2 Who is This Program For 2016 11 25 fin Lawrence Gold

Facebook: Lawrence.Gold.Somatics | 505 819-0858
CONTACT: http://somatics.com/wordpress/contact

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care
#somatic education
#intelligent-self empowerment
#personal development

http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/lawrencegold.wordpress.com/712/ 2 Who is This Program For 2016 11 25 fin Lawrence Gold https://lawrencegold.wordpress.com/2016/11/25/2-who-is-this-program-for-2016-11-25-fin-lawrence-gold/

The 3 Way Twist 2016 10 4 INSTRUCTION Lawrence Gold

Facebook: Lawrence.Gold.Somatics | 505 819-0858
CONTACT: http://somatics.com/wordpress/contact

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care
#somatic education
#intelligent-self empowerment
#personal development

http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/lawrencegold.wordpress.com/708/ The 3 Way Twist 2016 10 4 INSTRUCTION Lawrence Gold https://lawrencegold.wordpress.com/2016/11/24/the-3-way-twist-2016-10-4-instruction-lawrence-gold/

U3.3 Pelvic Integration,2 2016 11 20, Lawrence Gold

Facebook: Lawrence.Gold.Somatics | 505 819-0858
CONTACT: http://somatics.com/wordpress/contact

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care
#somatic education
#intelligent-self empowerment
#personal development

http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/lawrencegold.wordpress.com/706/ U3.3 Pelvic Integration,2 2016 11 20, Lawrence Gold https://lawrencegold.wordpress.com/2016/11/20/u3-3-pelvic-integration2-2016-11-20-lawrence-gold/

Spiral Dynamics: The Structure of the Blue (Amber) Stage

The "amber-stage" type is always under the thumb of authority -- and also wants to be the thumb of authority. Being the chronic adolescent, (s)he seeks to escape being under the thumb of authority by taking the position of that authority with others. Thus, (s)he becomes an oppressive influence over others equivalent to the oppressive influence over him or her.

Because that type of person cherishes the position of being in authority over others, he or she also clings to the values of the authority that hangs over him or her, from which he or she derives justification for acting like an authority. He or she cherishes authority because of two things:

  1. His or her own spirit has been involuntarily shaped or even crushed by external authority.
  2. He or she has an inherent need for his/her spirit to feel full and whole.

Since his ("his", for the sake of brevity, includes "her") authority derives from external authority and not from his or her own sense of wholesomeness, discerning intelligence or fitness (or rather, because that sense of wholesomeness or fitness is distorted by external authority), his authority is inauthentic. He is a pipsqueak wearing the garb of authority. He is not a true authority, but an authoritarian -- one who consumes authority the way a vegetarian consumes vegetables.

The ersatz/phony authority, the puffed up, self-important facade of authority exercised by the "amber-stage" authoritarian is partial but really unsatisfactory compensation for the involuntary crushing of spirit he or she experiences. Thus, he endlessly seeks more power.

Thus, as Thomas Hanna wrote in his charged work, The End of Tyranny, the authoritarians are "the great unweaned of the world". They perpetually suck the teat of authority above them and derive their authority from that "teat of authority".

We see them as fundamentalist religious leaders and fundamentalists of all types, political herd-followers, bureaucrats and government operatives, law enforcement and military personnel; corporate executives and managers, and "political Conservatives". All have in common two things:

  1. They place limits on thinking for themselves or exercising original intelligence and confine their thinking to the "herd" thinking of their peer group and its authorities, while looking for approval from their superiors. 
  2. Their sense of self-worth depends on telling people what to do and what not to do.

Religious fundamentalists are particularly interesting in this regard. They don't exercise their intelligence about the teachings of The Bible or other religious texts, but rather, follow the interpretations of those texts given to them by their religious authorities as to what those texts say, what they mean and what is important to pay attention to. They consider that kind of conformity, "religious values" or "family values", and consider themselves, "children of God" -- and then seek to bully others to conform to their views.

More than that, because their spirit has been repressed and they want to feel on top of things, they oppose and oppress all those who do exercise discerning intelligence, "critical thinking", original intelligence, and progressive values, repressing them as they, themselves, have been repressed, sometimes calling them, "enemy", or "liberal".

The "amber" authoritarian is taught and trained by his superior authorities that his intelligence is untrustworthy and unworthy ("... rely not upon your own understanding ...), that he is intelligent and worthy only if he reinforces the views of those who think for him. He imagines it is so -- because he has been trained to imagine it is so -- and he believes it. Thus, he diminishes his own intelligence while assuming the greater intelligence of his authorities, who, themselves, practice diminishing their own intelligence. Thus, the chain of stupidity goes -- authoritarians all the way up and authoritarians all the way down the chain of command. "Chain" is an appropriate word.

Such "amber-stage" authoritarians are, "the great unweaned of the world", perpetually adolescent. The applicable term is, "arrested development".

The pursuit of "the almighty dollar", "The American Dream", by those already wealthy is a case in point. They were taught by their Daddy that wealth brings status and power and that to pursue wealth (sometimes by whatever means -- moral or amoral) is itself an honorable occupation. To place that pursuit as First Priority is properly the concern of young adults starting out, poor immigrants, and the poverty-stricken; those already economically stable should be concentrating on developing their unique gifts and abilities, their contributions to society, with increasing their wealth being a secondary resultant of their personal developmental efforts.

The problem is that such individuals don't know they are in a state of arrested development. They know nothing different. In their state of arrested development, they impose themselves upon the world by force, legal or violent.

What do you do about someone in authority who exists in a state of oblivious arrested development, who believes that he is mature and competent? What do you do about it, in yourself?

Can you recognize it, in yourself? How?

U2A1 Walking into the Floor INSTRUCTION Lawrence Gold

Facebook: Lawrence.Gold.Somatics | 505 819-0858
CONTACT: http://somatics.com/wordpress/contact

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care
#somatic education
#intelligent-self empowerment
#personal development

http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/comments/lawrencegold.wordpress.com/704/ U2A1 Walking into the Floor INSTRUCTION Lawrence Gold https://lawrencegold.wordpress.com/2016/11/15/u2a1-walking-into-the-floor-instruction-lawrence-gold/

Failing to Recognize -- and/or Tolerating -- Bullshit

What the U.S. election was about was recognizing and tolerating bullshit. Both sides failed to recognize or tolerated bullshit -- the bullshit of their own side.

The American public has revealed how stupid and/or conditioned it is. Both sides are weenie, spineless authoritarians (the opposite of authentic, legitimately authoritative, competent authorities), trained to fail to recognize bullshit or trained to tolerate, condone it, 
and even enforce it (the way authoritarians do, excused because their authorities excuse it).

Hillary's supporters failed to recognize or did tolerate her bullshit: her alliance with Wall Street, her unethical complicity with the unethical behavior of the Democratic Party and the mass media sabotaging Bernie Sanders' campaign, her malfeasance as Secretary of State, and her unwise ideas about warfare.

Donald's supporters failed to recognize and tolerated his counterproductive reactionaryism, his abuse of Capitalism (by stiffing his vendors and claiming it was justified by legalities), his bigotry, and his incendiary speech when what the crises of these times demand is integrity and cooperation.

Neither side deserves the respect of the other until they admit their mistakes and repudiate their previous choices.This election, like the Brexit election, should be dumped and both political parties involved reprimanded and repudiated for the two bullshit options they offered the American Public.

Very often, the people who speak, supposedly as a neutral third party, of "healing and reconciliation" of the two sides are of equally dulled intelligence, equally prone to fail to recognize bullshit and equally prone to tolerate it. "Healing and reconciliation" with any integrity is impossible until the errors of both sides are acknowledged by themselves and to each other -- and they take action to nullify this stupid election and start, again.

Anyone who has observed the content of email spam has observed the predominance of so much bullshit, in it. It's the same strategy as employed by the political parties: profit from bullshit. They know how stupid the American public has become and they see the potential for profit, in it. So, the problem goes far beyond the election and the political parties; it's endemic to American culture.

And the rest of the world knows it.

Two clips from the film, Network.

You might view the entire film.
Full film: ($2.99)


Humanoid Self-Gratification Laid Naked: The Morlocks and the Eloi
