Multiplicity, the Garb of Maya and the Movement of Samsara

As to, "multiciplicity", it's the apparent result of the relation of space-time to memory:

Humans (and in fact, all features of manifestation) are vortexes of memory (persistence), vortexes that consist of living memory impressions (points of view). A point of view may be defined as a vortex of experience centralized in its unique place by its characteristic tendencies, dynamically centralizing at every "hereness" memory location (1st-person point-of-view) throughout space-time, in all possible worlds, gross or subtle -- and transcendentally, as pure "hereness" -- consciousness without a sense of something being "here" or "there".

Said, again, every viewpoint in space-time is made of different memory impressions and is changing as experience emerges.

The difference between any pair of viewpoints (e.g., persons' points of view), introduces a time lag into communion between them. The differences of any pair of viewpoints creates a new, third: resonance (relationship) "between" (made of) the apparent two-ness. The third resonance is a resonant one-ness (unity) of the two points-of-view.


Existence is made of "astronomically-large" relationships made-up of smaller relationship-constellations, made up of yet smaller units of relationship, ad infinitum and ad nauseum.

Those relationships, made up of "memory vortexes" powered by intention (tendency), located by placing attention, are centers of emergence (imagination) -- ongoing origination of newness from the Unknown Unknown ..... making and leaving impressions on memory and endlessly updating (modifying) memory vortices.

  • Memories within each vortex highlight (bring attention to) what emerges from the Unknown Unknown and that is similar to something remembered

  • leave less noticed or unnoticed what has a more tenuous association with memories in memory.

Multiplicity is thus a product of memory*space*time.

However, all of those are grounded in consciousness by the modifications of "the four".

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