The Inoculation Communication | Exposing and Inoculating Against the Entire Authoritarian Strategy

NOTES used in creation of this video:

The strategy of lies, disinformation, and dirty tricks exposed and a direct way to disarm them. Think trolls, reactionaries, authoritarians, and con-men. NOTES used in this video's creation: One side wants communication. The other side wants dominance, not communication. One side doesn't want to listen, to be influenced. Wants only to influence. You may have come across individuals with opinions that seem impenetrable, who hold onto them irrationally, meaning nothing you say that makes sense or that is based upon accepted fact seems to make a difference, to them.
  • memory-based, believes in memory-based safety
  • emotionally-based, irrational
  • afraid of change, non-adaptive
  • doesn't listen, except to approved authorities; authoritarian
  • dominance-hierarchy based
  • denial (fear, too big)
  • to blunt the intelligence of the other side
  • to blunt the will of the other side
  • to show the American citizenry "who's boss"
  • to make people aware of the difference of power between themselves and those in power
  • to create discord in the population
  • to misdirect the attention of the other side
  • to undermine the memory of the other side
  • to induce fear by invoking negative imaginationary scenarios
  • to dull the truth-sense of the other side
  • to break up the integrity of the other side
  • to base their own lesser (smaller) integrity upon conformity and control
  • lying
  • mischaracterization/smears
  • disinformation
  • reference to others' authority
  • name-calling
  • baseless claims
  • by instilling conflicting beliefs and commiting offensive actions
  • "fake news" claims
  • anything goes without regard for truthfulness
  • illicit quid-pro-quo
  • power grabs
"Don't believe everything you think you know." "Act on creative (not fearful) imagination." This isn't a political phenomenon; it's a species phenomenon, hijacked by the species-suicide impulse.
They want a despot because they're afraid and want someone more powerful than they, to keep control. They believe -- or pretend to believe -- that others have got it wrong. Believing, or pretending to believe, that they are right, they want to dominate others, to win, serving self-interest.


Multiplicity, the Garb of Maya and the Movement of Samsara

As to, "multiciplicity", it's the apparent result of the relation of space-time to memory:

Humans (and in fact, all features of manifestation) are vortexes of memory (persistence), vortexes that consist of living memory impressions (points of view). A point of view may be defined as a vortex of experience centralized in its unique place by its characteristic tendencies, dynamically centralizing at every "hereness" memory location (1st-person point-of-view) throughout space-time, in all possible worlds, gross or subtle -- and transcendentally, as pure "hereness" -- consciousness without a sense of something being "here" or "there".

Said, again, every viewpoint in space-time is made of different memory impressions and is changing as experience emerges.

The difference between any pair of viewpoints (e.g., persons' points of view), introduces a time lag into communion between them. The differences of any pair of viewpoints creates a new, third: resonance (relationship) "between" (made of) the apparent two-ness. The third resonance is a resonant one-ness (unity) of the two points-of-view.


Existence is made of "astronomically-large" relationships made-up of smaller relationship-constellations, made up of yet smaller units of relationship, ad infinitum and ad nauseum.

Those relationships, made up of "memory vortexes" powered by intention (tendency), located by placing attention, are centers of emergence (imagination) -- ongoing origination of newness from the Unknown Unknown ..... making and leaving impressions on memory and endlessly updating (modifying) memory vortices.

  • Memories within each vortex highlight (bring attention to) what emerges from the Unknown Unknown and that is similar to something remembered

  • leave less noticed or unnoticed what has a more tenuous association with memories in memory.

Multiplicity is thus a product of memory*space*time.

However, all of those are grounded in consciousness by the modifications of "the four".

The Cuckoo Effect

 What has happened to our Congress? to the Presidency? to the Supreme Court? and Elsewhere?  The Cuckoo Effect

The Four Faculties of Intuition That "Bridge" the Formless Consciousness with Conditional Reality

Don't take my word for it:


"Between" the acausal Divine Radiance field and conditional manifestation there exists a "bridge" consisting of four functions -- of which body, feeling, breath and mind are secondary derivatives. Those functions are: * attention * memory * intention * imagination Each of those four functions is universal and irreducible among living beings; each is complementary to the others; each exists as a dimension of subjectivity and each has two other dependent functions that exist as dimensions of objectivity. Thus: * SUBJECIVITY:OBJECTIVITY:OBJECTIVITY * attention:placing:location (or hereness) * memory:integrity:persisting * intention:tendency:existing * imagination:originating:unknown (or mystery) In their unmodified state, these four are formless and entirely transcendental. In their modified state, these four appear as all conditionality, subjective and objective. Without all four, no conditionality is possible. The four triads integrate into four singularities: * CONSCIOUSNESS * RELATEDNESS * ENERGY * DIFFERENCE


As an integrated pair, these constitute the "substance" of conditional existence.


As an integrated pair, these constitute the differentiated modification of conditional existence.


No difference, no relatedness. No light (or energy), no experience of consciousness. Persistence is the function of memory. Persistence is the essence of the sense of dilemma. No persistence, no dilemma. Thus, "Transparent (or merely apparent), Non-Binding, Unnecessary". These concepts have the curious quality that, when contemplated and integrated, they disappear, leaving undefined (unqualified) consciousness, or "ungraspability".

Thus, the immanent is one with the transcendent; the transcendent is the immanent. However, one must go beyond mere conceptual (superficial) ideation to FEELING them -- something that habitual modification of attention prevents. There are forms of contemplation that overtime this difficulty. #TetraSeedAwakening Be well, eat your vegetables -- and never argue with a mime.