About The Global Cooperative Forum

Time is of the essence. Humanity is at a crossroads -- actually, many crossroads. This isn't just high-falutin' talk. We face a convergence of crises (turning points), cultural and ecological, made worse by the corrupt, self-serving power structures of persons in government, corporations, in private life and in multi-national organizations.

The Global Cooperative Forum was declared and is described by the world-friend, Adi Da (in the books, Not-two IS Peace and Prior Unity). 

He outlined The Global Cooperative Forum as a decentralized "clearing house" or nexus of communication among persons exercising initiative to blunt the influence of, and to remove control from, the dangerous, counter-productive, effectively anti-civilization elements of humanity, so that humanity might navigate our world-civilization from the defunct, factionalistic and fractured order of the twentieth century (and earlier) to cooperative world-patterns of benign relationships, in a natural way.

The strategy he outlined is intelligent non-cooperation with the status quo (i.e., "putting our foot down"), on one hand, and creative, cooperative action, on the other -- to avert the worst consequences of the burgeoning crises that involve us all and to redirect humanity in a benign direction.

He specified the internet as the medium of communication among able individuals exercising focused initiative by which a grass-roots movement of everybody-all-at-once can coordinate together to wrest power from those who are placing us all in danger.

Time is of the essence. This facebook group is part of a network intended to serve the mission of The Global Cooperative Forum.

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