The COVID-19 "Fake Emergency", the Alleged "Gates-Fauci" Death-Inoculation Conspiracy, and Conspiracy Enthusiasts

There exists a social-cultural trend that may be called, "conspiracy enthusiasts", some of who believe that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are in conspiracy to eradicate "excess population" by means of COVID-19 "vaccine" administered to everyone by legal mandate.

Those same people tend to defend Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.A. Why? I do not know.

They may consider Trump's conduct an effort to minimize and disregard what some regard as a "fake emergency". But then, he later advocated use of hydroxyfluoroquin as a measure against the "fake emergency" virus (he owns stock in a company that manufactures it). He neglected use of the military to provide large-scale epidemiological testing. But then, he said that a vaccine would be available very shortly (immediately contradicted by medical experts in the field).

Consider. Trump "hired" Fauci. Prior to "hiring" Fauci, he would have had Fauci "vetted" (background checked). He then "muzzled" Fauci so he wouldn't speak out about the situation. 

So, either the vetting was so incompetently done as to miss valid reason for Fauci's disqualification, or the vetting was good, Fauci is qualified, and he should be allowed to speak freely. 

Meanwhile, a vetting would have uncovered Fauci's (alleged) conspiracy with Bill Gates to do a dark deed upon the world population. So, either Trump and his team are staggeringly stupid and brought him on, anyway, or they knew and hired him on that basis.

Either way.

Bring in Trump's history of handling the COVID-19 pandemic (malfeasance -- or, depending on your point of view -- handling a "fake emergency" -- with completely erratic, self-contradictory, and/or nonsensical behavior.).

Does Trump's handling of the COVID-19 epidemic make any kind of sense? People defend that? Why? Is making sense a sign of naivete? ("If you can't dazzle-'em with brilliance, baffle-'em with bullshit." ?) Is it that, because you can't understand, "They must know more than I do." ?

Meanwhile, Bill Gates' Foundation has spent huge sums toward eradicating malaria -- for which hydroxychloroquin is used as an "anti-malarial" drug. And he's been portrayed as a co-conspirator in a plot to kill huge numbers of people. A trifle inconsistent, isn't it?
Conspiracy Enthusiasts, does this make sense? Is your memory functioning as well as your imagination? Are you sure? A moment's hesitation is telling.

The "compact disc" playing this tune is "skipping".

Time to "clean" the "player".

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