it also fails to address emerging problems that have arisen out of old solutions -- for example, soil and water pollution levels from the use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. That's just one example. Overfishing of the seas is another example.  Water pollution from "fracking" is another example. The drain of funding the archaic prison system (and of incarcerating 'perpetrators' of victimless crimes), yet another.

One of the problems of that approach is the entrenchment of those who own the means of production (e.g., pharmaceutical companies, chemical companies like Du Pont and Monsanto, telecommunications companies, the banks, energy companies, the university system, the medical establishment, political parties, the legal system, the prison system, etc.). Entrenched interests interfere with emergent developments unless they, themselves, profit from it, while balking (as people do) at the changes required to bring them on-line, or while actively blocking them -- to the public detriment during times of converging crises. (A crisis is a turning-point.)

Planned obsolescence and poor design are commonplace because companies want to sell more of what they already produce, instead of solving new (or old, unsolved) problems.

Capitalism isn't a moral justification for unrestrained greed; it's an excuse for it.

In today's climate of converging economic, health, political, ethical and environmental crises, such behavior is criminal, but treated as within the acceptable practices of Capitalism -- and that is sick Capitalism.

To overcome the multiple challenges facing us, today, we must outgrow -- and allow others to outgrow -- the methods and attitudes of the past. That outgrowing includes attitudes toward, and methods of, education (development of the functional abilities -- faculties -- of individuals).

The days when "profits" justified behaviors across the ethical spectrum are past.  Unethical behaviors (though widely tolerated) are no longer justified by the profit motive, although entrenched interests may wish differently and act in limited-mental-capacity self-interest  -- portending dire consequences for humanity at large.  What constitutes ethical behavior, itself, is due for an upgrade.

So, while, "Jobs!" may be a rallying cry, a new approach to "jobs" is called for -- one involving tackling the unhandled crises facing us. A new approach to education is called for -- education in new directions, and new definition of "education" -- and new ethics (really, sound morality).  As crises get handled in new ways, new jobs form to be filled by the educated elite; as they move into new positions of responsibility, an "updraft" forms within the job market, calling for further education of those lower in the hierarchy of competency or those in related disciplines, so that even those lowest in the economic food chain rise. New job positions form to solve problems newly undertaken.

Simplified, a tetrad (unit of four) of action-areas is called for, not just a single approach ("Jobs!").  That tetrad consists of:

  1. identification of crisis areas to be addressed
  2. education for competency to surmount those crises
  3. ethics that support emerging areas of development
  4. efficient and effective implementation supported by the current power structure
    These four are related as shown in the diagram. 
This diagram is clickable and leads to an instructional page on The Gold Key Release, a mental procedure for dissolving mental limitations of your choosing, opening up new possibilities, and leading to spontaneously new behavior that leads to new kinds of experience. Jobs — a ‘Shibboleth’ of Politics 2015 5 28 Lawrence Gold

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Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care Chhabra, Maneesh 2015 5 25 Lawrence Gold

Gowland, Colin session 2015 5 23a Lawrence Gold

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care Gowland, Colin session 2015 5 23a Lawrence Gold

Gowland, Colin session 2015 5 23b Lawrence Gold

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care Gowland, Colin session 2015 5 23b Lawrence Gold

ARII | another angle on STEA | Confused? Don't Be.

The quandary to which we human beings are subject may be summarized as this:

We have a sense of being beset by conditions,
we feel confronted by life
and are demanded of a response
or we, ourselves,
demand things go a certain way.

That's where our attention is.

We have certain memories of "how it is"
including "how it is, right now".

Somehow we frame intentions toward all of that,
intentions that may not be crystal clear,
or particularly coherently defined.
They may be defined, in actuality,
more by memory than by imagination.

This vagueness of intention, shaped by memory,
is not exactly something we may be particularly enthusiastic about,
since it seems to lead to some variation of what we have already experienced.

Thus, to ourselves,
we seem destined to face more of the same (what we remember) --
not an entirely pleasant prospect, in some ways.

Feebleness of imagination
underlies feebleness of intention,
feebleness of will.

When we don't know which way to point the arrow,
we're not exactly excited to pull the bowstring.

Imagination is the lodestone,
the compass,
the magnet
of a propelled life.

Thus, by our imagination and our intention, we propel ourselves,
or not.

Thus, we are drawn by the eros of life,
or not.

It is not the future understanding of these words,
but their recognition as pertaining to the present
that allows them to make a difference.

In any moment, attend to something of which you have a direct,
first-hand, present-moment experience.
You know:  SOMETHING.

Remember, about it,
until you have recalled all you can.

Imagine where it might be going,
in terms of its changing in some manner.

Observe whether you can muster any intention toward
moving things the way you imagine them.

Round and Round
until the psycho-activity has shifted and stabilized.

Burt Goldman,
a mutable vessel for so many faculties
a teacher of that kind of mutability, for others,
has articulated a formula, which he summarizes by their four initials:



  1. Some condition is a stimulus, to you.
  2. You take thought about it, toward a direction for which you have some enthusiasm.
  3. That taking thought rouses an energized arousal state
  4. that you put into action.

Some condition has your attention.
You recall associated memories.
You imagine where it might yet go or where it might be going, now.
You notice your level of intention.

You cycle-through again
in a more able way, this time,
You do each step a bit better, more deeply,
more penetratingly
more steadily,
and gradually, in steps,
you come into focus.

Improving with each cycle
until you stabilize.

a variation on STEA:

It's amusing.

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Paone, Michael 2015 5 23

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