The Collapsing Universe?

Has a real different feel from
Expanding Universe
doesn't it?

"Collapsing" is a word physicists and physics writers use to describe what happens to a wave when measured.

It "collapses into" (becomes) a particle at the moment of measurement.

It's my opinion that
that may all be good science or good mathematics
but it's bad english.

Here's an easy perspective:

Collapsing Universe
Condensing Universe

Expanding Universe
Evolving Universe

Waves do not "collapse" into particles; they congeal, condense, achieve duration in some local place and time.  They become attractors, a local location, with gravity and other forces operating locally to create a particular behavior.  Like a particle.  A particle is a behavior.  Particles don't "have" behavior; without behavior, there is nothing.  Particles are behaviors.

It's also said that it is gravity that counteracts the radiatory, expanding rush of the Universe and that Black Holes (really strong gravity wells)  suck in light.  Something like a whirlpool
or the swirling of water as it goes down the toilet -- only 4-dimensional or somesuch (or 99,773,173 dimensional,  if you believe in String Theory).

They don't say how.

Maybe, Black Holes are just a behavior -- an "event", as some like to say, and not a thing, at all.

"What is the state of matter inside a Black Hole?" is better asked
"What behaviors are evident inside a Black Hole?"

That would be our answer.

I think matter has a hard time inside a Black Hole.  The Big Squeeze.

Let's do a little "thought-experiment":
Let's consider that one of the stages of transformation matter undergoes
is the loss of unstable structures and the reinforcement of stable ones.

"Loss of unstable structures" means any structure prone to collapse
(there's that word, again)
under sufficient force of stress
collapsing into becoming another, more stable, pattern of organization.

"Reinforcement of stable ones" means structures of sufficient integrity
that they can absorb and distribute the forces running through them and still maintain equilibrium.   Stable patterns of organization.

The Big Squeeze of a Black Hole
is a little like gigantic, stupendous teeth
munching down anything that goes in.

The structures with adequate integrity hold out much longer
than those with  inadequate integrity,
which get ground down to a sufficiently small size
that the resultant particles are stable structures.

So, it's a little like rice pudding.

That's the first stage.

Here's the second stage:

Under the pressurous pull of a Black Hole's gravity field
those particles of different, but stable sizes,
whose vibratory (Brownian) motion kept them apart
are forcibly pulled together.

What happens?  Outflow of energy.

Allow me to use the metaphor of an air conditioner.

The way cooling works
is by compressing the air going through.

The compressed air, which had a certain amount of heat energy
contained in a certain amount of space,
now has the same amount of heat energy
but contained in a much smaller space --
in effect, being hotter in that smaller space ("coil").

The system blows room-temperature air over the coil;
The air heats up and, effectively, extracts some of the heat
from the compressed air inside the coil.

The air is then allowed to decompress/expand to atmospheric pressure
and guess what?
It's colder.  Less heat, bigger space.

Back to The Black Hole.

All those particles are being compressed.
Less space, same heat (energy).


All that liberated energy helps the chomping process
dissolve things into stable particles
as the compressive forces reinforce the stable particles.

Now, we have to dispense with the use of the word, particle.

Remember:  a particle is a stable behavior.

A third stage appears.

This is the third stage:

Loss of Particularity
Return to Latency
or Plenum

"Particle" is a word implying measurement --
if not measurement in a scientific sense
then measurement as in "sizing things up" --
the vernacular for "knowing what's what".

Everything particular is a particle.  See?

In the third stage, with all particles subsumed into
a Quantum Probability Wave Soup
no "currents of tendency" (behaviors)
can congeal or condense for long
before being dissolved.
Things last for shorter and shorter periods of time
and vibrate more tightly for the period they do exist.
Everything is drawn into the single-mindedness
of The Center of All Things,
The Supra-Kosmic Monad to which all things return
as they leave behind their load of energy.

At last everything yields to the Center.

Particles expand back into waves
and waves
to pure potentiality.

As to "collapse" --
well, the word has a role,
but for the purpose used,
"congeal", "condense", "particularize" or even "tangify"
are better used to name a wave event made particular.

Our Universe
is both condensing into existence
and expanding the range of possibilities:

Our Universe is a fractal event
that emerges into existence both by congealing/condensing
and by expanding the complexity of behaviors found in Universe
through the interaction of everything with everything else:
more condensations,
more things;
more things, more interactions.
Expansion of possibilities.

The two processes,
condensation and expansion,
are not in equilibrium with each other
as if opposites in balance.
Rather, the two processes are actually aspects of each other
each maintaining the other.

Matter is behavior,
behavior being the very nature of matter.

So, let's don't collapse waves into particles, anymore.
Let's "condense" them.


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